Intervening kidney shots is pretty hard now due to the changes WoD made and simply depends on latency + luck. Reflecting traps however should be no problem. It will only reflect traps for ally healers though and only if the hunter that is casting the trap is at least a certain number of yards away from your healer. You can change that in the 2nd routine tab near the top right, i.e. setting it to 0 should pretty much always reflect it if it can. The reason this is there is since a lot of people complained about it being too good to reflect traps that are almost instant so we put an option to limit the success rate depending on range. Also note that many good hunters will place the trap without trap launcher by running on top of your healer and those won't be reflected by the CR since they are applied instantly
LFX not working right? my submission is not getting through and other peoples postings are disappearing...
i hit submit, says accepted, doesn't show my posting. also there should be quite a few postings and they're all gone...
Does this CR use safeguard instead of intervene when you have safeguard and the 2 intervene options ticked? I'm asking because there is no option for safeguard.
can you add Arena 1/2/3 for stormbolt for hotkeys? overriding honorbuddy with custom macro doesn't work well most of the time, this would be a huge help for everyone i imagine
macros + add the key binds to hotkeys > short pause list is really all you need. If you still have a hard time getting them off with short pause you can increase the pause time in the general tab
I don't really get what you're saying. Regular interrupts for CC and heals are controlled by teammate/enemies health values and can be customized as well
Bought the routine but the interrupt bot doesnt work at all. Everything else is fine but it just doesnt kick - same on the druid gladiator suite. I already deleted settings files and everything but it just doesnt work and thus its pretty useless for me right now
Could I request options for : recklessness before bladestorm control over recklessness - i.e. units in range change to execute target if enough rage, in range but not current target. auto charge = only players option auto charge [don't auto charge if current target in execute range..]
I am still confused how this works. It seems to work fine in bgs because the bg profile moves my character however when i try to do this with arenas i stand still and do not move. I have enabled movement facing and targeting but my character barely moves i aslo use the trial for my mage and same issues. The program only spams frostbolt and icelance. I do not move at all or cc
So i need to move myself and the bot will do the rest of the rotation and cc? Also do i need to fill out the hotkeys tab with what is on my action bar?
i think LFX is not working right man, not showing peoples postings, not showing my own posting................. i just want to play with other *****ers and get ez glad, pls fix
Like I said last time it's definitely working. In rare cases it might not be able to get a valid hardware ID which might lead to the identification failing or some program on your PC might be blocking the connection. I know Cokx had a similar issue when he messed around with his HWID before so you can try PMing him about what he did to fix it