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  • How does HB perform with Aggro/Rush decks?

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by abadguy87, Sep 30, 2015.

    1. abadguy87

      abadguy87 New Member

      Mar 9, 2015
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      Right now I'm farming the daily 30 gold with a basic tempo mage deck. I was thinking to craft my first deck as an aggro deck mech mage or face hunter to farm my daily gold quicker. Is it worth it (changing the routine to rush) to use it with HB or should I just craft whatever deck I like the most?
    2. Ahbeng

      Ahbeng New Member

      Nov 21, 2014
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      I personally think the bot plays control much better than agro.

      And your question is hard to answer. If you ONLY play with bot, then craft decks that the bot can use. However, if you play personally as well, then you have to craft the one you like the most, otherwise you're never actually playing what you want. In the end, you get gold, and more cards, and will have both. Up to you to prioritise though.
    3. abadguy87

      abadguy87 New Member

      Mar 9, 2015
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      I use the bot only to grind the daily 30 wins and get the gold. If I play for fun I always use a control deck, what I was thinking is as a new player, building an aggro deck like the ones I wrote before could help me get those 30 wins faster. That's why I'm curious how the bot is performing with aggro decks + rush routine. I don't have one to test, the basic mage deck I use to grind it's about on 50-52% wins, usually takes 5-7 hours to reach 30wins.
    4. Ahbeng

      Ahbeng New Member

      Nov 21, 2014
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      Mmmm, games with agro decks (on either side) are faster, yes. That is an agreeable statement. However getting 30 wins faster is a different statement. I find the rush function not as good as control. So while the games are faster, yes, your win % is lower. So even though you may play more games in a faster amount of time, that does not necessarily equate to getting 30 wins faster. Maybe I am yet to encounter a good rush deck that the bot handles well, and as a result of that I can't make a good recommendation for you sorry.

      My initial thought would be a warlock deck instead of mage (personal choice). Mechmage does play decently under control however. There have been many people getting Rank 5 with mechmage in the past. Now a days it sits around Rank 8. So the results are defiantly out there.
    5. micx1

      micx1 New Member

      Oct 2, 2015
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      Unfortunately, there seems to be no easy way to force the bot to go face 100%

      Hearthbuddy definitely needs more AI customization in-built into the UI itself

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