Hey guys why aren't we using xeon cpu's if we're using only virtual machines? Aren't xeon's best for that? Its not like we're using our graphics card anyways, and xeon's are cheaper, and they don't need much cooling also? I see alot of posters saying to rock a top of the line i7 cpu, but a xeon would be at least a few hundred cheaper and do as much damage right?
Not necessarily, and most people aren't running servers for their setups. However xeons are getting more popular it used to be about 500-1000 USD for a good xeon. I however would love to see someones setup running 30+ bots.
I do use them. Xeon's are basically i5's and i7's with server improvment's and are designed to work on 100% usage continuously. Xeon's are not only for servers. And you won't run 30+ bots on a single Xeon (using virtual machines), none of them could handle that.
http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16859109295CVF Running Wine and we've got 50 Bots on a rack.
didnt know this all works with wine too... thats probably sth. really interesting for me didnt find sth. in the forum about wine + eb tho.
* EB will no longer start on Wine. Users are advised not to play PoE on Wine for the time being found this on todays patch notes, i don't know if thats bad news?
For those who were wondering about wine, this kernel is mostly used for hackish uses. PoE started to give them the hammer
How do you run 50 bots on just 2.3ghz per core? I rented a vps that ran 2.4ghz, with 1 core, 2 ram, and i was just hitting 1-2 fps (I lowered everything as much as possible). Was it because vps suck dick? Also, what xeon should i be looking for to run 20 bots? assuming its duel. I've read that xeons with the number 5 in them means they got built in gpu's?
well. thats pretty sad. i'll check that myself tho. linux has just so much benifit comparing to windows in botting. do you know any statistic for ban rate of wine clients?