Thank you kindly. I'll walk through this idea which seems to be better than mine. BTW. You've got really Polish-sounding nick, especially by this "sz" ending. Edit. One more thing to my earlier post for anybody who want to change those first six characters of MAC. I suggest to do not. Without GC passthrough it'll be more suspicious. Edit2. I think this is the way how we learn. Make mistake and reach a proper conclusion. Of course it can be associated with bans (in this case) or other unpleasant effects.
Yes I know. I'm Polish and propably need to change my nick I suggest not to do anything if you don't know what you are doing.
Im still having problems running the bot when I sandbox poe, tried to allow sandbox to access the exilebuddy installation etc but it wont work. Doesnt load plugins when attached to sandboxed poe. Anyone know what it might be?
I really would like to know that too. Tried ForceBindIP with no luck. VMs really suck and I don't want to go back to them. I don't even know how to assign different IPs to each Sandboxie instance. And people can do it with MACs too even... I've read a LOT of posts telling different IPs/MACs for each SandBoxie or each application is IMPOSSIBLE. But we know that it is not looking at these forums.. I'm willing to do the research, spend hours learning but that's what I was doing with no results.
So than there is no easy way huh? Honestly VMs don't seem so awful if that is the only way... Edit: Shouldn't have trusted myself. I deleted all the minimal VMs I prepared thinking this shouldn't be too hard seeing asm and others do it. :/
at some point its the best choice to stop QQ'ing. I also didn't manage to run 2+bots via Sandboxies. they won't share a complete guide so you only need to copy+paste. i stopped asking, you should stop asking
I'm not actually asking for a complete guide. I'd be okay with something like "create virtual NICs and use ForceBindIP to force PoE to run on the bridged connection", (which is only one of the things I've tried with no luck). But yeah.. I don't think it is actually really hard to do. You just gotta know what to do. Well my problem is I can only run 2 VMs at the same time, which makes my host OS un-usable. So I can run 2 PoEs at the same time. Hell.. I'm even OK with running 2 at the same time but I just want to be able to use my host at the same time!!
But you guys know that there is no way to get CURRENT MAC from inside a program, you can only get list of all of them. So having multiple VPN's running will not help you at all.
I have a theory about solving the MAC problem once and for all anyway.. I just need to get the IP per PoE working..