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    Discussion in 'Wildbuddy Profiles' started by Deathdisguise, Jun 20, 2015.

    1. daffy82

      daffy82 Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      When im starting the bot in everstar grove it runs a little bit and completes a quest then stands still.?

      Wildbuddy 1.1.604.3 starting...
      CPU Architecture: x64
      Process Architecture: x64
      OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
      OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.18444
      System Memory: 7,94 GB Available
      CPU Cores: 8
      Application Uri: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\wb
      Logging in...
      T: 5247503422744418057 H: 390726935
      Region: eu
      Attached to game: [1056] WildStar64 (Hash: CAAE2043)
      Attached to game: 
      Wildstar is currently in a 'Maximized' state. At this point in initialization, we cannot tell if the game is in proper full-screen mode. If it is, please ensure the game client is in either Windowed, or Borderless Windowed modes. Proper Fullscreen mode is not supported by Buddy products due to technical limitations.
      Attached to game: [1056] WildStar64 (Hash: CAAE2043)
      Local Player is a level 3 Mordesh Warrior Settler
      Location: X:-770,7465 Y:-904,2701 Z:-2269,289 (Area: 3b3e) on Eastern [990]
      Selected new bot: Profile Bot v0.0.0.1 by Bossland GmbH
      Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
      Selected Default Combat Routine version 1.0 as the current combat routine!
      Plugin Profile Helper (version by Apoc enabled.
      Plugin Auto Equip (version by Apoc enabled.
      Plugin Recovery (version 0.6.2) by Deathdisguise enabled.
      Loading profile: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\wb\Profiles\Questing\Exile\[DD][E] Everstar Grove.xml
      Profile [DD][E] Everstar Grove (version 0.0) by DD loaded!
      Setting game spell cast behavior to Normal
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #8)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #28)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #48)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #68)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #88)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #109)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #129)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #150)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #170)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #188)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #209)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #227)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #245)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #266)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #279)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #297)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.DDWhileTag (<DDWhile Condition="1 == 1" /> (Line #315)) has finished. Moving to the next...
      Authorized with the navigation server!
      Attempting to generate path to X:-422,2643 Y:-892,8661 Z:-3266,509 from X:-770,7465 Y:-904,2701 Z:-2269,289
      Successfully generated path to X:-422,2643 Y:-892,8661 Z:-3266,509
    2. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      1) Should be in the quest profile thread.
      2) I'll look into it. :p
    3. daffy82

      daffy82 Member

      Apr 29, 2014
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      Thank you very much and sorry :)
    4. Lastmango

      Lastmango Member Legendary

      Nov 25, 2014
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      DD; Can you add SoldierActivate to your criteria within DDCollect? don't want to write a whole new collection routine because of one flag :)
    5. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      Sure! :D
    6. Lastmango

      Lastmango Member Legendary

      Nov 25, 2014
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      CastOn isn't performing the action; noticed there isn't a load/save for the action attrib in the code.
    7. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      Oops! I'll push an update shortly. =P
    8. snue

      snue Member

      Nov 6, 2015
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      thanks for the awesome work!

      one question: is matchmaker not working anymore or am i doing anything wrong? i've read the whole "No Shiphand Event Tracking" Thread where you described how to use matchmaker (which apparently is included here too), but if i use the "<If Condition="Buddy.MatchMaker.Queue('Veteran: Fragment Zero')" />" tag you described in the "how to use" section at the other thread and start the profile, wildbuddy just crashes*.

      How would one join a queue with this now? (or how could i find out myself? i've read through all the files on the svn here and wasn't able to find anything that contains "matchmaker")

      *(log repeats
    9. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      Was ported over to the core bot! The GameId is typically just the MapId of the instance you want!
      			<If Condition="not Matchmaking.IsQueued">
      				<MatchmakingQueue GameId="1234" FindOthers="false" AsGroup="false" IgnoreIfNotLeader="true" />
      			<If Condition="Matchmaking.IsGamePending">
      				<MatchmakingJoin />
      				<Wait Time="3" />
    10. snue

      snue Member

      Nov 6, 2015
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      oh nice, thanks!

      is there any way i'd be able to look stuff like that up myself? you seem like a very nice person, but i guess you have other stuff to do than to answer my questions all day long ;) where is stuff like that located? where could i look up all existing tags of the core bot? i already found most of the tags available through your posts here i guess, but i'd be interested on how to find out new tags and stuff like this one on my own.

      and, sorry, but another question:

      i was trying to create a profile for crimson badlands - but i'm already stuck at picking up the first quest. The whole profile pretty much only consists of:

      <PickUp Condition="not HasQuest(7448)" Quest="7448" Objective="-1" Creature="35959" X="-22515.87" Y="-940.962158" Z="-27811.5781" InteractRange="15" />

      (which is "Scout the Island" from the "Pallian Cyreus" creature.)

      i double checked quest/creatue id, at first i tried to use the default version of picking up quests (PickUpQuest* instead of your PickUp tag), i used different conditions ("HasQuest(7448)" returns false regarding to PEC, condition should be fine), but i can't seem to get the bot to accepting this quest. funny thing: it does work perfectly for quest id's 7496 and 7498 of creature 35963. but all other quests (including quest 7481 from the same creatue 35963) at this questhub are simply ignored.

      logs just state:

      but it doesn't do anything.

      *<PickUpQuest QuestId="7448" QuestName="Scout the Island" CreatureId="35959" CreatureName="Pallian Cyreus" MapId="2997" X="-22515.87" Y="-940.962158" Z="-27811.5781" /> produces the same result.
      Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
    11. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      All the tags are viewable if you reference the Wildbuddy.exe application with a Object Explorer of some sort! (And if you don't know how to do that, google away! :D )

      Daily quests return State.Completed if they have previously been done before, so remove the Quest and Objective attributes, as they won't work for them!
    12. snue

      snue Member

      Nov 6, 2015
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      ah ok thanks.. i'll look into it :)

      ok, i tried removing the quest and objective part, but without the quest id it walks to the questgiver but just cycles through talking to him, never accepting the quest.

      if i just remove the objective part, it works fine for the first questgiver... but i run into the exact same problem at the next questgiver(s) :/

      to summarize:

      not working/doing nothing
      i can't seem to find any reason why it would behave differently when using the exact same tag, especially given that one of the tags not working is actually at the SAME questgiver than 2 of the working ones :confused:
    13. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      Oh I see what the issue would be!

      I'll have to investigate and add daily support for it, since PickUpTag actually is attempting to confirm it's in the right dialog (using the Quest attribute), so if that doesn't exist, it won't pick up the quest, but if it does exist, it won't pick up a daily. :p
    14. snue

      snue Member

      Nov 6, 2015
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      ok - but, just FYI, it DOES pick up dailies. the 3 it is picking up without any problem everytime are dailies too.

      //edit: ....ok, i just realised why some are working and some are not. if i manually accept them and then disband them they work because they change their IsQuestComplete state to false.... can i "force" the bot to accept a quest even though it's state is somehow not what the bot wants it to be?
      Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
    15. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      Can attempt it with the default PickQuest tag to see if it has a different behavior, and people typically use an auto-pickup addon + Interact tags otherwise. For now though? No. :)
    16. Lastmango

      Lastmango Member Legendary

      Nov 25, 2014
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      When using the <CastOn> Tag without a quest, i.e. a Condition statement, it throws an exception when you try to look for the quest's related spell:

      2015-11-13 14:19:29,148 [Pulsator Thread] ERROR Profile Bot - Exception during execution of profile tag <IfPathSoldier /> (Line #439)System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.CastOnTag.<ProfileTagLogic>b__0(ObjectiveSpellInfo o) in c:\WildBuddy.1.1\Plugins\QuestHelper\ProfileTags\CastOnTag.cs:line 306
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
         at Buddy.Wildstar.Engine.Profiles.CastOnTag.<ProfileTagLogic>d__c.MoveNext() in c:\WildBuddy.1.1\Plugins\QuestHelper\ProfileTags\CastOnTag.cs:line 306
    17. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      Added a new shiny tag, RapidTransport!

      Enum for Taxi node IDs (will also place in documentation):

      162 = Fool's Hope, Wilderrun
      163 = Marshal's Haven, Wilderrun
      238 = Everpool Sanctum, Wilderrun
      239 = Mistgloom Pass, Wilderrun
      240 = Deathbringer Hollow, Wilderrun
      241 = Kel Ulgar, Wilderrun
      5 = Gallow, Algoroc
      6 = Thayd
      7 = Tempest Refuge, Galeras
      38 = Gallow
      80 = Tremor Ridge, Algoroc
      87 = Woodhaven, Celestion
      88 = Sylvan Glade, Celestion
      89 = Grimhold, Celestion
      90 = Windspire Vigil, Galeras
      91 = Camp Dustdevil, Galeras
      92 = Skywatch, Galeras
      109 = Thermock Hold, Whitevale
      111 = Wigwalli Village, Whitevale
      112 = Prosperity Junction, Whitevale
      207 = Emergency Station J-7, Algoroc
      208 = Jeric's Claim, Algoroc
      209 = Demonclaw Pass, Algoroc
      210 = Grim Valley, Algoroc
      211 = Rockridge Hollow, Algoroc
      212 = Hijunga Village, Celestion
      213 = Exo-Site N22, Celestion
      214 = The Pools of Vitara, Celestion
      215 = Fortune's Ground, Thayd
      216 = The Staging Point, Galeras
      217 = XAS Forward Camp, Galeras
      218 = Stormwing Fortress, Galeras
      219 = Crosswind Fields, Galeras
      220 = Snowfade Grounds, Whitevale
      221 = Locus Dawn, Whitevale
      222 = Raxen's Holdout, Whitevale
      223 = Doomtide Village, Whitevale
      224 = Profitorium 9, Whitevale
      253 = Arborian Gardens, Thayd
      9 = Designer Island
      1 = Test Node A
      2 = Test Node B
      3 = Test Node C
      4 = Test Node D
      8 = Quest Test Island
      106 = Shinysands Oasis, Malgrave
      107 = Area 77, Malgrave
      175 = The Final Stand, Grimvault
      177 = Fort Gritty, Grimvault
      179 = Arborian Camp, Grimvault
      181 = Sandstone Hold, Malgrave
      182 = Aurelian Enclave, Blighthaven
      185 = Nursery Trading, Blighthaven
      187 = Inspiration Point, The Defile
      190 = Hope's Dare, The Defile
      193 = Rancher Rishka's Camp, Malgrave
      194 = Robber's Rest, Malgrave
      195 = Gravestone Valley, Malgrave
      196 = The Protostar Marketing Camp, Malgrave
      197 = Sandstinger Waystation, Malgrave
      198 = Hellrose Bowl, Malgrave
      199 = The Ruined Caravan, Malgrave
      200 = The Black Focus, The Defile
      201 = Fort Shear, Grimvault
      202 = Stonebreaker Post, Grimvault
      203 = Uncanny Advance, Blighthaven
      147 = Graylight Taxi Service
      148 = Protostar HQ Taxi Service
      32 = Exiles Neighborhood
      37 = Neighborhood
      39 = Eastern Block
      40 = Neighborhood Center
      51 = Northern Block
      52 = Northwest Block
      53 = Southwest Block
      54 = Southern Block
      35 = Skymap
      243 = Camp Flameward, Farside
      244 = Cascade Cliffs, Farside
      246 = Stonebreaker's Stand, Farside
      248 = Arcanus Base, Farside
      250 = Derelict Silo E23, Farside
      251 = Touchdown Site Bravo, Farside

      55 = Deradune - Bloodfire Village
      60 = Hycrest, Auroria
      61 = Protostar Cubig Farms, Auroria
      62 = Gildgrass Airfield, Auroria
      63 = Fort Glory, Auroria
      64 = Endless Vigil, Deradune
      67 = Feralplain Testing Range, Deradune
      68 = Bloodfire Village, Deradune
      69 = Illium
      70 = Lightreach Mission, Ellevar
      164 = Fort Vigilance, Wilderrun
      165 = Marshal's Haven, Wilderrun
      184 = Mistymurk Camp, Ellevar
      228 = Spearclaw Post, Deradune
      229 = Outreach Post, Deradune
      230 = Owanee Research Station, Deradune
      231 = Vigilant's Stand, Ellevar
      232 = Sterling Croft, Ellevar
      233 = Excavation Site Alpha, Ellevar
      234 = Legion's Way, Illium
      235 = Protostar Honeyworks, Auroria
      236 = Farmer's Refuge, Auroria
      237 = Greystone Hill, Auroria
      238 = Everpool Sanctum, Wilderrun
      239 = Mistgloom Pass, Wilderrun
      240 = Deathbringer Hollow, Wilderrun
      241 = Kel Ulgar, Wilderrun
      254 = Enigma Chamber, Illium
      110 = Palerock Post, Whitevale
      111 = Wigwalli Village, Whitevale
      112 = Prosperity Junction, Whitevale
      223 = Doomtide Village, Whitevale
      224 = Profitorium 9, Whitevale
      225 = Camp Virtue, Whitevale
      226 = Deadrock Prison, Whitevale
      227 = Inception's Stand, Whitevale
      9 = Designer Island
      1 = Test Node A
      2 = Test Node B
      3 = Test Node C
      4 = Test Node D
      8 = Quest Test Island
      106 = Shinysands Oasis, Malgrave
      107 = Area 77, Malgrave
      174 = Vigilant Incursion, Grimvault
      176 = Brazen Bulwark, Grimvault
      178 = Legion's Landing, Grimvault
      180 = Sunstorm Village, Malgrave
      183 = Titian Collective, Blighthaven
      185 = Nursery Trading, Blighthaven
      188 = Research Station X-22, The Defile
      189 = Final Light, The Defile
      193 = Rancher Rishka's Camp, Malgrave
      194 = Robber's Rest, Malgrave
      195 = Gravestone Valley, Malgrave
      196 = The Protostar Marketing Camp, Malgrave
      197 = Sandstinger Waystation, Malgrave
      198 = Hellrose Bowl, Malgrave
      199 = The Ruined Caravan, Malgrave
      200 = The Black Focus, The Defile
      204 = Gallant Bastion, Grimvault
      205 = Dawnbringer Outpost, Grimvault
      206 = Perilous Annex, Blighthaven
      147 = Graylight Taxi Service
      148 = Protostar HQ Taxi Service
      32 = Exiles Neighborhood
      39 = Eastern Block
      40 = Neighborhood Center
      51 = Northern Block
      52 = Northwest Block
      53 = Southwest Block
      54 = Southern Block
      57 = Neighborhood
      56 = Skymap
      242 = Forward Base Firestorm, Farside
      245 = Bogwatch Post, Farside
      247 = Warbringer's Break, Farside
      249 = Arcanus Base, Farside
      250 = Derelict Silo E23, Farside
      252 = Sovereign's Landing, Farside

      Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
    18. Deathdisguise

      Deathdisguise Community Developer

      Mar 7, 2015
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      For the Nov 23 changes (and glorious error spam) for BETA users, please see the original post for a compatible version. For everyone else, please stick with the SVN version! :)
    19. xyz1337

      xyz1337 New Member

      Dec 9, 2015
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      Did you had a chance to check the Pickup topic with daily quests? I do not seem to get any viable option to work with the current tags.

      Thanks, keep up the good work :)
    20. snue

      snue Member

      Nov 6, 2015
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      you can use IgnoreState="true" on the PickUpQuest tag to accept dailies.

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