Got a Problem with this profile. I just dont know exactly which bot i've to use to get the bot running? Currently I got my charakter in Tanaan with "Grind Bot" and it says its "Loading profile" since 30 mins.. So I just want to get the bot to start farming the mobs and start skinning them.. but dont know how to fix the problem with the "loading profile" thing..? Can anyone help me? From germany, if that matters.
I unchecked ninja skinning but it would still attempt to skin other peoples mobs. Is there anyway to prevent that? If the mob wasn't being skinned it would sometimes wait until the player is gone then attempt to skin. Or, it would literally run towards the mob a tapped mob and attempt to skin, while just standing there next to the dead mob waiting - it would seem really obvious. Anyway to fix that? Thanks View attachment 4336 2015-12-07 08.08.txt
Is this meant to mail? Works fine, farms good but ive noticed my bags get full he'll go vendor and repair however wont mail (mail settings / name are there). So I can see my bags are getting more full so my time spent farming is less before he goes back to repair/sell. edit: Read forums, however it'd be alot better if it could mail/vendor at same time rather than vendor, vendor, vendor (dunno how many times its gonna vendor before it mails) but as I said each time it spends lesstime in the jungle farming. edit2: After watching it again vendor without mailing and seeing how little space I had in my back pack (less than 9 slots after vendor) I had to edit the profile, for alliance it will now vendor/mail at same time if its ok with author i'll share. However I do wanna say ty for sharing this profile I guess you're horde though and cant believe no alliance player has reported this problem so far.
Ran profile for 4.5 hours Results: 1075 kills 700 gold from trash 1000 raw beast hide 2g per = 2000g 40 felblight 150g per on my server 6000g 12 green drops disenchant for 37 dust = 122g total = 8,822g in 4.5 hours Great profile! thank you!
mine doesnt seem to want to repair. weapons break then it just stops killing EDIT: I found the problem. I was in the part of the Tanaan Quest chain where the Vault of earth is all fucked up from Guldan, therefore there was no vendor there. I needed to complete the chain and then everything started working fine again. JUST A HEADS UP FOR OTHERS INCASE THEY MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AS ME
The profile only works with the questing botbase, unfortunatly. You could use this one though
Err, it should be mailing. I'll take a look once the EU servers are up again though, thanks for the headsup
how can you stop it from attacking everythin 5000 feet away and not looting ? it should be killing then loot/skin but it goes after everything in radar then attempts to loot/skin prolly miss out on 50% of my stuff
I have been using this for some days and it was perfect. But it seems blizz nerfed this spot, although i havent seen any blue post. Used to get 20 felblights/hour and now can barely make 10 (6 to be more exact). Does anyone know anything about it?
my druids are getting stuck in the thornmire area behind a mesh netting, they are unable to get out from there and subsequently DC :-(
I am still using vol 9 from way back when and it works good. Any thing new that would make it worth getting the profile?