Mine does. One active account, trying to transfer a toon from banned account (that is still active on my battle.net) all toons pop up an error code -20081. They are both WoD accounts.
I just told the wife I have decided to quit WoW for 6 Months. She's just gone to the bedroom to put something nice on. A win from a loss.
What will they respond? In the email it´s stated "Our support staff will not overturn this penalty and may not respond to appeals." Which means that its the end, there is nothing they will do... They know you have used a bot (probably even know that you have used HB) and thats it... So sorry man but that´s the reality...
There are other issues I would like to discuss with them. I need help transferring my chars from the banned account and I would also like to receive a refund on Legion for the banned account.
Not from today. An account that's been unsubbed for two weeks was banned. 6 months and my other account was given perma a week ago. Interesting considering I botter more on the 6mo account. Google vagina guys. May consider quitting the game once you discover this dark magic irl. Probably not though. Wod is on sale and I'm sure you guys are eager to reinforce blizzards good decision to ban everyone.
I don't care about being banned if i came back and all my gold and shit was still in my banks and bags.... but not... a clean slate thats just annoying and makes me not want to continue on
They aren't going to let you transfer characters from your banned account to a new account. That is a given. What's the point in a banwave if you can just transfer your lost characters to a new account?
My gold is safe apprently my toon has too much gold for eligible transfer..... that 999,999.99.99 is safe for now! ya know what..... YOLO!!!!
Didn't work for me! logged on clicked on HB, tripwire kicked in, 5 minutes later WoW loged out with and told me my game was suspended! lol
based on you sig ""Bliz can look at your CPUID and other parts of the machine fingerprint to know EXACTLY how many WoWclients are being run by the same machine. This is true whether you use VMs, different IPs, or whatever. This is NOT a flaw in Honorbuddy." -Direct quote from a Core Developer. All of your measures are worthless. Stop wasting your time and money." I need to be running multiple machines..... thats easy
No, you can't. They already fixed the bug. There's several other posts in this thread that its been patched already.
lol, when he made that post there were only the two ban reports. People didn't start flooding the ban report section until almost an hour after I made this thread. About20Pandas posted later in this thread that he was also banned
Look at the brain on Brad. You get a gold star. It's still not going to protect you from a detection.