I see a lot of people posting about gold farming in ranked play around rank 20 or so with auto concede on. What is the point of gold farming in ranked mode? I am wondering because i find it easier to do my dailies and gold farm in casual play?
because the people at rank 20 are worse than the people in casual although I do it in ranked as don't want to stay at 20 all season
there's a hidden rank in casual and if you conceded enough it's even better than rank 20. point of rank 20 is that you can bot for 500 wins.
You're wrong there, you wouldnt need to auto concede during Gold farm, when its Golden Portrait/Hero 500 wins farm, auto concede at low level, in this case Rank ~20, where the new players and most farmers are at
Because that wouldnt make any sense to farm Gold in ranked mode, especially with auto-concede on. If someone is using the bot like that, he/she should not be using a bot at all...
Why wouldnt it make any sense to farm Gold in ranked mode? That's a real effective way to get the daily 30 wins considering the low ranked 20 players you face.
I leave my bot on ranked all day when i come home from work i have more wins for golden and reach daily win cap i dont see a problem with botting in any mode