Just got banned too. 6 months. I was just using it really carefully for daily northrend quest... (Anyway, not a bad thing after all, i was playing too much.)
Damn, knew I shouldn't of used the bot I promised myself I wouldn't. A week ago I had it finish off a warlock I was leveling 98-100, only used it for 2-3 hours and monitored it the entire time. Just got hit with the 18-month ban and only used HB that one time since getting the ban unlifted. HB must have been detected about a week ago.
Nevermind, just got disconnected 10 seconds ago. Seems like they are still banning as we speak (so even if you aren't banned right now, expect to be) Send your gold or w/e to your mates while you can lol
My new account was not banned and they banned the old one that was banned 6 before, 18 months now. They just ban to ban that is all
HB was detected over 6 months ago. If you looked at the posts from the last wave their were accusations of blizzard doing things they aren't suppose to do but no proof from Bossland and the team. All we got were assurances that they made some changes to help protect us. I was 80% sure I would get hit again, I just didn't care enough.
is it even safe to make a new account linked to your current battlenet ? to manually play or even CR play?
When did they ever make excuses? After the first banwave it was OBVIOUS blizz had a reliable means of detecting HB regardless of use case. If you attach HB to your wow account, assume that it is automatically flagged as a botted account by blizz. They simply chose not to act on it until banwave time. That's it.