The Arak questing profile, it keeps trying to reach the chest, and mostly fails at it, forever. i'm not too far from the saber quest atm so ill post whatever i can when i get there, IF it bugs out.
moving to interact with sabermaw Cage (id 230115) [InteractWith-v2140(warning)] Taking too long to reach Sabermaw Cage--blacklisting for 3m00s So the cages is the problems really, it just walks into the mountain wall and after 3 mins it tries again, forever
[Tastes Like Chicken] quest can also be alittle bugged sometime as it will try to target a windroc that is far above in the air, unhittable for any class, even hunters and mages, (mainly cus it aims for it down in the Den area)
I went ahead and reverted the commit until the jumplink is fully confirmed as working. Although our testers had no issues with it, if one user reports it as an issue then it needs to be looked at again. Thanks for all the information!
I don't know what "the chest" is, could you tell me the name of it or give me the ID? Anything that would help me understand which "the chest" is so that I can address it. [Hr][/Hr] I need more information than just this so that I can blacklist the cage. What quest was the bot doing? Which Sabermaw Cage was it? [Hr][/Hr] This is a general bug that happens with most flying mobs. What combat routine are you using?
Still using Singular and about the cage, got no idea what so ever, didnt find the cage, but the char tried to scale the mountain so i thought it was the cage right above that mountain in another cave, went to open it manually but the bot still stuck, it doesnt want to use flying mount to get there either, quest's name is Gobnapped
i ran into some issues in the profile auto loader with one toon while the other was fine... A quest that takes you to the cave between gorgrond and the lvl 100 area of frostfire ridge... it would scale the mountain and attempt to kill the lvl 100s at lvl 93. I could manually help it and kill 1 lvl 100 but i had to manually move the toon into the cave to pick up the quest and everything was fine.
Shipwright Hi Echo, I've attached a lot - but with all of my characters I've had problems with the "we need a shipwright" quest. It makes it to the docks and just stands at the entrance. Log: View attachment 6700 2015-12-09 13.04.txt
???I loaded the bot and my level 92 is in my garrison. I looked for the quest profile for WOD and it is not there.
Hmm, to me it looks like your character zoned into the "Iron Docks" dungeon for whatever reason while attempting to turn in the quest. From what I recall, the Iron Docks dungeon isn't apart of the intro quests at all. So I'm not sure what happened there. Could you stop the bot and zone out of the dungeon?
How are you obtaining the profiles? If it's through the store, then you may need to clear your store cache. Close the bot, then go to this folder: (to go to it, just paste that into the bar at the top of your file explorer and hit enter.) %LocalAppData%/Bossland/Buddy Store/ Inside of that folder, you should see sometihng along the lines of this: Delete all of it, then start your bot up again. See if the profiles are there then.
Code: Index: Auto Loader - v2.xml =================================================================== --- Auto Loader - v2.xml (revision 4556) +++ Auto Loader - v2.xml (working copy) @@ -50,23 +50,23 @@ </If> <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Dwarf"> - <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Dwarf 1-5 [Kick]" RememberProfile="true" /> + <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Dwarf 1-5 [Kick]" RememberProfile="true" /> </If> <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Gnome"> - <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Gnome 1-5 [Kick]" RememberProfile="true" /> + <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Gnome 1-5 [Kick]" RememberProfile="true" /> </If> <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Human"> - <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Human 1-5 [Kick]" RememberProfile="true" /> + <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Human 1-5 [Kick]" RememberProfile="true" /> </If> <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.NightElf"> - <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Night Elf 1-5 [Kick]" RememberProfile="true" /> + <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Night Elf 1-5 [Kick]" RememberProfile="true" /> </If> <If Condition="Me.Race == WoWRace.Worgen" > - <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Worgen 1-12 [Kick]" RememberProfile="true" /> + <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] 1-12 [Kick]\[A - Quest] Worgen 1-12 [Kick]" RememberProfile="true" /> </If> </If> <!-- END Starters -->
Just wanted to say that this works now. Thanks for supporting this thread and putting so much love into these profiles!
Glad to see it works for you! I forgot when I sent the fix, it but was around when I posted the response to you.
Your error is: Code: System.IO.IOException: Cannot create "C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\WoW1\Cache" because a file or directory with the same name already exists. Have you tried with a fresh installation? Or perhaps, try deleting the Cache folder.
Still problems with faction changed characters. Hi once again! I have previously posted about problems with [A] Fly - Shadowmoon Valley profile because two of my characters are faction changed and they have already completed the Tanaan Jungle starter quests. I was replied with: "Faction switching your character could potentially mess things up since the bot stores information about your character. You may want to clear your cache and setting folders to fix that. As far as the 'mobs not spawning' errors, I'll have to look into it manually. The 90-100 WoD profiles were origionally wrote for ground mounts, so when Kick added in flying - some quests that require you to 'be on ground' broke. Thanks for the logs/reports!" I cleared my cache and setting folders but the bot still flies my characters to Tanaan Jungle in search of Khadgar to turn in the quest. I also tried to alter the code to ignore those quests and continue from Garrison but it didn't work at all. I think I managed to summon an ancient one while working with the code. Here is the log and link to the previous archived post. View attachment 6496 2015-11-08 03.12.txt