今天SB登陆不上,挂了VPN可以用了。后来听说中国服务器好使了,然后一登陆就说 Could not retrieve offset data for client version HotS v0.14.3.38793 0xDB87D9E1 This key has been used in the SoutheastAsia region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. Session with specified sid does not exist in China region. 用代理登上了后台,中国区不能选择。选了一下右上角的东南亚区,发现key的Region显示东南亚,但是改不了,无论把key的Region改成哪一个,刷新后又便会东南亚了。咋办?
na.buddyauth.com的key显示的是china,我没有切到其他区,直接登陆SB,但是SB依旧提示 Could not retrieve offset data for client version HotS v0.14.3.38793 0xDB87D9E1 This key has been used in the SoutheastAsia region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. Session with specified sid does not exist in China region. 题外话:我切换到cn.buddyauth.com或者sea.buddyauth.com,key的区域显示的是东南亚,eu.buddyauth.com却显示的也是china 我在na修改后