hi my bot was playing druid mid range, when my board was full the bot still tried to put out a minion over and over again. when i played Aggro Paladin, the bot tried to give my hero Blessings of Might over and over again, and blessings of might can only buff your minions i only have the log files for the druid
give us your \Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2015-11-29_15-40-18.txt as well plz
i posted all the files from \Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\U ILogg from that day, i dont know when i happend on that day but i know it happend, because i saw it, it was on my turn so the bot attacked so he had very low health left and my board was full so the bot tried to put out a minion over and over again, like 3 times, and my opponent conceded. yes im using a custom rutine
in that case you must report this under custom routine's thread i am sure this doesnt happen when using the default one
reaper775, thanks. The problem has been fixed, and you will get the solution in the next update. For selecting right logs you can use the HSBToolBox