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  • There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by EyesFisher, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. EyesFisher

      EyesFisher New Member

      Jun 3, 2013
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      Well, I feel exactly like Lance Armstrong the day he got caught using performance enhancing drugs and had all seven Tour de France Titles stripped from him. He woke up the next day with a hole in his life, a void, his name blasted all over the TV and WEB calling him a bad person for bending the rules. Much like Lance, he knew the repercussions once he paid for those performance enhancing drugs, he knew the risk and he risked it all to achieve a stamina, a title or a status doing something he loved that he could never achieve without bending those rules. Just like Lance, he thanked his dealer for the goods for helping achieve something he couldn’t achieve sober.

      The analogy – I have used honor buddy since 2010, while new to this community or not that active, every time the tripwire went off I got worried and offloaded my gold to other accounts. Today, I received the email that all botters dread, a 6month ban.

      I will be starting over soon, I just wanted some details on what I need to do to make sure that I can bot again. So I had a question, to bot again “Safe” I know the only safe botting is not botting, I botted 5 years and the first ban I’ve been hit with, so I am pretty damn safe aside from my stupidity recently. With that being said, is botting from the same computer safe?

      I assume using a different email account, different credit/payment method when setting up WoW. More or less ensuring that nothing that I used on my previous account will be connected to this account in terms of “Paper Trail.”

      Am I forgetting anything?

      Also, a big shout to the developers who I have helped over years with monetary contributions. I did this because time is the most valuable asset we have. Because of the buddy team's idea to create a bot that could allow me more time with family, work and school it has enabled me to achieve new heights. We all pay our dues somehow…

      Disclaimer: Just like lance, I knew the path I had chosen was destined to be caught. Yet, achieving accolades untold blinded me from the stupidity of the risk. I understand the risk then and I understand it now. I need quick fix to get back into the game. I would like to apologize to any staff or admins if I posted this in the wrong category, it was quite tricky decided whether or not it’s a success story or I need support determining the proper answer to my questions, I also hope that nothing that I have asked violates your ToS.

      Frank Underwood said it best: “For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy. There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted.”

      Long live the king.
    2. ryank1209

      ryank1209 New Member

      Jul 12, 2013
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      my buddies and I have also been botting for years he finally just received a ban I believe blizz is taking it much more serious now with all the other bots floating around I've heard of much more complaints. That being said I've been botting 24 hours a day and yet to receive a ban maybe I've been lucky? either way I stopped for now
    3. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      Blizzard wont make the money back from us botters this time around!, they essentailly have started thier own funeral.


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