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  • Hunting Log Issues

    Discussion in 'Community Developer Forum' started by y2krazy, Oct 3, 2015.

    1. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      Trying to work on the Hunting Logs and it appears that I've come across two issues so far:

      1. Entry 10 Grind Tag Issue: It appears that upon Entry 10 of any Hunting Log rank being completed (possibly with the exception of Rank 3 for Grand Companies and Rank 5 for classes), the Grind tag does not exit and infinitely loops (at least until RB is Stopped and Started again to re-run the entry completion conditional).
      2. Grand Company Rank Issue: Testing with The Immortal Flames profile appears to work as-intended (minus the the above issue), but when testing with The Maelstrom or The Order of the Twin Adder profiles (for example if Rank 1 and 2 are already completed for The Maelstrom and Rank 3 should be what the profile is running), the profile endlessly farms the Rank 1, Entry 1 mob despite it already being marked as completed in-game. This issue occurs with both The Maelstrom and The Order of the Twin Adder profiles, but not with The Immortal Flames profile.
      You can find the profiles I used on my SVN or directly here.
    2. iyake

      iyake Member

      Oct 19, 2014
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      I've had 1) happen whenever a hunt log rank gets completed (not necessarily always the 10th entry) upon the entry getting completed. HuntGCEntryCompleted will return false since you're on a new rank and none of the entries are completed. If you're having the same issue, you'll have to add a a hunt rank check in your grind's while tag, so for example for your first one, you would change from:

      <Grind grindRef="IF_1_Entry_1" while="not HuntGCEntryCompleted(0)" />

      <Grind grindRef="IF_1_Entry_1" while="not HuntGCEntryCompleted(0) and not HuntGCRankCompleted(1)" />
    3. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      Wouldn't that mean it would never exit the first GrindArea on a new character? Meaning, it would grind the first entry indefinintely because "not HuntGCRankCompleted(1)" is false (even when the first entry is completed), as the other 9 entries are not completed yet, correct?
    4. iyake

      iyake Member

      Oct 19, 2014
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      The grind tag will exit when one or both of "not HuntGCEntryCompleted(0)" and "not HuntGCRankCompleted(1)" is false.

      In your example, once the first entry is completed "not HuntGCEntryCompleted(0)" will return false and the grind tag will exit, the second part is irrelevant in that example, but it will be true since you haven't completed the entire rank. false and true will still return false, and the grind tag will exit.

      The thing you're trying to prevent is when you complete a rank, "not HuntGCEntryCompleted(0)" will return true because you're now in rank 2 and the first entry of rank 2 isn't completed. However because the whole first rank is completed, "not HuntGCRankCompleted(1)" will be false, and the grind tag will exit.

      if it helps, you can use "not (HuntGCEntryCompleted(0) or HuntGCRankCompleted(1))", which is equivalent. And because it's a while conditional, if you remove the negation, you get the condition for when the grind tag will exit. In this case, the the grind tag will exit when "HuntGCEntryCompleted(0) or HuntGCRankCompleted(1)" evaluates to true, which in english would be: run this grind tag until either the first entry is complete or the first rank is complete.
      Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
    5. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      I was always assuming that true wouldn't return as false, but whadayaknow. Thanks, iyake.
    6. KaWeNGoD

      KaWeNGoD New Member

      May 23, 2015
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      not true => false
      not false => true
      true and false => false
      false and false => false
      true and true => true
      true or false => true
      false or false => false
      true or true => true
    7. BlaineJefferies

      BlaineJefferies New Member

      Aug 29, 2015
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      Not sure if you've finished these or there are issues after 3.1, but when I try using the Serpent profile, the toon doesn't move. Looks like there is some scripting error.

      [21:56:10.034 N] Loaded profile [O] The Order of the Twin Adder
      [21:56:10.035 N] Bot Thread Started.
      [21:56:10.225 N] Connection to established.
      [21:56:10.225 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [21:56:10.225 N] Adding Destiny Hooks
      [21:56:10.225 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 61ba9b57-6c6d-4e19-85b7-fa58f64d7fb5
      [21:56:10.225 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @1] 52df8a92-0e11-4a11-9e87-839fc738e57e
      [21:56:10.225 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @2] 2ce66d96-49fe-49ba-918b-9619e708a9b8
      [21:56:10.225 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @3] 0f43bc54-3215-45bb-b8d1-935dba28aa7a
      [21:56:10.225 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] cfa608a7-497d-4411-b3d5-3d0ec42fb75b
      [21:56:10.225 D] Replaced hook [Heal] 3cc1d042-6f10-4f98-bc3d-8273b2b12d74
      [21:56:10.225 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 1c7f9a0c-9992-485d-81d2-5515b7fe73b1
      [21:56:10.225 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] 9ac07be0-71e6-4cef-aa4d-ea22b39cf83a
      [21:56:10.225 D] Replaced hook [Combat] 45ec2b9c-7f38-46cc-968c-5c3235f00d71
      [21:56:10.225 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 01c5c4ca-2cf4-4b34-a5cc-b0ae34fde6a8
      [21:56:10.225 D] Added new hook [PreCombatLogic] 0782146b-fb7f-4bc2-9791-85945b83f96f
      [21:56:10.225 N] [Zekken] Avoidance hooked.
      [21:56:10.225 N] Adding Destiny Hooks
      [21:56:10.225 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 61ba9b57-6c6d-4e19-85b7-fa58f64d7fb5
      [21:56:10.225 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @1] 52df8a92-0e11-4a11-9e87-839fc738e57e
      [21:56:10.225 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @2] 2ce66d96-49fe-49ba-918b-9619e708a9b8
      [21:56:10.225 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @3] 0f43bc54-3215-45bb-b8d1-935dba28aa7a
      [21:56:10.225 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 4eb8aeea-49c4-46ca-b405-de6f29bdccb3
      [21:56:10.225 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] fd1d83f7-bfa1-4e63-aadd-b4b45d3c7c83
      [21:56:10.225 D] Added new hook [SetDeathPoi] 1f94c61c-65f4-4ff7-a651-7be04f300498
      [21:56:10.225 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 178297b5-d33f-4099-87cc-0484fa957c18
      [21:56:10.225 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 9551675a-cd06-49f7-9971-b813f8c0a16c
      [21:56:10.225 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 27cfbf0c-3ed1-4be6-8446-c0b68751b3fd
      [21:56:10.225 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] 765ab18d-4190-42e2-936d-9c884e84d7ce
      [21:56:10.225 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 9fcabd5f-66d4-4a6f-922a-cc353d18a154
      [21:56:10.225 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 6e2f135b-aff8-4be4-9136-0bce53e90b8c
      [21:56:10.225 N] [Agil] Hooked.
      [21:56:10.269 N] Adding Destiny Hooks
      [21:56:10.269 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 61ba9b57-6c6d-4e19-85b7-fa58f64d7fb5
      [21:56:10.269 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @1] 52df8a92-0e11-4a11-9e87-839fc738e57e
      [21:56:10.269 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @2] 2ce66d96-49fe-49ba-918b-9619e708a9b8
      [21:56:10.269 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @3] 0f43bc54-3215-45bb-b8d1-935dba28aa7a
      [21:56:10.315 N] Adding Destiny Hooks
      [21:56:10.315 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 61ba9b57-6c6d-4e19-85b7-fa58f64d7fb5
      [21:56:10.315 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @1] 52df8a92-0e11-4a11-9e87-839fc738e57e
      [21:56:10.315 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @2] 2ce66d96-49fe-49ba-918b-9619e708a9b8
      [21:56:10.315 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @3] 0f43bc54-3215-45bb-b8d1-935dba28aa7a
      [21:56:10.317 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to LogMessageTag: IsDone: False, Message: Checking The Order of the Twin Adder Rank 1 entries..., HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 31, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
      [21:56:10.317 D] Removed all hooks from [HighPriorityProfileOrderBehavior_Hook]
      [21:56:10.317 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 0db8840b-cd1e-4b1c-9be5-e490ed1ce924
      [21:56:10.382 N] Checking The Order of the Twin Adder Rank 1 entries...
      [21:56:10.397 D] Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "<string>", line 4, in Execute
      TypeError: Invoke() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
      [21:56:10.397 N] Stopping the bot.
      [21:56:10.397 D] Exception during scheduling Pulse: Microsoft.Scripting.ArgumentTypeException: Invoke() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
         at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.ThrowInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
         at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
         at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightLambda.Run4[T0,T1,T2,T3,TRet](T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3)
         at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute3[T0,T1,T2,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
         at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.DynamicInstruction`4.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
         at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
         at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightLambda.Run1[T0,TRet](T0 arg0)
         at IronPython.Compiler.PythonCallTargets.OriginalCallTarget0(PythonFunction function)
         at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute1[T0,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0)
         at _Scripting_(Object[] )
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.IfTag.GetConditionExec()
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.IfTag.get_IsDone()
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.ProfileBehavior.get_IsDoneCache()
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.TreeNode`1.Find()
         at ..()
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfileManager.UpdateCurrentProfileBehavior()
         at ff14bot.BotBases.OrderBot.(Object , EventArgs )
         at ff14bot.Behavior.BrainBehavior.()
      [21:56:10.397 N] Checking The Order of the Twin Adder Rank 1 entries...
      [21:56:10.397 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
      [21:56:10.397 N] Connection closed!
      [21:56:10.397 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
      [21:56:10.397 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [21:56:10.397 N] Adding Destiny Hooks
      [21:56:10.397 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 61ba9b57-6c6d-4e19-85b7-fa58f64d7fb5
      [21:56:10.397 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @1] 52df8a92-0e11-4a11-9e87-839fc738e57e
      [21:56:10.397 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @2] 2ce66d96-49fe-49ba-918b-9619e708a9b8
      [21:56:10.397 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @3] 0f43bc54-3215-45bb-b8d1-935dba28aa7a
      [21:56:10.397 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] 6b11cc1c-6575-40fb-b23b-f3318f953073
      [21:56:10.397 D] Replaced hook [Heal] 6187d1c2-cf6e-4844-b8dc-e8da5b2084b5
      [21:56:10.397 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 8a745b98-40df-4791-a341-06141146b34f
      [21:56:10.397 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] 6c468965-c9a7-4f76-aa4b-6923a459ce12
      [21:56:10.397 D] Replaced hook [Combat] b0fdc614-6aa8-40e7-93dc-943f892fd942
      [21:56:10.397 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 74ce8f43-a170-46dd-a33e-ae57fd29238e
      [21:56:10.397 D] Added new hook [PreCombatLogic] 22d851ca-ff93-4300-9561-b9bb00f420da
      [21:56:10.397 N] [Zekken] Avoidance hooked.
      [21:56:10.397 N] Adding Destiny Hooks
      [21:56:10.397 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 61ba9b57-6c6d-4e19-85b7-fa58f64d7fb5
      [21:56:10.397 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @1] 52df8a92-0e11-4a11-9e87-839fc738e57e
      [21:56:10.397 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @2] 2ce66d96-49fe-49ba-918b-9619e708a9b8
      [21:56:10.397 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @3] 0f43bc54-3215-45bb-b8d1-935dba28aa7a
      [21:56:10.397 D] Navigator.Clear()
      [21:56:10.397 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped

      Attached Files:

    8. tw1sted

      tw1sted New Member

      Jul 4, 2014
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      I get the same error :(

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