Thank you Edit: First try stormstout brewery works fine fore me already Edit: Monastery works fine too )) so i think the rest is allright to . Report if not
After the last boss in Grimrail Depot the bot just leaves without looting the boss / picking up the Core of Iron
Any ETA on HFC Lfr ? Its required to finish legendary ring and its also 750 valor points per week. Making it mandatory to run and its a nightmare lol.
You are mistaken. for all your Legendary ring questions
I still get "[DungeonBuddy]: Dungeon is considered complete in 10 seconds. Reason: Completed" and it leaves party without looting, with the CS you linked ZoneHunter
Thats very odd i had two toons do it to confirm it was fixed. EDIT: It worked properly when i(I use lazyraider to run my tanks manually) was running the tank(The bot was a hunter using Dungeonbuddy ofc) in party mode but in random group it acts as you describe. Ill work on a work around for now it should be properly accessing the core of iron though and the dungeon will mail you your items for that boss anyways so your not losing anything. EDIT2: I resolved it. To test it i had it run in random groups 3 times in a row each time it successfully retrieved the loot. I updated the original quickfix .CS file just resave / overwrite the .CS again and you'll be set to go. Test it for yourself let me know how it goes.
5 man dungeonbuddy botting is the shit. I got 10xlevel 100 in less than 2 weeks with it and kicks questing profile.
Hello, I need a bit of help from you all. I recently started to train my 5 man team (All on level 15) they are RAF'ed aswell and I wanted to take them through dungeons together. They are all on different servers. I have putted all the information in, correct follower/leader things. Strings in leader account are correct (Name-realm) BUT when I start to que. Every time 1 leaves, and then the party is gone again. Same as the message "leader is not here". Just using the standard DG in Honorbuddy. Can anyone help me with it, so I can actually start training them? Thank you in advance.
I Recommend inviting each member and looking on the party list to see what its being read as. Some times it shortens server names when they are extremely long. Additionally, Ensure casing matches
Has anyone encountered problems with Shadowmoon burial grounds? Right after the first turn (killing the first void mob) there are a set of runes in a circle. My paladin would stand outside and try to attack and making it too obvious it'd look like a bot. Also, you know how you jump down to a hole in that instance. Occasionally after the critter pack once you have made the jump, the bot would try to run back to the above level via staircase opposite of where the boss is located. I'll attach a log when I can. Just wondering if anyone experienced the same issue.
I havent thought about that one, cheers for that. I will try again in an hour or 2. Also got 5x15's on the same server right now, to try around for a bit. You will hear as soon as possible from me, when I have tried it. Thanks!
Here is a updated quickfix until Mr. HighVoltz gets a chance to push a update. It fixes all MoP Dungeons File: View attachment Mists of To use this zip simply replace your "HONORBUDDY\Default Profiles\Dungeonbuddy\Mists of Pandaria" folder with this one.