Hi. I just read this guys post, http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...39-[]-grinding-68-80-[kick]-4.html#post198002. 70-77 in less than 24 hours. I'm a rogue. Last night, I were 66. I put it on Mixed (PvP&Grinding), and went to sleep. 8 hrs later, Im still logged in, my rogue's currently in a Battleground, level 68. What am I doing wrong? Why's it going so slow for me? I'm also using Kicks Grinding and I'm ally too. Using Shadowstrike as CC. It says I'm getting 150-200k / hr, and 68-69 needs 400k. 8 hours, one level..?
guy clearly says he's ally, ahwell its give or take here, sometimes it does amazing, sometimes it slacks, also depends heavly on the class IMO
Perhaps you had a bad night? Not so many bgs? Long ones that you lost, that just drags your xp/h down. But like other mentioned, if your just grinding, what's your xp/h then? How's your gear? Specc? Cc? It all matters alot.
I'm a rogue. And my gear's good, I have full Outland gear, 4 lvl 60 PvP Parts. Subtletly. Shadowstrikes CC, and when I view it sometimes, it's doing great, killing mobs in seconds. And well, I've earned ~1000 honor this night, which is quite much. Some achievements looks promising, for example, when I went to bed last night I had never played SoTA, now I have Storm the Beach ach (win in less than four mins), and won 6/100 SoTA matches.
lol fail ya tbh m8 alot of people lie about there leveling time yours isnt too bad but could be better with a good level guild good gear some heirlooms and have a good look at your battlegroup check on average what the win to lose ratio is if its like 7-1 horde to ally dont pvp/grind just grind.
you can get LK gear at 66-67 (recommend 68) you prob got crap pvp night (I don't do pvp on my toons due to my battlegroup sucking hard). just run the profile
WEll, I'm also afraid of getting banned, because it's my main account. therefor I dont want my rogue to be grinding all night. But I've been botting earlier levels, such as 60+, on this character, overall going really slow.
I leveled my rogue combat using grinding/quest profiles or grinding on mobs that i had quest for when questing didn't work so well. I upgraded gear every level or two just because rogues are kind of squishy. Don't be afraid to use potions/flask or foods if you can make them, everything helps. Morga
Yea, well, I just want to hit 70. I'm good with my druid at 85, but I want this rogue at 70 to PvP, already botted 3k honor, so I can get full Brutal gear + weapons when I hit 70. Btw, anyone knows when Brutal offpieces will come? And also, I might bot a priest (currently 80) to 85, but I want to do via quests, but no profiles yet?