use sandboxie 4.08. the free trail allows you too run 2 more bots. If you need more, it costs 30 cdn for the full version
Are you trying to run more than 1 PoE without purchasing more ExileBuddy bots? You cant run 20 bots with 1 license. Its 1:1.
No, I own 2 keys and I think I'm not being wrong, but I am attaching 1 exilebuddy per one client. I tried mutiple ways, like trying to run Exilebuddy in administrator mode and stuff but somtimes it just freezes after pressing Start. Should I just buy another key and test it if it works? How do you open poe client and exilebuddy within the same box? I'm running windows 10 btw.
Sessions/auth issues can be resolved by visiting , it has nothing to do with the setup.
Ok... So im trying Sandboxie since its mentioned that it works fine. I am trying the newest version cause I didnt find any DL for the old version on THEIR site. Googled and found different *****ed versions etc... Im wondering about some few things: 1. Do you manage to use the ExileBuddy through sandbox? I am not, just crashes, tried to add eb.exe in the same sandbox as poe.exe. 2. When trying to use EB outside on an Sandboxed POE.exe it freezes for a long time before it reacts. Looks to me that the plugins wont work, get error msg's on everyone I try to change something on. When I click start it just saying [Start] Now creating the BotThread. but nothing happends. Feel free to PM or answer here if you want to explain ur setup Is there any other software to use within same category as ISBOXER and Sandboxie? Daniel
Would you guys share that big secret of assignment different mac address to every sandbox instance? Everything what comes to my mind is multiple network adapters but I'm not sure that'll work.
Doesnt GGG notice when you're using VM? Heard lots of people getting hard bans from using it for tiny amounts of time. Know a guy who has a 17-18 bot, botfarm. By using 17-18 computers. But that seems extremely stupid, since the electricity cost must outweigh the profits :> Since i'm not doing either myself, i can't really say if that is how it works. Would be nice with some proper confirmation from someone running a botfarm on 1 pc with more then 2-5 bots on a single pc with some sucess, and longetivity amongst their bots. Anyone can share some proper input about this?
lol why are you even posting if you don't have the knowledge nor the experience about this certain matter. Read other threads and see for yourself.
Obviously seeking knowledge from someone who knows what they are doing. If there were some up to date threads about the matter i would. Simple as that, now tag along. And bring your " lol " with you.
Feel sorry for someone who has to reply with a " nty. " Got nothing of value to say? Then say nothing at all. Now back to school kiddo.
Some of us use VMs on Linux with graphic card passed through. They can't ban everyone who use VM. It's possible to notice if you're using VM by MAC address. Vendor can be identified by first six characters - here's a list: Also if graphic card is not passed they can colect this data too, but if you'd read forum then you'll find out that many of us botting on VMs successfully. The real question was few post earlier and I'll ask again:
But you need separate GPU for each VM, unless you run 1 bot or have lots of GPU`s or Nvidia grid. Not that you could run EB native on Linux anyway.
For those who have Dynamic IPs still get email after IP change yet on same MAC, could that indicate they don`t look at mac?
I didn't do it so don't ask my for any help but you may want to try ForceBindIP + VPN with multiple TUN cards or tun2socks (if you are using proxy) No, hacker might get victim's MAC and spoof it on his own computer. That way one could be robbed easly as hell. it's the reason for not checking MAC on authorization.