Browsing the GSL doesn't require an active session like LFX does as far as I know. I didn't implement it though so you're better off asking Cokx.
does execute override ALL abilities when in execute range? it seems like sometimes it will use hamstring/rend when it's time to execute. i could be wrong... EDIT also... is there an option to stamina shout before you or ally dies? or does it automatically do it anyway? EDIT 2 does it also know to auto execute pets nearby ?
i have a couple of suggestions.... 1 when we are specced FURY make sure it doesnt wild strike (unless procs) in execute range. 2 when we are specced GLADIATOR make sure it doesnt use Heroic strike (unless procs) in execute range. 3 when we are specced PROTECTION make sure it does NOT use EXECUTE AT ALL (i dont want to waste rage on execute when im the one who has to survive). [at least give the option to NOT use execute when we are specced protection and are on defensive stance] 4 when we are specced PROTECTION make sure it does NOT spam Heroic strike unless it has more than 80ish rage (i need to have 60 rage always ready for survability cooldowns). [maybe put a slider on where when we are on defensive stance it will not cast HS unless X amount of rage stored] waiting for your answer... ty for your work til now
1. It does cast wild strike if you have more than 90 rage or your target is missing the ms effect or you are in a miniburst phase 2. Its not allowed to use Heroic Strike when your target is below 20% unless you have a proc 3+4. When you have Shieldblock enabled in your settings its not allowed to use Execute or non proc HS below 90 rage at all if you have less hp than your shieldblock value Edit 3+4. And your current target is targeting you
"3+4. When you have Shieldblock enabled in your settings its not allowed to use Execute or non proc HS below 90 rage at all if you have less hp than your shieldblock value" yes i noticed that but the thing is... say i have 76% hp (the slider is set to 75) and it uses all rage on HS and i remain with 10ish rage... then i get hit and go down to 50% but i still got 20ish rage therefore i cant use shield block! could u give us an option to NEVER cast HS unless we have more than (a slider) certain rage? and the same with execute usage in def stance (a check for yes or no) ty for ur answer. waiting for new answer.... and ty again for your work till now
edit: im sorry but i have to confirm it DOES use HS and Execute regardless of your hp and the check on useage of shield block/barrier. can u please check that out? by "specced protection" i mean specced glad stance but using defensive to tank... so my adivces would be on the "defensive stance" of the "gladiator spec"... i dont know if i explained myself.... anyway check it out cose it does execute and heroic strike regardless of anything.. ty for your work... waiting for your answer
yeah i'm almost certain as well when ppl are in execute range (arms spec) the rotation is wanting to make sure rend/hamstring is refreshed... can you guys please check it
Hey hey, could anyone please upload their settings and give me any tips you think are helpful for someone who just started using the routine. Big thnx.
warrior settings are probably the easiest to run through if you've played warrior before put spell reflect on 80-90% and interrupt to like 30-90% turn off automated stuff like auto bolt or auto fear, auto leap execute etc only auto gap closer should be on (blinks etc you can stay on your target quickly) below 80% hp you should be in dstance and the option for 2 ppl attacking you is fine set up your hotkeys page, there are a lot of useful quick hotkeys, read them all on the page with the cc options check all the boxes for cc/dmg/heal...there are some other options on this page but i don't have it pulled up atm i'm at work on my phone, if you take your time and go through the option pages it will make sense if you've never played warrior or arenas, settings aren't going to help you much, the routine is just a crutch, you still have to do A LOT with your team for a win the routine WILL NOT win for you
hey guys, what rating is possible without any knowledge from warrior? im struggling to decide if i start to play a hunter or an warri.
with hotkeys set up and general cc set ups with team, probably glad if you have a shitty team, probably 2k-2.2k
Will this always use pummel or do I have to use the hotkey to int next heal? THere have been times when healer is in a cast and it doesnt pummel and i do it manually...