Area Name - Channel Map Stuck Type - Stuck on some stairs and the wall, it is half trying to go up the stairs, half down the stairs and just stutter steps in place. Code: Network Object] BaseAddress: 0x63DDCB18 Name: ID: 2419 Type: Metadata/Characters/StrDexInt/StrDexInt API Type: Loki.Game.Objects.LocalPlayer Position: {1288, 1613} (0) [Components] Actor: 0x7BC1C310 Player: 0x7BC1C048 Positioned: 0x54F66C80 Stats: 0x708500E8 Pathfinding: 0x6B5D1870 Animated: 0x64088698 Render: 0x7020FCB8 Life: 0x70D034F0 Inventories: 0x7C6A3798 Targetable: 0x6B32C1A0 [ActorComponent] BaseAddress: 0x7BC1C310 _08: 0 ActEntryPtr: 0x63F813F0 _28: 0x63A49698 _2C: 0x7047C6E8 CurrentActionPtr: 0x0 NextActionPtr: 0x0 _38: 1 NativeObjectPtr2: 0x63DDCB18 _40: 7 _44: 3 _48: 6 _4C: First: 0x6AF11D78, Last: 0x6AF11D78, End: 0x6AF11DAC, Allocator: 0x0 _5C: First: 0x543ABCE0, Last: 0x543ABCF4, End: 0x543ABCF8, Allocator: 0x3E999999 _70: Head: 0x0, Size: 0x0, Allocator: 0x3EC00000 Flags: 0 _80: 3766 _82: 3628 _84: 10 _88: 0 _8C: 0 _90: 2 _94: 2 _98: 2 _9C: 587 _A0: {-2147483648, -2147483648} _A8: 0x0 TimeSinceLastAction: -64.13348 TimeSinceLastMove: -90.78699 _B4: 0x0 _238: 0 _23C: 7 _240: 8 [PositionedComponent] BaseAddress: 0x54F66C80 MapPosition: {1288, 1613} WorldPosition: {14005.43, 17538.04} Rotation: 3.070285 CharacterSize: 1 [PathfindingComponent] BaseAddress: 0x6B5D1870 _08: 0 _10: 0x64199890 _14: First: 0x7C2AE690, Last: 0x7C2AE694, End: 0x7C2AE694, Allocator: 0x110010 MovementVelocity: 37 IsMoving: 0 IsPathfinding: 0 _2A: 255 PathfindTo: {1288, 1613} PathfindToPtr: 0x0 _38: 0 _3C: 0 _40: 1 _44: 1 _488: 0 _48C: 0 TimeSinceLastPathfind: 90.79498 _494: 0 Hope that helps. EDIT: Here's a photo of the area.
Area - city of sarn Screen - (the quality is extreme shit but you can get the idea) Code: [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (986) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (991) [31.68317 %]. [LatencyTracker] AverageLatency: 217 [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (994) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (994) [31.68317 %]. [StuckDetection] {598, 702} => 2 [StuckDetection] bounds: {8, 78} [StuckDetection] TimeInInstance: 00:05:35.6629230 [StuckDetection] TimeInArea: 00:05:35.6636594 [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (997) [31.68317 %]. [LatencyTracker] HighestLatency: 345 [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1001) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1004) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1007) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1003) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (999) [31.68317 %]. [LatencyTracker] HighestLatency: 389 [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1003) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1007) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1000) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1005) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (998) [31.68317 %]. [LatencyTracker] AverageLatency: 217 [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1005) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1010) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1002) [31.68317 %]. [LatencyTracker] HighestLatency: 398 [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1005) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1005) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (996) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (997) [31.68317 %]. [LatencyTracker] LowestLatency: 58 [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1005) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1005) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1002) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (999) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (973) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (968) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (973) [31.68317 %]. [LatencyTracker] AverageLatency: 222 [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (976) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (983) [31.68317 %]. [StuckDetection] {598, 694} => 2 [StuckDetection] {598, 693} => 2 [StuckDetection] {600, 689} => 2 [StuckDetection] {598, 691} => 4 [StuckDetection] {598, 692} => 3 [StuckDetection] bounds: {7, 47} [StuckDetection] TimeInInstance: 00:06:05.7160183 [StuckDetection] TimeInArea: 00:06:05.7163203 [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (988) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (989) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (991) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1000) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1002) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1002) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1005) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1008) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1000) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1007) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1005) [31.68317 %]. [TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now exploring to the static location {300, 1651} (1005) [31.68317 %]. [LatencyTracker] AverageLatency: 226
same , have to disabled the ignore pot breaking, but then the bot wants to break all the pots, so maybe we need a new default Path/route, that breaks pots in the way via stuck. Also getting stuck in docks on tents and other objects when using cyclone.
Bot breaking pot is needed, if you have ran the bot enough, you will see it getting stuck on pots trying to get to another area. @PainfulDeath, City of Sarn is known for that, for now manual it, it will prob take less then a min. @lyvewyre that one is new to me, thanks for that!
[/url][/IMG] My bot always get stuck here in Mine map. It simply thought it could go through that ***** but it couldn't.
Stuck Area : Aqueduct Bot gets stuck here often, it seems to not transition well in Aqueduct area that is shown in img.
City of Sarn, Aqueduct, Channel stucks are a bit different of those you can see in Spider Lair, the first one can't be fixed atm, the others can.
Stuck The Belly of the beast, right before piety fight. It ALWAYS gets stuck, it can't open the door.. Really annoying too If a fix could be made, I would be so happy
Why did you made this thread?Its 5 months old and it seems that no1 gives a fuck about stuck issues!I still wonder why ppl bother reporting stuck issues.I could report like 10 more but i don't see the point of doing it.For example Channel map is one of the oldest stuck issue reported and its still not fixed.Channel map=DIVINE ORBS,i bet that 1 bot running all day channel maps can make few divine orbs out of humility cards.
@Devs: sorry, thats true If it can't be fixed please at least sum up all the stuck places. Or even better: sum up all the suggestions. starting from nasty map bosses (mirage of bones) - ending with map prefix/suffix most people here blacklist anyway.
That's the point of this thread. To simply let people know of various stuck issues to take into account when they bot.
Any chance you could compile a list in the OP or work with ExVault to automatically blacklist these maps in his addon. I'm not complaining about this thread or criticizing you or ExVault. I'm simply making a QoL suggestion. I have already blacklisted most of these maps myself by watching the bot; I just know that ExVault is already internally blacklisting some maps so why not these stuck maps as well?
Because you can blacklist it yourself in MapRunner, it's in the GUI. There's no reason to re-invent the wheel.