Hello, at the top of my HearthBuddy where it has DefaultBot and DefaultRoutine. I have NullRoutine instead and when I try starting the bot I get this message: [Start] Now creating the BotThread. [Stats] Start [NullRoutine] The NullRoutine should not be used. Please choose a different routine and Start the bot again. [Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop. [Stats] Stop How do I fix this? I can't find anything to fix it...
That did not help, I fully reinsallted and also tried deleting the Settings folder and there is nothing besides NullRoutine..
All you need to do is redownload hearthbuddy and get rid of all settings that you changed. Then when you are following the guide and it says CHANGE ONLY THE TEXT BETWEEN THE "=================================" Do what it says. If you delete all the extra stuff in there then the routine becomes null.