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  • [BETA] Wildbuddy BETA - Pre-Release Builds

    Discussion in 'Wildbuddy Forum' started by Apoc, Oct 5, 2015.

    1. Cardsmall

      Cardsmall Member

      Oct 7, 2010
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      Whenever there is an update to the bot I hit ok and it crashes and I have to manually download the new version and copy paste my folders etc. Am I doing something wrong when updating it?

      System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path blah blah is denied.
    2. Tristou35

      Tristou35 New Member

      Oct 9, 2015
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      You should be able to get rid of this error by going in your folder properties and unchecked "Reading only". Unfortunately, you have to do it everytime there is an update.
      However, despite the error, it still updates wildbuddy.

      I have a problem with build 288 that I didn't have with build 287.
      I keep getting this error everytime I earn XP.

      WildbuddyBETA 0.1.589.288 starting...
      CPU Architecture: x64
      Process Architecture: x64
      OS: Windows 8.1 Professional x64
      OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
      .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000
      System Memory: 7,95 GB Available
      CPU Cores: 4
      Application Uri: C:\Users\<User>\Documents\Bots\Wildstar\WildBuddy
      Logging in...
      T: 5247496949899439464 H: 3784055900
      Region: eu
      Wildstar is currently in a 'Maximized' state. At this point in initialization, we cannot tell if the game is in proper full-screen mode. If it is, please ensure the game client is in either Windowed, or Borderless Windowed modes. Proper Fullscreen mode is not supported by Buddy products due to technical limitations.
      Attached to game: [1600] WildStar64 (Hash: 23CFBC0F)
      Local Player is a level 24 Mordesh Medic Soldier
      Location: X:3901,509 Y:-956,7714 Z:-737,2792 (Area: 3e47) on Eastern [51]
      Selected new bot: Profile Bot v0.0.0.1 by Bossland GmbH
      Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
      Selected Default Combat Routine version 1.0 as the current combat routine!
      Plugin Profile Helper (version by Apoc enabled.
      Plugin Auto Equip (version by Apoc enabled.
      Plugin HideNShit (version 1.1) by Illindar enabled.
      Plugin LootMyShit (version 1.2) by Illindar enabled.
      Plugin MountShit (version 1.1) by Illindar enabled.
      Plugin Recovery (version 0.6.2) by Deathdisguise enabled.
      Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
      Loading profile: C:\Users\<User>\Documents\Bots\Wildstar\WildBuddy\Profiles\Grinding\22-28 Whitevale - Softsnow Meadowstest2.xml
      Profile NAME NAMEs (version 1.0) by Walter loaded!
      Hiding from shit 
      Mountitg shit 
      Authorized with the navigation server!
      Attempting to generate path to X:3929,238 Y:-957,4277 Z:-742,5393 from X:3901,509 Y:-956,7714 Z:-737,2792
      Successfully generated path to X:3929,238 Y:-957,4277 Z:-742,5393
      Attempting to generate path to X:3931,083 Y:-957,7025 Z:-742,705 from X:3906,748 Y:-956,844 Z:-738,2133
      Successfully generated path to X:3931,083 Y:-957,7025 Z:-742,705
      Grind Tag is set to kill [294AC1 - NonPlayer | 61968] Coldroot Sleetsmasher , Position: X:3932,531 Y:-957,8764 Z:-742,835, Facing: X:0,996685 Y:0 Z:-0,08135694 W:0, Heading: -1,489349
      Attempting to generate path to X:3932,531 Y:-957,8764 Z:-742,835 from X:3915,198 Y:-956,9332 Z:-739,8283
      Mountitg shit 
      Successfully generated path to X:3932,531 Y:-957,8764 Z:-742,835
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Fissure
      Gadget Ability 'Endosmose Grenade' was found.
      Casting Gamma Rays
      Casting Gamma Rays
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Endosmose Grenade
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Paralytic Surge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Gamma Rays
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Atomize
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Gamma Rays
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Fissure
      Casting Fissure
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Gamma Rays
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Mending Probes
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Atomize
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Gamma Rays
      Casting Fissure
      Casting Fissure
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Energize
      Casting Gamma Rays
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Paralytic Surge
      Casting Paralytic Surge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Mending Probes
      Casting Mending Probes
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Quantum Cascade
      Casting Discharge
      Casting Atomize
      Exception while ticking callback Buddy.Wildstar.Game.LuaEventCallback in lua events.System.FormatException: Le format de la chaîne d'entrée est incorrect.
         à System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat.FormatCustomized(TimeSpan value, String format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
         à System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat.Format(TimeSpan value, String format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
         à Buddy.ProfileBot.ProfileBot.UpdateTimeToLevel()
         à Buddy.ProfileBot.ProfileBot.HandleExperienceGained(String eventname, LuaEventArgument[] args)
         à Buddy.Wildstar.Game.GameLuaEvents.Pulse()
      Attempting to generate path to X:3907,468 Y:-960,3418 Z:-704,3902 from X:3922,562 Y:-956,882 Z:-741,0714
      Successfully generated path to X:3907,468 Y:-960,3418 Z:-704,3902
    3. mfaiola

      mfaiola New Member

      Aug 28, 2015
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      Originally I assumed this was a Virtual machine issue, but I'm gonna leave it here for you since it seems like it's a problem in the source when using DirectX 9 instead of 11.

      2015-10-22 05:38:42,797 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - WildbuddyBETA 0.1.589.288 starting...
      2015-10-22 05:38:42,797 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - CPU Architecture: x64
      2015-10-22 05:38:42,798 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - Process Architecture: x64
      2015-10-22 05:38:42,798 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
      2015-10-22 05:38:42,798 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      2015-10-22 05:38:42,798 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.17929
      2015-10-22 05:38:42,798 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - System Memory: 1.62 GB Available
      2015-10-22 05:38:42,798 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - CPU Cores: 1
      2015-10-22 05:38:42,798 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - Application Uri: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\WB FOR VM
      2015-10-22 05:39:00,466 [1] INFO MainWindow - Logging in...
      2015-10-22 05:39:06,195 [1] INFO MainWindow - T: 5247496909840980740 H: 2065382179
      2015-10-22 05:39:06,203 [1] INFO MainWindow - Region: na
      2015-10-22 05:39:07,096 [1] DEBUG ProcessWrapper - Mutex.TryOpenExisting on PID 620
      2015-10-22 05:39:07,322 [1] DEBUG ProcessWrapper - Mutex.TryOpenExisting on PID 620
      2015-10-22 05:39:10,216 [1] FATAL ProcessWrapper - Could not find DX11 in process!
      GreyMagic.DirectXNotFoundException: Could not find DX11 in process!
      at GreyMagic.DirectX..ctor(MemoryBase mem, Boolean dx9)
      at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.Init(Process p, Boolean startupExecutor, Boolean dx9, Boolean startupRasm, IntPtr hookFunc, Boolean defaultCacheValue, Int32 copyBytes, Boolean veh)
      at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory..ctor(Process p, Boolean startupExecutor, Boolean dx9, Boolean startupRasm)
      at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.ProcessWrapper..ctor(Process proc, Boolean readOnly, Boolean dx11)
      2015-10-22 05:39:11,505 [1] WARN MainWindow - Could not find DX11 in process!
      2015-10-22 05:39:11,505 [1] WARN MainWindow - Attempting DirectX 9...
      2015-10-22 05:39:23,702 [1] ERROR Application - UNHANDLED DISPATCHER EXCEPTION
      2015-10-22 05:39:23,702 [1] ERROR Application - System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot create a process wrapper to a process that is already wrapped. [Mutex was not created]
      at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.ProcessWrapper..ctor(Process proc, Boolean readOnly, Boolean dx11)
      at Buddy.Wildstar.MainWindow.<AttachProcess>d__10.Mov eNext()
      --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowF orNonSuccess(Task task)
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.Handle NonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
      at Buddy.Wildstar.MainWindow.<HandleProcessSelectorRe fresh>d__13.MoveNext()
      --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
      at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilder Core.<ThrowAsync>b__0(Object state)
      at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.Internal RealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
      at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCat chWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
      2015-10-22 05:39:41,627 [1] INFO MainWindow - Selected new bot: Profile Bot v0.0.0.1 by Bossland GmbH
      2015-10-22 05:39:48,840 [Pulsator Thread] FATAL Pulsator - Can not start! No combat routine is selected!
      2015-10-22 05:39:48,841 [Pulsator Thread] DEBUG Pulsator - System.Exception: Can not start! No combat routine is selected!
      at Buddy.ProfileBot.ProfileBot.OnStart()
      at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Pulsator.()
      2015-10-22 05:39:48,849 [Pulsator Thread] ERROR Application - UNHANDLED DOMAIN EXCEPTION
      2015-10-22 05:39:48,849 [Pulsator Thread] ERROR Application - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at Buddy.ProfileBot.ProfileBot.OnStop()
      at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Pulsator.()
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(Exec utionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionCon text executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionCon text executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
      at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
      Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
    4. mmdc

      mmdc New Member

      May 9, 2014
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      Glad that I am not the only one had this issue.
    5. s3rv0

      s3rv0 New Member

      Oct 2, 2015
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      Is it possible to jump to the next step in the quest list if I have already done it? Bot tries to find and talk to npc but I have already done that quests and I'm not getting a call to get that quest.
    6. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      Probably best to report it as a profile bug so it can be fixed. :D
    7. s3rv0

      s3rv0 New Member

      Oct 2, 2015
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      No point. I think it works fine if you don't do quests by hands, so it can follow them step by step. But adding "skip task" may help.
    8. s3rv0

      s3rv0 New Member

      Oct 2, 2015
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      To write quest profiles, do I need to know some coding?
    9. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      Not inherently, just be able to use the profile tags in the right order. DD is working on something in the guides forum so people can more easier understand all of the tags. You can open any of the official or unofficial profiles to get an idea of how a questing profile operates.
    10. Angully

      Angully Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      Since the latest update the bot crashes on startup :/ anyone else having this issue?

      It references net framework when asking to debug.

      After the crash once i try to reload it will give me Max sessions when the key is available again it just crashes.

      I have tried.
      • Fresh Install
      • Repaired Frameworks
      Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
    11. s3rv0

      s3rv0 New Member

      Oct 2, 2015
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      Nothing has changed on my side after updates. I use win 10, latest framework.
    12. Yacusa

      Yacusa New Member

      Aug 2, 2015
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      I have some error:

      2015-10-24 05:16:49,608 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey TargetDump to Alt, Shift + D
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,632 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey Inventory to Alt, Shift + I
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,632 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey QuestDump to Alt, Shift + Q
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,632 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey OffmeshConnection to Alt, Control, Shift + C
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,632 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey ShowClickLocation to Alt, Shift + C
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,633 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_Interact to Alt, Control + I
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,633 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_TurnIn to Alt, Control + T
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,634 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_PickUp to Alt, Control + P
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,634 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_MoveTo to Alt, Control + O
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,634 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_GrindHotspot to Alt, Control + H
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,634 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - Wildbuddy 0.1.513.236 starting...
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,638 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - CPU Architecture: x64
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,638 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - Process Architecture: x64
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,666 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - OS: Windows 8.1 Professional x64
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,666 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,666 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.34209
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,667 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - System Memory: 7,96 GB Available
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,667 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - CPU Cores: 8
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,668 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - Application Uri: E:\Downloads\jogos\Wildbuddy 0.1.513.236
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,827 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey TargetDump to Alt, Shift + D
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,828 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey Inventory to Alt, Shift + I
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,828 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey QuestDump to Alt, Shift + Q
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,828 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey OffmeshConnection to Alt, Control, Shift + C
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey ShowClickLocation to Alt, Shift + C
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_Interact to Alt, Control + I
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_TurnIn to Alt, Control + T
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_PickUp to Alt, Control + P
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_MoveTo to Alt, Control + O
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] DEBUG Hotkeys - Registered hotkey PDT_GrindHotspot to Alt, Control + H
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - Wildbuddy 0.1.513.236 starting...
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - CPU Architecture: x64
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - Process Architecture: x64
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - OS: Windows 8.1 Professional x64
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.34209
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - System Memory: 7,96 GB Available
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - CPU Cores: 8
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,829 [1] INFO MainWindowViewModel - Application Uri: E:\Downloads\jogos\Wildbuddy 0.1.513.236
      2015-10-24 05:16:49,903 [1] DEBUG TypeFinder<IBot> - Type ProfileBot implements interface IBot
      2015-10-24 05:16:50,824 [1] INFO MainWindow - Logging in...
      2015-10-24 05:16:51,370 [1] INFO MainWindow - T: 5247498624536054953 H: 3558588805
      2015-10-24 05:16:52,576 [1] DEBUG ProcessWrapper - Mutex.TryOpenExisting on PID 3268
      2015-10-24 05:16:52,579 [1] DEBUG MainWindow - Process 3268 version does not match. Got, expected
    13. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Make sure you are using the BETA build (available in the first post of this thread). You are running the old release build (pre-F2P wildstar)
    14. Yacusa

      Yacusa New Member

      Aug 2, 2015
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      Thank you. Sorry, I had caught the new build and put into the old folder. I decided to put separately and the error disappeared. But the bot does not open now.

      The process appears but no screen;
    15. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      I need a lot please! Also, make a new thread in the support section if you could.
    16. makii

      makii New Member

      Sep 18, 2014
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      max sessions error all time. Ive bought 3 keys the past months- not a single time did it work.
    17. s3rv0

      s3rv0 New Member

      Oct 2, 2015
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      Did you create separate folders for the bot? It registers 1 key to 1 bot folder.
    18. Lastmango

      Lastmango Member Legendary

      Nov 25, 2014
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      I'm confused as to the status of the beta versus the 1.1 release. Will the beta link still be versions ahead or is the 1.1 code fork going to be the most current going forward. My Beta just updated but only to 0.1.595.292.
    19. walter

      walter Active Member

      Jun 25, 2012
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      Edit: Remove !
      Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2015
    20. themarketguy

      themarketguy New Member

      Jun 24, 2015
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      Possible bug report for VendorTag. I have a profile that loops in a while loop. At the start of the loop is a vendor tag:

      <Vendor ForceSellItemIds="78317, 78307, 78310, 78309, 22065, 22065, 78297, 78295, 78301, 78300, 36227, 78093, 78089, 36229, 78094, 36225, 78090, 36228, 15633, 78306, 81210, 78314, 81214, 78312, 36226, 81202, 78319, 78305, 78313, 78304, 78308, 78318, 81210, 78311, 81203, 81216, 78288, 78316, 78091, 78092, 78291, 81212">
      	<VendorNPC CreatureName="Quartermaster Leka" CreatureId="71146" X="4089.68" Y="-797.8368" Z="-2398.9" MapId="51" />
      What I expect to happen is the bot run through its sequence, loop back to the beginning, if criteria for vendor are met (I have mine set to 6 slots) move to the vendor sell shit and move on to the next steps. In reality what is happening is, profile is started, vendor sequence occurs, moves on to other steps, once the profile loops, the vendor sequence is skipped, until ultimately inventory is full and the profile can't proceed because it requires inventory slot to complete event. I've tried switching it up with 2 vendor tags one at the beginning one at the end, the same content, and the second will not fire either. Perhaps there is something that is getting tied to a specific vendor or specific vendor sequence that isn't clearing when it's complete? I don't know, if you need more information or the profile, let me know and I'll PM it to you. Thanks.

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