STORE LINK: you tired of having to try to do the recruit a friend level boosting? Is it cumbersome to click that damn accept button to accept the levels? Well this plugins is for you! This plugins is designed to do one simple thing: Grant Levels to another character of your choosing and have them accept it!
Are you tired of having to try to do the recruit a friend level boosting? Is it cumbersome to click that damn accept button to accept the levels? Well this plugins is for you! This plugins is designed to do one simple thing: Grant Levels to another character of your choosing and have them accept it! INSTRUCTIONS On the Granter Toon: Open the GUI for it. Enable Level Granting Put the toon to Grant Levels To name in the field. Select the Level you want to start granting levels to it. Select the Level you want to stop granting levels to it. On the Accepting Toon: Click Accept Level Grant. Then put the 2 toons near each other and viola, it should start granting levels.
Hey i am intressted to buy this. can i send my 5 man raf grp and they will grant a level to each other as soon it is possible while dungonbuddy is runing? Greetings
Yes that would work just fine. I am going to be adding "Upon Level Up" to the option. So it will only check once it levels up. This should stop the spam checking.
Added a new build for tonight. It will now have the ability to only use a Level Grant as it levels up. This was a request from one of the users. I have also removed the check for RAFLink. I know quite a few people who use it for 5 man teams. Although I will wait for them to respond with their thoughts. The changes I have been making have been for those people specifically.
The one on the left is the Granter, Right is the receiver not working for me. i was on vacation earlier in the week. just downloaded .768 Hb. there isn't any information in the logs to help you. all its says is the same on the left hand side. ( setting grant levels Etc Etc.) Edit: After just guessing. i uploaded a Blank Profile on grind bot, pressed start and it is working. though you didn't mention that . Edit: 2/21/15 i see you uploaded a revision , But mine still still says . after doing what i said earlier i tried on the next character, and it wouldn't do anything.
I would have to see the log But from the picture it looks like the bot isn't running. You need to have the bot running.
Hello Phelon, I have a Question why is this Plugin not working with 2 Charaktere in Group with Questing? It waits for no character on the other with the Quest levy. How do I set the plugin properly it works. Sorry my english is not the best. I hope you can help me.
This Plugin is not for RAF Questing. Maybe the Title of this Plugin is not the best (for what it does) ^^