Kill it! -- the ultimate process killer this is a handy plugin which closes possible harmful background processes like launcher, updater agent and proxy Features kills processes which _might_ be harmful (best for tinfoil-hat users) zero configuration fully optimized works with enyo Why? With the previous banwave many ppl assumed the detection was done by an other application than wow itself. Most claim it was the launcher itself, some said it's the agent, and a few others suspected the proxy service. with this plugin you'll get rid of these processes - NOTES - 1.) due to killing the proxy process you might be unable to open the support/gm/ticket page 2.) make certain your game is up to date as killing the update agent might prevent the game from streaming non-completed files Free SVN SVN Checkout Free SVN
Got it sorted thanks. It works just skeptical on if it will make a difference or not. I'm still in the process of making my tinfoil hat but not to the point of wearing one lol.
wowbrowserproxy.exe agent.exe Copy this into notepad and save it as Killit.bat with the type all files taskkill /F /IM wowbrowserproxy.exe /T taskkill /F /IM agent.exe /T taskkill /F /IM /T