Yes but that would be silly. 2 x single session costs €29.98. If you upgrade to RAF, we refund what you already paid, so for €10 you get 3 extra sessions.
Is Gatherbuddy lifetime going to go up in price too? And if not are you still going to be able to use one of your 3 sessions with gatherbuddy lifetime to run honorbuddy?
There is no change in the Gatherbuddy Structure, and as i told before, all upcoming extras and changed will be mostly free for Gatherbuddy Lifetime users, except very few things.
oooo <3 !!! and to those "zomgz stealz our monies for plugins!!!" ppl - 5e ... thats very little time botting -_- if you sell the gold. hah!
This sounds Brilliant, I've been using Gatherbuddy lifetime for a long time now and love it ^_^ thanks Bossland
God damn they put in questing >< I just finished my 3 palas . Oh well....if I ever expand again or God forbid something bad happens we'll be able to get back to farming supa dupa fast . Now the question: How will the meshes/quests work... Is there anything us users can help with?
Will existing customers be able to upgrade in the future for the lower price? (Ie, I have one HB sub now, in the future if I want to add another, or get RAF - do I pay the new rate or the old rate?)
"mostly free for Gatherbuddy Lifetime users, except very few things. " what are these "very few things"
This is simply amazing. I am SO excited and can't wait until it's released/finished!!! AWESOME WORK GUYS!
the eAH - Auctioneer is one of that things actually there are no other out there atm, but i could tell you some which i wish to be created : eGV - auto Guildvault ccreator , very helpfull if you have 500 toons on 500 servers and get all the GVs created on the way eBB - auto BootyBay Walk for Gold Transfers , and so on