Should fix the reque issue. I've been using it but it hasn't happened to me. How does this work? It checks the ETA for a que, if your over the ETA by 2 mins, it cancels your que. Check if this works for you guys! Credits: APOC for telling me to update my HB xD <3 Sry for all the trollin ZNF? Sorry for the retarded format of this post, I'm high on drugs from my foot being fucked up. Have fun.
Wouldnt run EnabledPlugins: Plugin from C:\Documents and Settings\Allen\Desktop\HB\Plugins\BGRequeue.cs could not be compiled! Compiler errors: File: BGRequeue.cs Line: 39 Error: 'Styx.Logic.Battlegrounds' does not contain a definition for 'GetQueuedBattlegroundWaitTime'
Is it possible to have the plugin requeue for a random? The plugin seems to drop queue appropriately but HB doesn't recognize that it needs to requeue.
Using the profile "PvP" ? Mine does not. Is there a line I can add in there to force a requeue? I was looking at wowwiki's lua API stuff but couldn't how to join the random queue via command line edit: Just watched it happen. I get the messages in the Log that its dropping queue, and I can even right-click->leave queue in-game over and over, but nothing happens. I rejoin the queue by hand in-game, the "in queue" timer resets, and HB takes over as it usually does.
i either need to log out or manually queue for a different bg then re-queue to my previous one. right clicking and leave queue does nothing.
Fix for random battlegrounds: Set PvP profile for random battleground. Open the honor panel and highlight the random battleground option, then close the pane. Add this to the plugin Code: Thread.Sleep(500); Lua.DoString("JoinBattlefield(0);"); Run things as normal.
mine wont join the thread and the thing the one guy said to add to plugin, i dont know where to add it... ya can some1 update this please?>