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  • Pures old routines fixed for pve or pvp

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nexis5000, May 31, 2015.

    1. Twentycents

      Twentycents Member

      Oct 26, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Guys, does someone know why the Fury.cs submitted by Nexis ain't working ? i don't know how to fix it ... since pure base routines don't have original Fury.cs
    2. nivitro

      nivitro New Member

      Jul 10, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Sorry for advance, but I cant get the routine to show up in the drop down menu in bot.

      I have deleted CompiledAssemblies folder.

      I have the CR installed in D:\buddywing\Routines\PureSwtor(svn folder)\

      I play assassin so I put the Deception.cs and Hatred.cs files to PureSwtor\Classes\Assassin folder.

      So im just guessing what did I do wrong? I only see the "DefaultCombat" in the drop down menu.
    3. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Guys, no logs no help
    4. Nexis5000

      Nexis5000 New Member

      Dec 5, 2013
      Likes Received:
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      sorry for the extremely late reply only just started gaming again just checked the fury routine and it works fine on my end like cryo said post a log so so we can see what is actually the problem
    5. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Nexis, isnt it better to create a fork and up a new SVN for your work?
    6. Nexis5000

      Nexis5000 New Member

      Dec 5, 2013
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    7. Nexis5000

      Nexis5000 New Member

      Dec 5, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      also i have no idea how to do a svn
    8. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Fork is, you take the main open source project and create an alternative from the original code with own modifications or additions. Read up about svn / github. It's easy after a couple of reads.
    9. Twentycents

      Twentycents Member

      Oct 26, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      The problem actually is that, we got like 3 Routine project on BuddyWing
      The classic rotations,
      The Pure ones
      The Pure ones revisited by Nexis,
      The question is that, which routine should we use for which class/spec

      I got trouble using the mercenary > bodyguard routines, none of them seems to work, operative healing is working btw
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
    10. Twentycents

      Twentycents Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Or maybe we could have a recap post for using Routines the best way in September 2015 ?

      If i got it right, dowload the bot, install it, delete the classic routine folder, create a new routine and Svn it from https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/pureswtor/trunk/PureSwtor/

      This way u got alld the old pure routine, but what did nexis change ? when i open both routine let's say, both MM, Pure one & Nexis One, i see nothing different

      i'm totally lost
    11. Praline

      Praline Member

      Aug 17, 2015
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      The best way to use Routines in September 2015 is to use the DEFAULT that comes bundled with the bot. It is better (to start with) than PURE/UNPURE and written by the same author specifically to accommodate changes that happened in the new SWTOR.
    12. SkyHigh

      SkyHigh Member

      Apr 15, 2010
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      Default has like 10 fps for me, pures runs at 40. So yeah.
    13. Nexis5000

      Nexis5000 New Member

      Dec 5, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      whats differant is that i updated the routines that never did to the current patch =D
    14. Twentycents

      Twentycents Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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    15. Twentycents

      Twentycents Member

      Oct 26, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      But, why then the classic pure routines are working ??
      Why some of your aren't , i just can't figure it out, i'm not pro in coding but i know some basic and can't understand why, when i change from pures rotations to yours the bot don't recognize them oO
    16. Twentycents

      Twentycents Member

      Oct 26, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Does someone got a BodyGuard Mercenary Routine working ? Mine does nothing

      [HIDE]2015-09-16 21:22:16,578 [1] INFO Log - Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1236.734
      2015-09-16 21:22:38,115 [3] INFO Log - Logging in...
      2015-09-16 21:22:38,788 [3] INFO Log - T: 5247466372008650992 H: 1636807880
      2015-09-16 21:22:38,790 [3] INFO Log - Login Success!
      2015-09-16 21:22:39,883 [7] INFO Log - First CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
      2015-09-16 21:22:39,884 [7] INFO Log - OS Version: Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      2015-09-16 21:22:39,884 [7] INFO Log - App Path: C:\HB SWTOR Pure\Buddywing.exe
      2015-09-16 21:22:44,952 [7] INFO Log - User is a BountyHunter
      2015-09-16 21:22:47,820 [7] INFO Log - Advanced Class: Mercenary / Discipline: CombatMedic
      2015-09-16 21:22:47,821 [7] INFO Log - Routine Path: Routines
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,922 [7] INFO Log - LazyRaider Disabling Loot Targeting
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,925 [7] INFO Log - LazyRaider Disabling Mounting
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,925 [7] INFO Log - LazyRaider Disabling Movement
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,925 [7] INFO Log - LazyRaider Disabling Targeting
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,926 [7] INFO Log - LazyRaider Disabling Repop
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,927 [7] INFO Log - [Hot Key][F7] Toggle AOE
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,928 [7] INFO Log - [Hot Key][F8] Load UI
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,928 [7] INFO Log - [Hot Key][F12] Set Tank
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,928 [7] INFO Log - [Hot Key][F9] Toggle Pause
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,928 [7] INFO Log - Initialize Behaviors
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,929 [7] INFO Log - RebuildBehaviors called.
      2015-09-16 21:22:48,998 [7] INFO Log - Medpac Created!
      2015-09-16 21:22:50,489 [7] INFO Log - Using Commando Assault by Ama rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:50,516 [7] INFO Log - Using Commando Combat Medic by alltrueist rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:50,867 [7] INFO Log - Using Marauder Rage by distiny rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:50,951 [7] INFO Log - Using Mercenary Pyrotech by Ama rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,322 [7] INFO Log - Using Sentinel Focus by distiny rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,375 [7] INFO Log - Using Shadow Balance by alltrueist rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,402 [7] INFO Log - Using Shadow Kinetic Combat by alltrueist rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,687 [7] INFO Log - Rebuild Complete.
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,688 [7] INFO Log - Chose Pure Rotation as your combat routine.
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,688 [7] INFO Log - LazyRaider Disabling Loot Targeting
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,688 [7] INFO Log - LazyRaider Disabling Mounting
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,689 [7] INFO Log - LazyRaider Disabling Movement
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,689 [7] INFO Log - LazyRaider Disabling Targeting
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,689 [7] INFO Log - LazyRaider Disabling Repop
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,689 [7] INFO Log - [Hot Key][F7] Toggle AOE
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,690 [7] INFO Log - [Hot Key][F8] Load UI
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,690 [7] INFO Log - [Hot Key][F12] Set Tank
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,690 [7] INFO Log - [Hot Key][F9] Toggle Pause
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,690 [7] INFO Log - Initialize Behaviors
      2015-09-16 21:22:51,690 [7] INFO Log - RebuildBehaviors called.
      2015-09-16 21:22:53,144 [7] INFO Log - Using Commando Assault by Ama rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:53,169 [7] INFO Log - Using Commando Combat Medic by alltrueist rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:53,516 [7] INFO Log - Using Marauder Rage by distiny rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:53,601 [7] INFO Log - Using Mercenary Pyrotech by Ama rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:53,975 [7] INFO Log - Using Sentinel Focus by distiny rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:54,030 [7] INFO Log - Using Shadow Balance by alltrueist rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:54,061 [7] INFO Log - Using Shadow Kinetic Combat by alltrueist rotation based on Character Spec
      2015-09-16 21:22:54,337 [7] INFO Log - Rebuild Complete.
      2015-09-16 21:22:54,340 [7] INFO Log - There are 0 plugins.
      2015-09-16 21:22:54,489 [7] INFO Log - Current bot set to Combat Bot
      2015-09-16 21:22:54,493 [7] INFO Log - Loaded profile
      2015-09-16 21:22:54,498 [1] INFO Log - Sell quality set to Premium.
      2015-09-16 21:22:54,501 [7] INFO Log - Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
      2015-09-16 21:22:56,094 [1] INFO Log - Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
      2015-09-16 21:22:56,230 [1] INFO Log - Current bot set to Combat Bot
      2015-09-16 21:22:56,231 [1] INFO Log - Loaded profile
      2015-09-16 21:22:56,751 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR Log - System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Une exception a été levée par la cible d'un appel. ---> System.Exception: Node is not an Effect.
      à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorEffect..ctor(????????????????????????????????????????? node)
      --- Fin de la trace de la pile d'exception interne ---
      à System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
      à System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.Invoke(BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
      à System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
      à System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes)
      à System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture)
      à Buddy.Common.Utilities.CreateInstance[T](Object[] constructorArguments)
      à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.Containers.TorContainer`1.?????????????????????????????????????????.?????????????????????????????????????????()
      à Buddy.Swtor.ObjectManager.?????????????????????????????????????????.?????????????????????????????????????????(UInt64 )
      à System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)
      à Buddy.Swtor.ObjectManager.GetOrAdd(UInt64 id, Func`1 getFunc)
      à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.Containers.TorContainer`1.?????????????????????????????????????????(????????????????????????????????????????? )
      à System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
      à System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
      à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.GetBuff(String buffName)
      à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.HasBuff(String buffName)
      à PureSWTor.Helpers.Extensions.BuffCount(TorCharacter p, String buffName) dans c:\HB SWTOR Pure\Routines\Pure clean\Helpers\Extensions.cs:ligne 38
      à PureSWTor.Classes.Shadow.Combat.<get_HandleCoolDowns>b__6(Object ret) dans c:\HB SWTOR Pure\Routines\Pure clean\Classes\Shadow\Combat.cs:ligne 55
      à PureSWTor.Core.Spell.<>c__DisplayClass26.<Buff>b__21(Object ret) dans c:\HB SWTOR Pure\Routines\Pure clean\Core\Spell.cs:ligne 113
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à PureSWTor.Classes.Shadow.Combat.LockSelector.Tick(Object context) dans c:\HB SWTOR Pure\Routines\Pure clean\Classes\Shadow\Combat.cs:ligne 125
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.?????????????????????????????????????????()
      2015-09-16 21:23:01,982 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:23:02,171 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:23:02,364 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:23:03,806 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:23:04,001 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:23:04,170 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:23:04,361 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:22,315 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:22,515 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:22,715 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:22,903 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:29,287 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:29,461 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:29,656 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:40,586 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:40,778 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:40,971 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:53,176 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:53,384 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:24:53,574 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:25:05,517 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:25:05,711 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:25:05,907 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:25:06,085 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:25:23,556 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:25:23,749 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:25:23,951 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:25:24,143 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:25:24,403 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:26:14,260 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:26:14,450 [Hotkey Detection Thread] INFO Log - Hotkey pressed: DevButton
      2015-09-16 21:26:21,548 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR Log - System.NullReferenceException: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
      à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.Containers.TorContainer`1.?????????????????????????????????????????(????????????????????????????????????????? )
      à System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
      à System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
      à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.GetBuff(String buffName)
      à Buddy.Swtor.Objects.TorCharacter.HasBuff(String buffName)
      à PureSWTor.Classes.Shadow.Combat.<get_HandleSingleTarget>b__13(Object ret) dans c:\HB SWTOR Pure\Routines\Pure clean\Classes\Shadow\Combat.cs:ligne 92
      à PureSWTor.Core.Spell.<>c__DisplayClass9.<Cast>b__6(Object ret) dans c:\HB SWTOR Pure\Routines\Pure clean\Core\Spell.cs:ligne 42
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à PureSWTor.Classes.Shadow.Combat.LockSelector.Tick(Object context) dans c:\HB SWTOR Pure\Routines\Pure clean\Classes\Shadow\Combat.cs:ligne 125
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator.?????????????????????????????????????????.MoveNext()
      à (IEnumerator )
      à Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      à Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.?????????????????????????????????????????()
      2015-09-16 21:26:39,225 [Main Bot Thread] INFO Log - We've left an area, reloading the node manager!
      2015-09-16 21:26:41,358 [Main Bot Thread] INFO Log - Reason:[/HIDE]
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
    17. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Then you made a coding booboo. :)
      I dove into pure and default in the weekend and targeting is different between them.
      This is something Ama needs to look into, as there is something that 'may' go wrong.
    18. Cryogenesis

      Cryogenesis Moderator Moderator

      Jul 13, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      What level? Your problem is now, the bot reports the wrong class/spec and then pure loads all basic rotations and then does nothing ( i know old bug).
      There is a fix, but i need to know what level you are now and what spec (line the full spec please, as i dont play all classes :) )

      Pure.cs needs to be updated to reflect the good discipline (sadly i dont know how without testing).
      Should be something like (you can try adding this between the lines 256 and 257 of pure.cs):
      If (Me.Class == "BountyHunter" && Me.AdvancedClass == "Mercenary" && Me.Discipline == "CombatMedic")
      rotation.KeySpec == "Bodyguard"
      Hell people can shoot me on the code, as i dont know if this works.
      If you do this, backup pure.cs first and after editing delete compiledassemblies then run bot.
      Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
    19. Twentycents

      Twentycents Member

      Oct 26, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Level is 60, Class is Mercenary, Spec is Bodyguard (healer)
    20. Twentycents

      Twentycents Member

      Oct 26, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Bugging the bot even more

      [HIDE]2015-09-17 15:24:18,978 [1] INFO Log - Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1236.734
      2015-09-17 15:24:22,074 [7] INFO Log - Logging in...
      2015-09-17 15:24:22,832 [7] INFO Log - T: 5247467021048452588 H: 3133076677
      2015-09-17 15:24:22,834 [7] INFO Log - Login Success!
      2015-09-17 15:24:24,004 [8] INFO Log - First CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
      2015-09-17 15:24:24,005 [8] INFO Log - OS Version: Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      2015-09-17 15:24:24,005 [8] INFO Log - App Path: C:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Buddywing.exe
      2015-09-17 15:24:27,641 [8] INFO Log - User is a BountyHunter
      2015-09-17 15:24:29,608 [8] INFO Log - Advanced Class: Mercenary / Discipline: CombatMedic
      2015-09-17 15:24:29,609 [8] INFO Log - Routine Path: Routines
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,913 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(57,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,913 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(59,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,913 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(63,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,914 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(66,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,914 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(78,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,914 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(102,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,914 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(107,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,914 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(180,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,914 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(237,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,915 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(257,108) : error CS1002: ; attendu
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,915 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(259,39) : error CS1002: ; attendu
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,915 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(327,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,915 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Pure.cs(328,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,915 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(49,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,916 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(51,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,916 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(53,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,916 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(55,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,916 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(57,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,916 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(59,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,916 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(102,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,917 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(133,29) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,917 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(143,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,917 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(159,25) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,917 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(182,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,917 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Unpure.cs(183,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,917 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Classes\RotationBase.cs(56,25) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,918 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Classes\RotationBase.cs(95,25) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,918 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Core\Spell.cs(45,29) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,918 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Core\Spell.cs(57,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,918 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Core\Spell.cs(75,21) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,918 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Core\Spell.cs(138,29) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,919 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\BuffLog.cs(29,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,919 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\BuffLog.cs(35,25) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,919 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\BuffLog.cs(42,25) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,919 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\BuffLog.cs(50,25) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,919 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\BuffLog.cs(57,25) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,919 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\BuffLog.cs(60,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,920 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\InventoryManager.cs(27,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,920 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\Logger.cs(18,37) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,920 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\Logger.cs(26,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Color, string, params object[])' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,920 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\Logger.cs(32,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(Buddy.Common.LogLevel, System.Windows.Media.Color, string, params object[])' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,920 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\Logger.cs(39,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Color, string, params object[])' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,920 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\Logger.cs(45,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Color, string, params object[])' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,921 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\Logger.cs(51,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(Buddy.Common.LogLevel, System.Windows.Media.Color, string, params object[])' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,921 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\Logger.cs(58,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(Buddy.Common.LogLevel, System.Windows.Media.Color, string, params object[])' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,921 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Helpers\RandomGrind.cs(22,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,921 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\HealingManager.cs(175,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,921 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(74,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,921 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(79,17) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,922 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(156,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,922 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(179,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,922 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(186,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,922 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(193,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,922 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(199,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,922 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(205,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,923 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(212,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,923 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(219,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,923 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(226,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,923 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Managers\LazyRaider.cs(232,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,923 [8] ERROR Log - Compiler Error: c:\HB SWTOR UnPure\Routines\UnPure\Settings\GUI\ConfigurationForm.cs(136,13) : warning CS0618: 'Buddy.Common.Logging.Write(string)' est obsolète*: 'Logging.WriteX is no longer used, declare [private ILog _log = Log.Get();] in your type and use its members instead!'
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,925 [8] ERROR Log - Unhandled exception during init:
      System.InvalidOperationException: No routines were loaded. Please ensure there is a routine for your class before starting the bot.
      à Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine()
      à Buddywing.MainWindow.?????????????????????????????????????????()
      2015-09-17 15:24:30,926 [8] INFO Log - Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
      2015-09-17 15:24:34,931 [1] ERROR Log - System.InvalidOperationException: No routines were loaded. Please ensure there is a routine for your class before starting the bot.
      à Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine()
      à Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.Start()
      à Buddywing.MainWindow.?????????????????????????????????????????(Object , RoutedEventArgs )
      2015-09-17 15:24:37,125 [1] INFO Log - Current bot set to Combat Bot
      2015-09-17 15:24:37,129 [1] INFO Log - Loaded profile


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