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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Highend, I appreciate the follow up, but the spinning is still mentioned in the Known Issues and no mention of a fix present in the Change History for this release that was just posted. You may want to check there to avoid duplicating your efforts on issues you already documented clearly. The spinning is a glitch in the WOW UI when Click to Move is used and you are automatically facing an object (mob, herb, vein, etc.) A work around will be present in the next release. As for the totem recall cast failing it was due to the same reason as last time. It is not mentioned in the Known Issues so I'll add to that now. Thanks, Bobby53
      Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
    2. Grumble

      Grumble New Member

      Oct 2, 2010
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      Anyway to change what specific spells it casts? It keeps casting 'healing wave' and would like to change it.
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Gamble, There isn't enough information to assist you. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions page [CLICK HERE] for details on the information needed. Thanks, Bobby53
    4. Grumble

      Grumble New Member

      Oct 2, 2010
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      Yes, sorry I forgot to clarify. When I am in healing only mode it seems to be casting "healing wave" which is a low level spell and also casting chain heal, I would like to get it to stop doing this.

      I don't think this is a bug just wondering how to change what spells it casts. Sorry if you misunderstood and thought I am trying to report a bug. Just a simple question, and I'm using latest version of both shamwow and HB and this is happening in BGs/pvp.
      Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Grumble, To be fair, I don't think I am the one misunderstanding. Please attach a complete debug log file if you need some assistance so I don't have to guess about your configuration or spend more time writing posts requesting one. That way I can answer your question quickly and accurately. Thanks in advance, Bobby53
    6. trichomer

      trichomer New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Here is a log when doing a few successful Arenas.

      He stopped spaming earth shield in combat and after the game started, but he still seems to spam in befor the game starts.

      Attached Files:

    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks tichomer, it looks like a partial log file however. I really need the complete debug log file to know the configuration in effect. Also, based on the changes in the last version you should no longer use SetTheLeader for PVP. Thanks, Bobby53
    8. Beowulfe

      Beowulfe Community Developer

      Nov 4, 2010
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      During PvP in a BG (using BG Beta bot, not PvP or Mixed bots), after the bot hit it's drink percent, the bot continued walking while trying to spam the drink item and kept getting "You cannot do that while moving".

      The same thing occurred every time it went to cast Ghost Wolf (I am only level 81, so don't have insta-ghost wolf yet), except that it would get about 1/2 of the way through the cast before moving, looked really bot-like.

      I tried stopping the bot from moving manually, after which drinking worked fine, but had to disable Ghost Wolf use altogether.

      I suspect the BG Beta bot decides to move the bot AFTER your CC runs the Movement Stop function. My suggestion is to attempt to stop movement every time the bot goes to use a drink. Cause of the Ghost Wolf issue might be a bit harder to fix.

      Log attached.

      Attached Files:

    9. ripn2u

      ripn2u New Member

      Apr 14, 2010
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      this has happen to me also im lvl 75 shaman using the bg beta. I will post my log
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
    10. Beowulfe

      Beowulfe Community Developer

      Nov 4, 2010
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      Another issue. The bot is failing to properly release sometimes after dying in a BG, sitting at the release screen until it times out. I think this is related to the CC, but I'm not 100% certain.

      Every time this occurs, the last line in the log is related to it attempting to cast Earth Shield on itself, so I suspect it's still attempting to cast Earth Shield even while dead. It's possible the bot was stunned or silenced while it attempted to cast Earth Shield, I'm not entirely certain.

      Log attached.

      Attached Files:

    11. Fixx4

      Fixx4 New Member

      Mar 7, 2010
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      Hey. I use this to go into instances a lot and I buy tons of food and drink, but he always runs out.
      Is there any way you can make it so if we don't have anything to drink, he can drop a mana spring totem and then wait until mana reaches x%?
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thank you for the excellent issue post! Responses below....

      Eating Drinking: That's a bug. In some recent changes in that area I appear to have deleted the call to stop. Fixed in next release.

      Ghost Wolf: ShamWOW checks how many points you have in Ancestral Swiftness and if less than 2, will stop before casting. You can verify it is recognized by checking the behavior messages it outputs after initializaion, specifically [2:27:12 AM:781] Ghost Wolf: must stop to cast Ghost Wolf. That said, it appears there is an issue in terms of detecting the end of the spell cast before returning control to HB. I have to look at this more, but should be fixed in next release.
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Fixx4, My apologies for any issue you are having, however the situation described does not match my results in testing. The only time I have gone through a stack of drinks is in Cata dungeons and resulted from an aggressive tank. The situation was the tank would never allow the healer to drink. Inevitably there would be a long enough break in the action that the healer could drink for 1-2 seconds and then InstanceBuddy interrupts the drinking to catch up to the tank. The result is typically that the Shaman tries to drink at every break in the action but never gets a chance to top off, so you go through a lot of drinks. One in particular I was never permitted to get above 40% mana until a boss fight where I oom'd and we wiped. I haven't seen it use any food unless you are referring to mana biscuits, etc. which are consumed for the mana replenishment. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about questions, criticisms, and issues with ShamWOW. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
    14. Beowulfe

      Beowulfe Community Developer

      Nov 4, 2010
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      Hey bobby,

      Just wanted to quote an issue I posted on the last page, as I didn't see you reply to it and was concerned you missed it. It's a very serious issue if it is related to the CC, and is stopping me from testing further as I can't leave it running for any extended periods of time.

      Great work so far, keep it up! :D

      Also note that since that post, I've also discovered that this same issue is causing the bot to fail to properly leave a BG after it finishes. Of course it times out after 2 minutes, so this isn't a massive issue, but not releasing is a rather serious issue.

    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Beowulfe, I reviewed your log file but it appears I missed following up with you previously. My apologies on the delay in responding. I'm still looking into it, but I could use your help if possible in confirming this is a general Battleground issue and not a BG Bot [Beta] specific problem. Thanks for your assistance with this, Bobby53
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
    16. dshiizznitt

      dshiizznitt Member

      Feb 14, 2010
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      Hey Bobby,

      I'm loving the new beta setup of shamwow. i have successfully healed Halfus, Magmaw, Omnotron Defense System and Maloriak. and am always in first or second place on the healing meters (damn holy pallies haha). Just wanted to thank you for your awesome work
      Also is there anyway that i could turn interrupts on and off for certain fights. thanks again for your awesome work. and if you have a paypal or donate link let me know id like to give you some money for all your efforts
    17. exfelon

      exfelon Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      very good work, like the interface.
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Looking for Shaman BETA Testers: A NEW BETA Release of ShamWOW 4.3.03 is available for download to anyone willing to fill the role of TESTER instead of USER. If you are looking for a version to AFK or run with InstanceBuddy with predictable results stick with the current Stable release of 4.2.09b. If you would like to try out the newest version, all I ask in exchange for your early access to it is that you agree to write detailed posts and always attach a complete debug log file when you encounter an issue.

      To access the BETA, visit the ShamWOW download page [CLICK HERE] and follow the instructions.

      Changes in BETA 4.3.03

      [I][B]01/14/10 Revision  4.3.03-BETA[/B][/I]
      FIX - Spell Casting: was not cleanly waiting for completion of spell  before begin next pass on spell priorities which sometimes resulted in  wrong sepll being selected.  
      FIX - Enhancement: primarily on Fast Pull, Shaman will spin at high  speed around target never attacking.  Will now detect situation, stop  facing, strafe one step away, then re-face.  Also some changes to timing  of calls to Face the current target
      FIX - Resto PVP: chain heal was including all players in hop count  (including opposing faction) resulting in too frequent use of Chain Heal
      FIX - Mount Up:  HB would sometimes attempt to mount during a spell cast.  Now prevent until spell cast has completed.
      CHANGE - Mount Up:  if Indoors and HB attempts to mount, will switch to Ghost Wolf form
      FIX - Corpse Release:  seen mostly in PVP, was attempting to wait out a  situation that never occurred.  Now correctly detect death and stop  waiting.
      FIX - Unleash Elements:  now check that weapons have an imbue before  allowing cast.  previously would in specific circumstances begin log  spam during pull until in combat
      FIX - Rest:  added Stop Movement before eating and drinking.  Should  already have been stopped at this point, but this call will enforce in  case Bot or Plugin had started movement
      CHANGE - Resto:  if mana below emergency level and mana tide is on cooldown, will cast mana spring
      CHANGE - Resto:  RAF Only - changed to set totems within range of tank  only after tank is in combat and within 10 yds of target.  
      CHANGE - Resto:  made setting totems and casting shields a higher priority
      CHANGE - Elemental:  Fulmination now checks for 7+ stacks from 8+  stacks.  Previously would sometimes hit a shock cooldown that would  leave Shaman at 9 stacks for 1 or more GCDs. Now checks for 7 or more  and should fire within 1 GCD of 9th stack.
      CHANGE - Resto:  PVP Only - changed so if mana below emergency level, will cast Water Shield 
      CHANGE - Resto:  RAF Only - when casting Riptide for Tidal Waves buff,  will cast on TANK if Riptide buff has fallen off and needs a heal
      FIX - Totems:  All specs, but noticed most with Enhancement - Was at  times experiencing a delay in first attempt to set totems each fight.   This should no longer occur.
      FIX - Totems:  Totemic Recall Was encountering a timing issue where a  call would fail for no reason, giving the visual impression that no  attempt to recall totems had occurred.  
    19. Beowulfe

      Beowulfe Community Developer

      Nov 4, 2010
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      Hey bobby,

      Having some issues with the CC sitting in "Resting" state for no reason while in BGs.

      I noticed this line in the CC:

                  if ( Battlegrounds.IsInsideBattleground && !_me.Combat && _me.HealthPercent < 99 )
                      Dlog("Need rest: true, CurrentHealth {0:F1}% less than 100% and in Battleground", _me.HealthPercent );
                      return true;
      However, in the RestLogic() function, it only checks if health percent is less than RestHealthPercent, which it will not be if the quoted code block above is what triggered the rest. As well, the Self Heal Logic that runs while resting (GetSelfHealThreshhold()) only sets the threshold to 90%. This means that if the bot is in between 90% and 100% HP, in a BG and not in combat, it will sit in one spot, doing nothing (not even attempting to drink/eat), until it's passive regeneration gets it up to 100% or someone comes along and puts it in combat.

      In my opinion, the quoted code block at the top there shouldn't even be in there - Even in battlegrounds, the CC should respect rest health/mana percents, otherwise the bot will be wasting food when it's sitting at 98% HP for no reason.

      Thanks for all the great work and this latest update, running great other than this. :D
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Beowulf, I appreciate the assist but the lines quoted above are correct. In PVP there really isn't an acceptable resting health % less than 100%. This differs drastically from PVE encounters due to facing burst damage, stuns, and silences on every fight. The issue resides in the RestLogic function which should be healing out of combat in battlegrounds up to 100% but currently is not. Overdue on some sleep here. I'll get a correction posted tomorrow. Thanks again for the detailed post, Bobby53
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
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