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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Beowulfe, The log file was absolutely needed, so thank you for attaching. The description doesn't match exactly what was occurring although it probably matches what appeared to be happening. The "drop totems before engaging in combat" mentioned is only for Elemental PVP. The attached log file is for Enhancement PVP so there shouldn't be any new behavior there related to this change. Enhancement spec will cast totems after entering combat and within melee range. In reviewing the log, there is an attack cast before every Call of the Elements as intended in that specific situation. There isn't a pause due to waiting on the GCD from casting totems, although it may have felt like that given the next observation. The log showed that auto attack was never cast. The only time it would have appeared as though it had in the WOW UI is after a melee attack spell such as Stormstrike or Lava Lash which triggers it automatically. I had previously reorganized some code responsibilities specific to auto attack awhile back, but apparently missed Enhancement PVP. Fix will be in the next release. Just to clarify, this is Enhancement PVP issue only.

      Thanks for your help and the debug log, that was very helpful in identifying a bug that once resolved should definitely improve Enhancement PVP performance.

      Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
    2. lukeyboy89

      lukeyboy89 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bobby, which PVP set is best for healing instances/bgs? Theres one with spirit and one with mastery rating?
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      If Battlegrounds matter, then starting out raising your resillience is the most important stat to focus on. I recommend initially gearing with 2 pcs from each (so 2 pcs from the Ringmail set and 2 pcs from the Mail set.) That gives you the 2 set bonus of +400 resil twice immediately taking you to 800 resil before adding the +resil itemization from each piece. For the off pieces and accessories go with the +Spirit version as a general rule. I would immediately reforge Mastery to Spirit where possible and hold off on further reforging until you a get a sense of how it is performing. I would recommend building a true PVE set separately however as you will get negative chatter from others in party when they see you healing heroics or raids in PVP gear.
      Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
    4. drocks

      drocks Member

      Mar 7, 2010
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      Just wanted to say I've been running this CC for the last couple of days and it's amazing, thank you! :)
    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You're very welcome! Thanks for passing that along
    6. cuntflaps

      cuntflaps Guest

      hello there bobby53 thanks for the shaman cc, im pretty new to wow (lvl 60) and this bot but will be trying this out, i hope its still relevant. at the moment i prefer to heal people in dungeouns i use the dungeoun finder. well time to begin my quest =D thanks again ill keep an eye on this thread
      Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2011
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Gratz on Level 60! My recommendation is to setup as Resto in LFD and use InstanceBuddy [CLICK HERE] if you are running dungeons while leveling. The Lazy Raider setup isn't needed until you begin raiding (10 & 25 instances) or possibly Cata Dungeons and Heroics that aren't supported by InstanceBuddy when you hit that level.
      Last edited: Jan 20, 2011
    8. bakedapple

      bakedapple New Member

      Jan 20, 2011
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      yeah im now doing that on my leveling resto shaman but im using the integrated instance buddy along with your cc. so far so good, just having trouble with finding a working public profile that i can grind with. thanks bobby53.
    9. Bofen

      Bofen New Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      Could use some help with this bot or whatever.

      I downloaded this CC or what you call it (I have no idea)

      Downloaded profile, chose it and started the bot. It moves and picks flightpaths and runs to corpse if dead. But it doesn't dismount near mobs though I picked kill mobs between hotspots and doesn't attack mobs at all! Help me :(
    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the follow up Baked and welcome to the forums! I don't have any suggestions on the profiles other than trying a couple different ones. If you encounter issues, post to the profiles download thread. Most profile authors are responsive in helping resolve problems or update the profiles as needed. The other alternative is to write your own. Grinding profiles are pretty straight forward if you base them off an existing one and just replace the key pieces (levels, mob faction, hot spots, repair vendor, etc.) with the info from the relevant area you want to grind in. See the Wiki for more info.
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Bofen, Welcome to the forums! Please take a minute and read the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] so you can provide the details I'll need to be able to assist you. The first item in that page walks you through posting an issue and attaching a complete debug log file. To answer a commonly asked question, is a complete debug log file needed with every question, issue, or criticism posted? Yes, for those you would like assistance with that file is required. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    12. CalifRHCP

      CalifRHCP Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      One very minor issue I've had so far;

      If you have recently acquired a weapon from an instance, and it still has its 2 hour return period activated, the bot will get stuck attempting to enchant it with windfury or flametongue or anything. This is due to a gump popping up which explains if you enchant the weapon it will no longer be returnable. However, since its a shaman enchant, this doesn't hold true. As a result, every time the bot attempts to enchant the weapon in that 2 hour period, it will hang.

      Minor, and not a huge deal. But I have to wait 30 mins now before I can leave it just a little unattended :)
    13. drocks

      drocks Member

      Mar 7, 2010
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      I'm not sure if this is a problem or not but I've noticed that after each kill my Shaman stands still for 5-6 seconds before moving on.

      HonorBuddy Mode: Grind
      Shamans Location: Eastern Plaguelands
      What should have happened (be specific):
      What did happen (be specific): Will loot corpse then stand still for 6 seconds before moving on.
      System time of issue (log time stamp): 18:12 for one example

      Thanks for your help, not really a huge issue and the CC is brilliant. Mainly just me wondering if this is normal behaviour or not.

      Attached Files:

      bobby53 likes this.
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      CalifRHCP, That's due to a WoW bug. When you imbue the weapon, it correctly prompts you saying that will bind the weapon to you making it untradeable. Unfortunately it does not. Several work arounds are available for you so you don't have to be present to click the button:

      1. Don't equip the new weapon until the timer expires
      2. WOW Addon that I can't remember the name of but if you google for it should be able to find. It will auto-confirm that prompt for you working around the issue. It has been mentioned on the forums several times.
      Please note if you encounter any other issues, be sure to include the complete debug log. Thanks for the post, Bobby53

      EDIT: Name of addon needed is NoBoPWarning and is available from wow.curse.com [CLICK HERE]
      Last edited: Jan 21, 2011
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      drocks, Thank you for the very detailed issue post. That is a known HB issue. There is a plug-in named Loot Master [CLICK HERE] that attempts to fix this and some other HB related looting bugs speeding up the process. Thanks again for the well written issue post, Bobby53
    16. CalifRHCP

      CalifRHCP Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the speedy response Bobby.

      I'd like to suggest a little more custimization when healing. Right now when it instance buddy heals a dungeon the only heals it uses are Earthshield and Healing Surge.

      Healing surge is very mana inefficient, I'd love to be able to have it only use that in emergencies, and instead just spam healing wave basically.

      Additionally, when it tries to drink in an instance, it says "No drinks left" and just stands there waiting for mana to regen.
      I however had over 100 sweet nectars in my bags and also had sweet nectar as the drink in the general settings tab of Honor buddy.

      Other than that, <3.

      Also, the reason I mentioned the previous problem is because I thought there might be a way for you to add into the class the ability for the bot to answer the gump.
    17. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      CalifRHCP, My apologies for any issue you may be having, however the situation described does not match my results in testing. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues with ShamWOW. There are simply too many combinations of options and variations of game scenarios for me to accurately try and duplicate your results without having the details available to me that are present in the log file. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
      Last edited: Jan 21, 2011
    18. Beowulfe

      Beowulfe Community Developer

      Nov 4, 2010
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      Try entering the item ID instead of the item name in the drink section of the General settings tab of HB.

      In this case, Sweet Nectar is item ID 1708.

      While it shouldn't be an issue for Sweet Nectar (considering how long the item has been around), there are some drinks HB doesn't have in it's database, so it's worth a shot.
    19. frostfire

      frostfire Member

      Dec 17, 2010
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      First I dont have a log file yet (will attach one later - the bot is still running), but wanted to throw this in there in case nobody else has mentioned it (and if they have, I apologize... but am way too busy with work to read 100+ pages)

      Bot targets a mob and starts pull. His pull "path" takes him close to other mobs, which attack. Bot keeps running toward original target no matter... pulling the agro with him. Usually happens when the first target is upstairs in a building, and bot is outside at the time of initial targeting. the downstairs mobs agro.

      I have not died from this yet... but have seen him do it 3 times today so far.
    20. kenn3th

      kenn3th New Member

      Jan 22, 2011
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      Hey there, i'm new so i'm not sure what's wrong but the default shammy profile didn't work so I tried yours.
      Here's the error (similar to default profile)
      Starting the bot!
      Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 5.

      What can I do to resolve this?
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