This make it so you start cast incenerate at the max range configured ( my setting: combat:65 melee(slot -1):15 ranged: (Incenerateslot)33 ) and keep firing and turning to next best target without stopping shooting, until the bot decide that he need to move, and release the skill. View attachment
Sadly, there are several issues with this fix. 1. It doesn't actually fix the major issue of Incinerate being used as Melee skill. Bot keeps facerunning stuff instead of engaging from a small distance. 2. This fix somehow ruined looting. This is what I get every time when some valuable item drops DURING the combat. In these cases bot burns away enemies with Incinerate, then keeps channeling it randomly while there are no monsters nearby... and after several seconds of doing that he simply stands there while I get these strings all over my bot log.
Wish I had some motivation to keep being polite... but I don't, not after this. To hell with politeness. Not only random derps fail to issue a "simple fix y u cannot into code tweaks" properly, but they actually think they can bullshit people around. No wonder EB support is nowhere near as decent as DB one. I tried to be polite. I ignored your arrogant babbling because you were doing something useful at least. But this, this is way too much. Enjoy your stay. I'm done with this community.
Wisdom is now valuable, life is complete. Actually if people managed to understand that you can raise the min/max distance of fighting... :x Incinerate works fine (well, not 100% optimized) with default routine... Hope you'll do fine without us, cya
I tried it for a couple of hours and it works, for the most part. There is one problem where u get stuck casting for ever if a monster is around a corner attacking ur golem or w/e. The bot will say "cant see, trying to move" but it just keep casting in place. I switched back to totems(just wanted to try if it worked for future chars) but I can reroll couple of points and try to replicate the problem if u want some kind of info/log on the issue. Thanks for ur work nontheless!
Thanks a lot man, that fixed it. Working for 2h~ without any problems. I found ur routine to be faster than dual totem(and totemizer routine), the delay on placing totems+totem start casting is just slowing the runs a lot. With this routine the map runs go about 1,5/2 mins faster. So again, thanks for ur work! edit: Found and issue, similar to the previous one. If the bot tries to cast another spell(vaal skellys/grace/w.e or golem) while its channeling, it get stuck at casting for ever. Im just not using golem nor vaal spells for now because of this, but it'll be great if u could cast vaal spells coz they give pretty big survavility/dps bost!
Tried the new file, still "stuck" at casting when the bot tried to cast vaal skellys at the boss. The boss died(without casting vaal skellys coz he was stuck at incinerate) and after the boss died he keep casting. The message the bot spamed: [FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Incinerate. [FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Incinerate.
Testing... edit: after 3h testing seems to be working better... not sure if 100% fixed but it doesnt stay casting for ever now
Yep, working pretty well here. The only issue I found is, sometimes with trees or other small structures the bot cant aim properly and he will keep casting directly into the tree, making incinerate do 0 damage. I guess this doenst happend with other skills because they are not "channeling" and the bot will just cast again "with better aim". I dunno if this has an easy fix or not, but I found a work around for the time being... I use Bloodrage(without increased duration) so if my bot doesnt kill anything in 10 secs, it either means there is nothing to kill, or there is and we can aim right and bloodrage will drop. So the bot will recast Bloodrage and the next incinerate cast will aim properly this time. Not perfect solution, but it works if anybody else is doing incinerate and have this issue too, u atleast have a workaround(and btw 3 frenzy charges on incinerate are pretty insane, huge dmg boost). If you dont like bloodrage you could also use enduring cry to stop the incinerate channeling into the tree. I prefer bloodrage tho, gimme the deeps! All in all, working fine for me and I've improved my clear times compared to dual totem by a lot. Thank you so much alcor75!
[AssignMoveSkillTask] No skill slots are available to assign the "Move" skill. The bot requires this skill on the skillbar. Which skill I need?