Hey! I've been botting quite a while, normally for just a few hours while I monitor it every now and then. But today I decided to bot for 10hours and fill all my bags. I woke up and I noticed when I logged in that my bags weren't full even tho it said that in the debug log. I use my normal bagpack(16slot) and 2x Hyjal Expedition Bag(36slot herb) and 2x Mammoth Mining Bag (32slot mining) I've attached my log and a screenshot of my bags who are clearly not full. Hope to see how this can be solved. Cheers!
I used to have this problem use 1 mining, 1 herb, 2 regular bags (22-24 slot) and that will solve your issues
i use 1 mining bag, 1 herb bag and the rest frostweave bags.. and it did this to me the other day... so your bag configuration doesnt do anything.. it did it in Vashjir.. I stopped thebot and went home (i was at work) and when i loaded it on my home computer it worked fine.
oh, cause the pic says 2 mammoth, 2 herb, no regulars it mails when the backpack is full if i recall correctly (or when it repairs in twilight highlands / uldum)
Ty for the quick answers Kick and atg. I would like a confirmation on the quote above though. So i'd say tony? What's going on. It sounds logical tho that if the backpack is full it would shutdown.
you may want to ask this question in the official GB thread -- as Hawker is very busy, but he does at least check that thread quite often if not, Tony or someone may see this thread since it's bumped
Just download the version with guildbank blalba, so he will mail it when your bags are full. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=82 and imo use http://www.thebuddyforum.com/gatherbuddy-forum/profiles/cataclysm/15205-[twilight-highlands]mining-herb-alan-kece.html that one increased my herbs/mining each hour alot
I had similar issues when i was starting out, I was told that gatherbuddy doesnt handle the herb and mining bags very well. Just been using embersilk bags instead atm and haven't had any more issues.
Thanks for the answers people, I do use the Guildbank version. And i used w00ts mining profile for TH so that why im quite low on herbs. I'll check that one out though. And I really dont like the mail feature, it randomly mails a few stacks and then goes back then mails a few stacks as well.
Dont know if this has been answered fully yet, but you see that Mining node you are trying to get? GB noticed that there wasnt any room for it, so it assumes all bags are full, it doesnt actually check this, it waits until the game tells it there is no room. So use 1 of each, and 2 normals I'd say. I personally use 4 normals because I like to party (Aka Raid)
That sounds logical to me, I'll try 1xMining 1xHerb +2 Embersilk Bags and see how that goes Thanks for the replies everyone!
i've alwayts used 1 mining + 1 herbing + the rest regular and never had any problems until the other day.. once i got on a different computer it worked fine.
Pleawse switch to the Goldseller Edition, -> mailing , GV-runs As your bags are full, GB logs you out, once a single resource you can not pick up appears.