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  • Gatherbuddy - Vashj'ir Support, Crafting button and other Improvements

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Hawker, Jan 10, 2011.

    1. Ilja Rogoff

      Ilja Rogoff Well-Known Member

      Jan 25, 2010
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      Made very bad experiences using Disengage... quite often you kick yourself back into another group of mobs or down a cliff. there are macros posted somewhere using it... i replaced disengage with Mend Pet. It takes a while to kill the mob but it's save.

      Another idea @Hawker... can you let GB create a separate debug.html for each toon (like debug-[toon-name].html)? I'm using one GB for several toons at the same time but in case of errors I just have one debug.html :)
    2. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Log Zaruss, I need a log :(
    3. Sweking

      Sweking New Member

      Jul 29, 2010
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      Hawker, is there going to be some improvments with the way GB flys (Flying staight up...)? Or'll that happen once GB will become an plugin for HB?

    4. Lawa

      Lawa New Member

      Jan 24, 2010
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      Leaving flight form when gathering herbs. Seems like there are some issues with my badNode aswell.
      Would be really thankfull if someone could take a look.

      [17:19:01:954]:Last error message seen: You are flying.
      [17:19:05:549]:Leave flight form for this Cinderbloom.

      Attached Files:

    5. SMcCloud

      SMcCloud New Member

      Dec 8, 2010
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      I have issues with the bot in both Uldum and Vash'jir on different toons that sometimes when it starts mounting, it will move and interrupt and do this a couple times every few nodes.

      Here is the section of the log that it happens at:
      [12:49:23 PM:498]:Acquiring Obsidium Deposit: ( -5869.245, 4224.664, -515.2855 )
      [12:49:23 PM:501]:Last error message seen: Interrupted
      [12:49:24 PM:122]:Casting Mining.
      [12:49:27 PM:967]:Harvest attempt complete.
      [12:49:28 PM:245]:Acquiring Obsidium Deposit: ( -5869.245, 4224.664, -515.2855 )
      [12:49:28 PM:250]:Last error message seen: Interrupted
      [12:49:32 PM:136]:Harvest failed - never started harvesting!
      [12:49:32 PM:140]:Harvest attempt complete.
      [12:49:32 PM:312]:Acquiring Obsidium Deposit: ( -5869.245, 4224.664, -515.2855 )
      [12:49:32 PM:315]:Last error message seen: Interrupted
      [12:49:36 PM:249]:Harvest failed - never started harvesting!
      [12:49:36 PM:253]:Harvest attempt complete.
      [12:49:36 PM:480]:Acquiring Obsidium Deposit: ( -5869.245, 4224.664, -515.2855 )
      [12:49:36 PM:483]:Last error message seen: Interrupted
      Here is another example:
      [12:53:49 PM:245]:Acquiring Obsidium Deposit: ( -6171.8, 4141.009, -514.8387 )
      [12:53:49 PM:249]:Last error message seen: Interrupted
      [12:53:49 PM:889]:Casting Mining.
      [12:53:54 PM:359]:Harvest attempt complete.
      [12:53:54 PM:597]:Acquiring Obsidium Deposit: ( -6171.8, 4141.009, -514.8387 )
      [12:53:54 PM:652]:Last error message seen: Interrupted
      [12:53:59 PM:9]:Harvest failed - never started harvesting!
      [12:53:59 PM:27]:Harvest attempt complete.
      My ping on both the toons is < 150 if it matters.

      Also, whenever it's mailing I'm still having 2-3 stacks stick around after it's done mailing. They are at the bottom of my 36 slot herbing bag.
      Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
    6. zeus4000

      zeus4000 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hawker, same one i give you for weeks, you have the same 2 kind, exact same thing show, if it chase a creature it show the name and then die coz a croco beat it ( the real mob name never show ), and on a total ignore, it just show he found a node, then boom die all a sudden from the log ( he never noticed the mob ) i will post it again on the next that will bug.

    7. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      Same here. I was having so much trouble trying to gather with my hunter that I scrapped him and leveled up a warrior. There is just no good way for GB to handle combat with hunters without a proper range check and movement.
      Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
    8. iggi66

      iggi66 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Druid is leaving flight form on like every node (EDIT: The log is showing up that it left flight form for buffs, but it also left on next nodes. Can make a new log if needed..):

      [8:35:32 PM:103]:Gatherbuddy - System information. 
      [8:35:32 PM:104]:Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2.
      [8:35:32 PM:105]:Gatherbuddy executable: D:\Programme\winampacata\winampa.exe
      [8:35:32 PM:112]:WoW Process with ID 4572 is free.
      [8:35:33 PM:67]:Attached to WoW ProcessId: 4572.
      [8:35:33 PM:76]:Command line argument: D:\Programme\winampacata\winampa.exe
      [8:35:35 PM:912]:Tripwire is ready.
      [8:35:35 PM:918]:Attempting Authorization
      [8:35:37 PM:304]:AUTH OK
      [8:35:39 PM:992]:Loaded 36 Path Names.
      [8:35:39 PM:996]:Running Uldum Gertenrohr in Circle mode.
      [8:35:45 PM:233]:Starting Gatherbuddy running Uldum Gertenrohr.
      [8:35:45 PM:236]:Character is a level 84 Horde DRUID.
      [8:35:45 PM:237]:Character will harvest herbs.
      [8:35:45 PM:238]:Combat range is 5 yards.
      [8:35:45 PM:240]:Character will repair when gear is at 50% durability.
      [8:35:45 PM:242]:Will exit in 8 hours.
      [8:35:45 PM:243]:Current zone is: Uldum.
      [8:35:45 PM:244]:ZoneId is 5034.
      [8:35:45 PM:245]:Continent Id is 1.
      [8:35:45 PM:246]:Harvest count reset to Zero.
      [8:35:45 PM:272]:95 bad nodes in built in blacklist for this continent.
      [8:35:45 PM:273]:Nodes added from badNodes.xml: 0
      [8:35:45 PM:943]:Patrolling...Uldum Gertenrohr
      [8:35:45 PM:950]:Patrol: Ascent needed.
      [8:35:46 PM:951]:Patrol: Ascent complete.
      [8:36:31 PM:288]:Stopping patrol.
      [8:36:31 PM:625]:Maneuvering towards Whiptail: ( -11451.17, -1309.191, 0.3801673 )
      [8:36:31 PM:630]:Moving to node...
      [8:36:32 PM:145]:IsObjectUnderground test for 17371254575977314246.
      [8:36:34 PM:732]:Maneuvering complete.
      [8:36:35 PM:126]:Acquiring Whiptail: ( -11451.17, -1309.191, 0.3801673 )
      [8:36:35 PM:132]:Last error message seen: Ihr fliegt.
      [8:36:38 PM:736]:Leave flight form for buffs.
      [8:36:39 PM:149]:Harvest failed - never started harvesting!
      [8:36:39 PM:151]:Harvest attempt complete.
      [8:36:39 PM:408]:Acquiring Whiptail: ( -11451.17, -1309.191, 0.3801673 )
      [8:36:39 PM:413]:Last error message seen: Ihr fliegt.
      [8:36:39 PM:845]:Casting Herbalism.
      [8:36:41 PM:149]:Whiptail is harvested.  Harvest count is now 1.
      [8:36:41 PM:150]:Harvest attempt complete.
      Druid is leaving aquatic form on every node and button 8 is not being hitted every second, which is a problem for druids botting as balanced, because they look like doing nothing for seconds after each cast:

      [9:55:44 PM:120]:Gatherbuddy - System information. 
      [9:55:44 PM:130]:Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2.
      [9:55:44 PM:131]:Gatherbuddy executable: D:\Programme\winampacata\winampa.exe
      [9:55:44 PM:152]:WoW Process with ID 2076 is free.
      [9:55:46 PM:206]:Attached to WoW ProcessId: 2076.
      [9:55:46 PM:236]:Command line argument: D:\Programme\winampacata\winampa.exe
      [9:55:50 PM:180]:Gatherbuddy
      [9:55:50 PM:183]:Authenticating
      [9:55:50 PM:211]:Attempting Authorization
      [9:55:51 PM:642]:AUTH OK
      [9:55:55 PM:277]:Loaded 35 Path Names.
      [9:55:55 PM:282]:Running Uldum Gertenrohr in Circle mode.
      [9:56:04 PM:420]:Tripwire is ready.
      [9:56:04 PM:600]:Starting Gatherbuddy running Abyssische Tiefen.
      [9:56:04 PM:603]:Character is a level 84 Horde DRUID.
      [9:56:04 PM:606]:Character will harvest herbs.
      [9:56:04 PM:608]:Combat range is 5 yards.
      [9:56:04 PM:609]:Character will repair when gear is at 50% durability.
      [9:56:04 PM:611]:Will exit in 8 hours.
      [9:56:04 PM:613]:Current zone is: Abyssische Tiefen.
      [9:56:04 PM:614]:ZoneId is 5145.
      [9:56:04 PM:615]:Continent Id is 0.
      [9:56:04 PM:616]:Harvest count reset to Zero.
      [9:56:04 PM:661]:3 bad nodes in built in blacklist for this continent.
      [9:56:04 PM:663]:Nodes added from badNodes.xml: 0
      [9:56:05 PM:615]:Patrolling...Abyssische Tiefen
      [9:56:05 PM:622]:Patrol: Ascent needed.
      [9:56:06 PM:629]:Patrol: Ascent complete.
      [9:56:07 PM:677]:Stopping patrol.
      [9:56:07 PM:968]:Maneuvering towards Stormvine: ( -6103.149, 6337.554, -969.8262 )
      [9:56:07 PM:972]:Moving to node...
      [9:56:08 PM:504]:IsObjectUnderground test for 17659484934949115974.
      [9:56:23 PM:367]:Node within dismount range.
      [9:56:24 PM:445]:Maneuvering complete.
      [9:56:24 PM:576]:Acquiring Stormvine: ( -6103.149, 6337.554, -969.8262 )
      [9:56:24 PM:581]:Last error message seen: |Hplayer:XXX|h[XXX]|h ist jetzt online.
      [9:56:25 PM:23]:Casting Herbalism.
      [9:56:26 PM:626]:Stormvine is harvested.  Harvest count is now 1.
      [9:56:26 PM:628]:Harvest attempt complete.
      [9:56:26 PM:829]:Get buffs.
      [9:56:26 PM:832]:Bar 3 button 9 for 5 minute buffs.
      [9:56:28 PM:497]:Bar 3 button 0 for 15 minute buffs.
      [9:56:30 PM:121]:Buffs complete.
      [9:56:30 PM:125]:      Harvest Report:
      [9:56:30 PM:126]:      Stormvine: 1
      [9:56:30 PM:127]:      1 nodes gathered in 0 hours 0 minutes 45 seconds.
      [9:56:30 PM:338]:Patrolling...Abyssische Tiefen
      [9:56:30 PM:341]:Mount to Patrol
      [9:56:30 PM:347]:Ascend to mount in Vash'jir.
      [9:56:31 PM:442]:Bar 3 button 1 to mount.
      [9:56:35 PM:226]:MountAndTakeOff: Ascent needed.
      [9:56:35 PM:227]:MountAndTakeOff: Ascent complete.
      [9:56:35 PM:229]:Mount sequence complete.
      [9:56:35 PM:232]:Patrol: Ascent needed.
      [9:56:36 PM:232]:Patrol: Ascent complete.
      [9:57:04 PM:778]:Stopping patrol.
      [9:57:04 PM:905]:Maneuvering towards Azshara's Veil: ( -6014.259, 6066.382, -790.272 )
      [9:57:04 PM:907]:Moving to node...
      [9:57:05 PM:422]:IsObjectUnderground test for 17659484939244082877.
      [9:57:07 PM:295]:Node within dismount range.
      [9:57:08 PM:4]:Maneuvering complete.
      [9:57:08 PM:213]:Acquiring Azshara's Veil: ( -6014.259, 6066.382, -790.272 )
      [9:57:08 PM:216]:Last error message seen: |Hplayer:XXX|h[XXX]|h ist jetzt online.
      [9:57:08 PM:733]:Casting Herbalism.
      [9:57:09 PM:334]:Never saw loot window. Fight then try to harvest again.
      [9:57:09 PM:336]:Harvest attempt complete.
      [9:57:10 PM:326]:Failed to find attacker.
      [9:57:10 PM:327]:Can't find the attacker.
      [9:57:12 PM:308]:Begin combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai.
      [9:57:12 PM:311]:Target selection complete. Begin combat with [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/npc=42113"]Dornenschuppenhammerhai[/URL]
      [9:57:12 PM:335]:Entered combat loop
      [9:57:12 PM:338]:Hit Key 6 for opener and 10 second move.
      [9:57:12 PM:339]:Hit Key 7 for 6 second moves.
      [9:57:12 PM:342]:Hit Key 8 for 1 second moves.
      [9:57:12 PM:861]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 37187 health.
      [9:57:13 PM:162]:Key 6 pressed.
      [9:57:14 PM:516]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 36998 health.
      [9:57:14 PM:812]:Key 7 pressed.
      [9:57:16 PM:566]:Key 8 pressed.
      [9:57:19 PM:534]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 36768 health.
      [9:57:19 PM:812]:Key 8 pressed.
      [9:57:21 PM:998]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 36537 health.
      [9:57:22 PM:303]:Key 7 pressed.
      [9:57:23 PM:498]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 34638 health.
      [9:57:23 PM:810]:Key 6 pressed.
      [9:57:24 PM:993]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 33296 health.
      [9:57:25 PM:284]:Key 8 pressed.
      [9:57:27 PM:507]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 31596 health.
      [9:57:27 PM:787]:Key 8 pressed.
      [9:57:30 PM:14]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 19382 health.
      [9:57:30 PM:319]:Key 7 pressed.
      [9:57:31 PM:511]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 18532 health.
      [9:57:31 PM:798]:Key 8 pressed.
      [9:57:34 PM:12]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 16629 health.
      [9:57:34 PM:321]:Key 6 pressed.
      [9:57:35 PM:508]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 4429 health.
      [9:57:35 PM:801]:Key 8 pressed.
      [9:57:38 PM:16]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 2369 health.
      [9:57:38 PM:314]:Key 7 pressed.
      [9:57:40 PM:535]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 2163 health.
      [9:57:40 PM:835]:Key 8 pressed.
      [9:57:43 PM:63]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 1960 health.
      [9:57:43 PM:375]:Key 8 pressed.
      [9:57:44 PM:592]:Error - sync2: WebClient unterstützt keine gleichzeitigen E/A-Vorgänge.
      [9:57:45 PM:323]:In combat with Dornenschuppenhammerhai which has 768 health.
      [9:57:45 PM:615]:Key 6 pressed.
      [9:57:46 PM:294]:Patrolling...Abyssische Tiefen
      [9:57:46 PM:298]:Mount to Patrol
      [9:57:46 PM:301]:Ascend to mount in Vash'jir.
      [9:57:47 PM:443]:Bar 3 button 1 to mount.
      [9:57:51 PM:242]:MountAndTakeOff: Ascent needed.
      [9:57:51 PM:243]:MountAndTakeOff: Ascent complete.
      [9:57:51 PM:245]:Mount sequence complete.
      [9:57:51 PM:248]:Patrol: Ascent needed.
      [9:57:52 PM:249]:Patrol: Ascent complete.
      [9:58:00 PM:673]:Gatherbuddy is stopped.
      [9:58:00 PM:833]:      Harvest Report:
      [9:58:00 PM:835]:      Stormvine: 1
      [9:58:00 PM:836]:      1 nodes gathered in 0 hours 2 minutes 16 seconds.
      [9:58:01 PM:476]:Stopping patrol.
      These things are making Druids looking bottish at the moment... Please look into it.

      Thanks iggi
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
    9. Nazaruk

      Nazaruk Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      How to craft work?
    10. juju

      juju Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      I posted two logs in the first page showing that vashj'ir mailing is still bugged, it'll go to silver tide hollow when bags are full, mail the items, then go back outside of silver tide hollow and bug out, mounting and dismounting over and over till i restart gb. Mailing works fine in all other zones, and I've done a fresh install of gb and it still bugs out after it mails only in vashj'ir.
    11. zeus4000

      zeus4000 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Trophy Points:
      Hawker there is another problem , this one isnt or doesnt seem to come from the ignore but insteand a getting closer to the mob problem at least from logs, my pal are lvl 85 and decked, a crocodile cannot beat them......Check the logs carefully. Hmm site doesnt seem to want me to attach something today, added the most important part anyway.

      [7:37:14 PM:127]:Acquiring Cinderbloom: ( -9194.649, 738.1146, 215.0294 )
      [7:37:14 PM:132]:Last error message seen: Spell is not ready yet.
      [7:37:14 PM:448]:Harvest failed - never started harvesting!
      [7:37:14 PM:451]:Harvest attempt complete.
      [7:37:14 PM:628]:Setting Neferset Crocolisk as target.
      [7:37:14 PM:647]:setTarget: 17379589892023472273
      [7:37:15 PM:969]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:37:18 PM:534]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:37:18 PM:659]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:37:19 PM:308]:Key 6 pressed.
      [7:37:20 PM:994]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:37:21 PM:190]:Error - sync: Thread is running or terminated; it cannot restart.
      [7:37:21 PM:263]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:37:21 PM:393]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:37:22 PM:37]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:37:24 PM:43]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:37:24 PM:311]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:37:24 PM:440]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:37:24 PM:802]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:37:26 PM:985]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:37:29 PM:483]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:37:31 PM:682]:Key 6 pressed.
      [7:37:33 PM:160]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:37:33 PM:423]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:37:33 PM:554]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:37:33 PM:968]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:37:36 PM:238]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:37:37 PM:536]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:37:37 PM:667]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:37:38 PM:14]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:37:39 PM:236]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:37:41 PM:534]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:37:41 PM:667]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:37:42 PM:46]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:37:45 PM:543]:Key 6 pressed.
      [7:37:46 PM:799]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:37:47 PM:574]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:37:47 PM:714]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:37:48 PM:111]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:37:49 PM:370]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:37:51 PM:172]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:37:51 PM:313]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:37:51 PM:608]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:37:54 PM:142]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:37:56 PM:606]:Key 6 pressed.
      [7:37:58 PM:105]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:37:59 PM:704]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:38:01 PM:916]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:02 PM:941]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:03 PM:74]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:03 PM:469]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:38:05 PM:431]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:07 PM:974]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:08 PM:318]:Key 6 pressed.
      [7:38:09 PM:640]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:10 PM:924]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:11 PM:56]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:11 PM:452]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:38:12 PM:695]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:13 PM:467]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:13 PM:602]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:13 PM:882]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:38:16 PM:977]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:17 PM:510]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:17 PM:652]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:18 PM:50]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:38:19 PM:456]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:19 PM:975]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:20 PM:117]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:20 PM:379]:Key 6 pressed.
      [7:38:21 PM:208]:Error - sync2: WebClient does not support concurrent I/O operations.
      [7:38:21 PM:738]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:22 PM:509]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:22 PM:650]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:22 PM:980]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:38:25 PM:216]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:26 PM:500]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:26 PM:631]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:26 PM:993]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:38:29 PM:45]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:38:31 PM:153]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:31 PM:667]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:31 PM:796]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:32 PM:111]:Key 6 pressed.
      [7:38:33 PM:533]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:36 PM:83]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:36 PM:555]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:38:37 PM:991]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:40 PM:61]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:40 PM:192]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:40 PM:722]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:38:43 PM:624]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:44 PM:150]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:44 PM:291]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:44 PM:652]:Key 6 pressed.
      [7:38:46 PM:93]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:46 PM:870]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:47 PM:6]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:47 PM:351]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:38:48 PM:822]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:49 PM:852]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:49 PM:988]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:50 PM:283]:Key 8 pressed.
      [7:38:52 PM:543]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:53 PM:574]:Neferset Crocolisk is now within combat range.
      [7:38:53 PM:703]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:54 PM:84]:Key 7 pressed.
      [7:38:55 PM:358]:Move to attack Neferset Crocolisk.
      [7:38:57 PM:924]:In combat with Neferset Crocolisk which has 64496 health.
      [7:38:58 PM:879]:Key 6 pressed.
      [7:38:59 PM:533]:Dead.
      [7:39:05 PM:52]:Found a spirithealer!

    12. zeus4000

      zeus4000 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      and another dead from croco, bot doesnt seem to move perfectly in range sometime......causing him to not be able to whack the croco
    13. zeus4000

      zeus4000 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yet another diff bot beated the dust, but this time i saw it, ecactly like the log i posted above and what i tough lol, but this looked bot like and pitifull, you might want to try to find the problem.

      It first turned toward a creature chasing it without target it for 3-4 second or so, then ran all around ( even dragged another croco ) trying to actualy acquire a target ( he NEVER menaged to target any of the 2 croco ) and was running really all around trying to face them pershap......??? anyway you have a very BIG target issue, guessing or at least hoping the bot would have faced the targetted mob but then we dont know.......pershap it would have had also problem to face it.

      Anyway we back with the usual 3-4 last version problem but to me it looked worse as the bot was looking like a very fucked up bot.

    14. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      we need your logs as attachments
    15. mnbandit

      mnbandit New Member

      Nov 13, 2010
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      This is so true and hopefully will get fixed soon.

      If I use the last version, the druid doesn't look bottish at all, doesn't dismount, and doesn't take an eternity to gather.
    16. zeus4000

      zeus4000 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Tony, The site wont lets me, i pasted it , anyway it bugged right away on that logs, not much above it. Log are copy pasted almost in full
    17. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      zip it and upload it
    18. juju

      juju Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      [2:32:24 AM:515]:Error - sync: Thread is running or terminated; it cannot restart.
      [2:33:24 AM:515]:Error - sync2: WebClient does not support concurrent I/O operations.

      What does that mean? It only happens in vashj'ir. I've posted logs on the first page.
    19. zeus4000

      zeus4000 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Here is your attachement from the second bug.

      First bug, he never menage to target properly sometime crocodile and get beated while running all around like a chicken, look totaly bot that want to ask for a ban if you ask me ( 3-4 post above contain copy pasted of that bug )

      Second bug is the ignore of the crocodile that beat him....he try to harvest and never notice he is being beated, look less botish but thats another 15 min of delay. Logs are pined in this post about that bug.

      Lots probably suffering those bugs but doesnt see them happend as mob hit like a truck, but if your toon is semi decked and died 4-5 time +

      Those bug are in the previous 5 release if i recall well some version have it worse than others.....pershap time to find a real fix plz, those dead add overall 1h 30-2h to my farming atm and are risky for my bots to get easily spoted as being a bot. While HB get better, GB is going down in quality.


      Attached Files:

    20. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      [5:01:45 AM:635]:Last error message seen: A buyer has been found for your auction of Whiptail.
      [5:01:49 AM:453]:Harvest failed - never started harvesting!
      [5:01:49 AM:461]:Harvest attempt complete.
      [5:01:49 AM:640]:Dead.

      It died in the time it was casting! Was it naked or ?

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