They don't ban by battlenet. They ban by individual game license. I have had two accounts banned while having other accounts on the same Bnet untouched. I think the whole bnet flagging is a myth that lacks any credible proof. I had two accounts on my bnet for this ban wave. Only the account that I botted on was banned. My other account was untouched.
I'm getting error code -20081 for toons without mail in the mailbox, so they may have already caught this. Also: 18-month ban. Only used CRs. Make of it what you will. I'm beyond caring at this point.
2 Acc Banned 6 Mth 6 Month Ban on 2 accounts, one main account 7 years old and one farming account (just recently upgraded to Legion), i did Timber farming, Garrisonbuddy and Apexis dailies everyday on both as well as DungeonBuddy heroics... Never AFK 100% monitored. HB is definitely detected now based off May ban wave. Looks like i will stop playing WoW indefinitely now. Farewell there were many fun times!
Me to.. For a couple of weeks thats been my thinking if I get ban now I will definitly quit, atleast for this time, I expected to be banned for life but atleast its only 6 months... so maybe in 6 months... But yeah I personally believe that Blizzard has for some time been able to detect some part of HB, but for economical reasons only banning some once in a while, but now its clear... This forum will be a lot thinner for the time beeing.. 2 ban waves same year.. But yeah this will be a reason for me to quit if not for good for a good while.. Got banned on 3 acc, one that only been using for 2 weeks lvling with kicks, and other a new main that I have had for like 3 months and other that the 14th time went out and I decided not to continue, a good choice..
Not sure. But the toon that you were using when u got banned, that entire server's toons are locked. If you swap to a different server however those character can be transferred.
I only have one account and bot every now and then when I raid with my guild. (non AFK, just the CR's) This is my first ban. In the e-mail blizzard sent me i see the following: Along with this suspension, we've removed some currencies and inventory associated with the account involved in the explotive behavior. Is that something that is always in the e-mail or is there a possibility that when i log back in a lot of my stuff will be missing? To be clear I haven't used any farming, garrison or AH bots so I have no idea what they mean with that part of the e-mail.
bough 4 days ago with the hope"hey lets start over another bot-party" - banned 10 mins ago. tripwire was way too late activated and honorbuddy ist detected, no more doubt about it. bit dissappointed about the whole situation but hey - i gave hb a second chance 4 days ago and learned.
so sad all that work to make gold and its gone!!! im done with this ish... esp HB it seems like it detectable at this point..
on the banned account: SWAP SERVER i just transferred my char(which is on a different server to the toons that botted) to another account with WoD on it.
Of course it is detectable. We all suspected it was detectable after the last ban wave. This ban wave just proves it. They even got the source code from Apoc for HB, so they know exactly how HB works and interacts with the client now.
I'm just playing on my macintosh from now on. Hopefully the new account I made thats not tied to my paypal or email address/name won't get caught up in this too. I had some GM try and add me as friend today. Could have been spam though.