This is a problem I had last time I tried to use HBRelog too - It will start wow, then never detect that it opens. It just sits there saying Waiting for wow to start.. and evetually closes it and tries to reopen. Also when I try to "grab" the window location in the window settings with wow open, nothing happens.
Hi I always get this message. I intalled this HBRelog Version like Instruction. HB is the newest Version and works. I don t know more what to do may be somebody can help. [14:16:01] Checking for new Honorbuddy update [14:16:01] New version of Honorbuddy is available. [14:16:01] Closing all instances of Honorbuddy [14:16:01] Downloading new version of Honorbuddy [14:16:01] Extracting Honorbuddy to G:\WoWextras\Honorbuddy 2.5.14527.804 [14:16:01] System.IO.InvalidDataException: Das zentrale Verzeichnis ist beschädigt. ---> System.IO.IOException: Es wurde versucht, den Dateizeiger vor den Anfang der Datei zu bewegen. bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) bei System.IO.FileStream.SeekCore(Int64 offset, SeekOrigin origin) bei System.IO.FileStream.Seek(Int64 offset, SeekOrigin origin) bei System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.ReadEndOfCentralDirectory() --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung --- bei System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.ReadEndOfCentralDirectory() bei System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.Init(Stream stream, ZipArchiveMode mode, Boolean leaveOpen) bei System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive..ctor(Stream stream, ZipArchiveMode mode, Boolean leaveOpen, Encoding entryNameEncoding) bei System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.Open(String archiveFileName, ZipArchiveMode mode, Encoding entryNameEncoding) bei System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(String sourceArchiveFileName, String destinationDirectoryName, Encoding entryNameEncoding) bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.Honorbuddy.States.UpdateHonorbuddyState.Run() in g:\HBRelog-master\HBRelog-master\Honorbuddy\States\UpdateHonorbuddyState.cs:Zeile 96. bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.FiniteStateMachine.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse() in g:\HBRelog-master\HBRelog-master\FiniteStateMachine\Engine.cs:Zeile 41. bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.Honorbuddy.HonorbuddyManager.Pulse() in g:\HBRelog-master\HBRelog-master\Honorbuddy\HonorbuddyManager.cs:Zeile 185. bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.TaskManager.Pulse() in g:\HBRelog-master\HBRelog-master\TaskManager.cs:Zeile 70. bei HighVoltz.HBRelog.HbRelogManager.DoWork() in g:\HBRelog-master\HBRelog-master\HBRelogManager.cs:Zeile 145.
Hey when HBRelog tries to open wow I get the following error The same error occures with ARelog and The buddylauncher, but not when starting wow manually. Also the error just occures on Windows 10 on windows 7 everysting works fine (on the same machine).
So we can run dungeonbuddy in LFR and when the toon completes all the LFRs for the week, this will auto swap to the next toon?
Any of you got problem at character switch resulting in too many HB sessions? Seems that somehow ARelog brutally kills HB.
I have a question. Where are the setting stored? I wanted to make 3 different Hbrelog folder to run different things. (ex, garrison, dailies on different toons, and then make one that runs mount runs once a week.) But when I just tried it all 3 different folders of HBrelog are sharing the settings. Anyway to split them up?
Yes I think that Honorbuddy has changed their MainWindow. I fixed it in a fork:
I really love you for this...but I fucked up my whole HBRelog and cant get it work... How I'm supposed to fix it?
Relog is working, but as I said before it kills HB so every time result in too many sessions. I saw your fix but I have no idea how to apply it. I substituted the three files you have modified but with no results. Maybe I have somehow to recompile whole Relog? Thank you for your help.
Yes you will need to recompile If someone were to advise on where I could post these updated binaries (if allowed) I would be glad to. But yes the issue as you described is the one that I fixed.
And here comes the main question... How? Do I have to substitute the three files first? Then? If you are not allowed to write istructions here just PM me! Cheers.
Check the first post in this thread. There are apparently forum rules preventing me from building it and publishing or pointing at binaries. It might be noted that the changes I made were based on the original HBRelog software.. and not Aash's version. So obviously I haven't tested them on that codebase... Let me know if you have trouble following his video or run into errors. EDIT: The fix I have for this issue was initially made on top of the original HBRelog - I have rebased and tested it on top of aash's HBRelog. Please follow his instructions in his first post to build. You can just clone from master now at my fork: I will also add that I have submitted a pull request if aash is still around and interested in maintaining his fork.
This error message is printed when it takes honorbuddy longer than 2 minutes to attach to the WoW process. I think that this is a reasonable timeout. I could look into making it a user option if you really want... or we could investigate why your honorbuddy is taking so long to attach to WoW.exe. Could you attach a HB log? Do you have a very large number of plugins/bot-bases that are loading?
Build.cmd gives 22 errors if I recompile with your new three files, just going over the old ARelog installation. Edit: tried from scratch and no errors, let's try if it works now. Update: not working, HB still being killed.
How did you obtain my changes? I had pushed several changes to HBRelog that are probably not compatible with aashz's relog program. Can you make sure you're using commit bf6b71fb76a4ff5bbb9051e0e1104f7d9bbe6cd3 ? In fact, try to just re-clone the repo from at master (which should be the commit I listed above). Update the build.cmd to point to your Honorbuddy install location, and then rebuild. Make sure you run the newly built binary in bin\Release\HBRelog.exe (check the modified time to verify it just got built). I tried these steps this morning (I normally build from visual studio) and I was able to get it to work successfully. Good luck keep me posted.