Now this is not really bot related, but this community tends to give me good info. Now to the question, is the game any good? Like I have been playing for 4-5 hours now, and completely love the looks. But dont understand why the quests are not voice acted(cutsences aswell). This might be becouse of 14 day free trail, atleast I hope it is.
A lot of the cutscenes aren't voice acted, not until later into the game, and even then, some still aren't VA'd. Also keep an eye out, as the voice actors change once Heavenswards comes into play, can be a bit jarring. I'd recommend using Japanese VAs until Heavensward then switching to English. English VAs are much better in Heavenswards. (Not sure for other languages, if English isn't your mother tongue.) In my opinion, the game is good, and it's fun, but it's an MMO. Playing with friends and having that social element will make it that much more fun. But I suppose that's true of most any game. Late-game, Tomestones of Esoterics and Crafting/Gathering Red Scrips weekly lockouts feel like a definite drag, but there tends to be lots of stuff to do/try unless you're a hardcore raider that clears Alexander Savage and Popehat EX (Thordan EX) on the first week of their release. 'But, there's the Diadem!' you cry. Yeah, well, Diadem is a grind. Go in it with a combat routine and pay little attention and do something more productive.
atm I have no plans of botting this game, need to learn how the game is first xD But yeah I was hoping for more than what i have gotten, like if I could get the VA in Japansese all the way from the start that would have been better than this mute stuff xD
it does get better but its very slow moving. The game does its best to ease players who have never played a mmo before into the game which makes the early game feel duller than usual for veterans. If you like it already do know that pretty much every aspect of the game gets increasingly better the further along you get. As youve noticed most scenes dont have voice overs. this is especially true in the 2.0 content (most likely a result from the games rushed production). iirc it gets better in the 2.1+ story and heavensward have a lot more voice over scenes comparatively. As mentioned, if you're not bothered with subtitles switch to japanese voice overs, they're much better.
If you follow the main story line, for the first class you level you basically never need to bot really, its once u start to level another 60 thats when it gets slow without the mainstory line to help boost exp.
Very much so. I didn't start botting until well after I had gotten my first class to 60, though I had done quite a few FATEs/dungeons with friends, making the 50-60 easier than it should have been.