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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Support' started by mellonnello, Oct 1, 2015.

    1. mellonnello

      mellonnello New Member

      Sep 23, 2015
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      after the latest patch for HB the bot just went full retard i was rank 5 and now im rank 9 in just a few hours.. wow and wats wrong with the routine shit every time i replace it, it keeps saying nullroutine. Im starting to wonder if this is really worth the money....

      bandicam 2015-10-01 13-15-37-813.jpg
    2. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      The AI hasn't changed in over a week. Sorry to hear you're running into a bad streak of games though.

      If you replace the routine with something else that is modified and are running into troubles, consider downloading a clean copy of the bot and not replacing the current routine version. When NullRoutine becomes the active routine, it's because the other routine has an error so the bot can't use it. Simply change it back to the desired routine if there's an error the next time you load the bot.
    3. mellonnello

      mellonnello New Member

      Sep 23, 2015
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      but i was winning so much games before the last patch and it just went haywire this patch... it does all the wrong move and tries to lethal when there is none...

      so if the customized routine can't be used its the routine's fault? 0.o i see, thanks for the info
    4. surgelol

      surgelol New Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Stop denying it. There is a bug somewhere, this is no confidence.

      If you are not sure just update the 186 version of the bot and let us use that, I would be more than happy with that. Unless you guys don't keep different versions of the source code. In that case this whole thing is fucked.
    5. omgwtfdood

      omgwtfdood Member

      Aug 22, 2014
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      the thing is the HB devs do not control the ai portion of the bot at all anymore they outsourced it to a third party programmer about a year ago after they couldn't figure it out for themselves. and that third party programmers program (silverfish / ultimate ai) is used on other bots than HB (yeh i know its pathetic the ui hasnt been improved in a year even though that is the only thing they have to do and still no progress lol) but back on subject when we report a ai bad play problem on here it has to go thru a quite a few hoops before its even seen by the third party programmer if at all. he is taking in bad play reports from multiple different bots so his que list to fix has got to be huge. there is also alot of pressure as its not just one bot so a small change can really mess things up "globally" rather then just be localized to heartbuddy so improvements are handled with alot of thought process on multiple levels before it is updated. um so basically its just not as simple as this card miss played so fix it, even though it is but isn't. its just the risk reward value is to high when it effects the integrity of so many other bots as well
      Last edited: Oct 1, 2015

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