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  • how to evade ban?

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by artmkiss1336, Feb 18, 2016.

    1. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Since I'm confident in my facts, and I'm more free since things are afk-able. Plus getting a good size amount of cash every day, for the past months is a good sign. And more botters, the less chance of me getting caught =).

      I don't pickup chromes, scrolls, portals, alchs, trans, augs. Wastes time and stucks are more likely to occur, even though my anti-stuck works pretty dam well.
    2. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Ya, take a stab at it, what's there to lose?
      To further this, no one is going to care if your code is crappy, as long as it works. There are people like pushedx, alcor, not tonyx cause he's a dick(j/k). To help with getting the right method/workflow.

      As long as it works, improvements will/can be made.

      The same as Rome was not built in a day,

      Code does not build in a day, code that breaks, means the code is working.
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    3. Tormiasz

      Tormiasz Community Developer

      Jun 16, 2014
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      I started today, but it's not yet ready to use.
    4. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Oh god, resolving the design issues Alcor originally had, good luck.
    5. NHK

      NHK Member

      Nov 25, 2012
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      All the better.
      Finally something that resembles actual information from you, instead of usual bragging, gloating and trolling. Even If i had to provoke you a little bit to get it out. ;)

      Never claimed I was. I based my info on other sellers, which have much more bigger turnover than me. As i've said, their sales at the end on the league dropped dramatically, so much so that they have to rely on other games to make profit atm.
      Chinese are buying in bulk all the time, same as in WoW no wonder you are able to sell to them. I could do this too, it's just i prefer not to do this, because i don't have 500+ ex per day as you claim. :) So on demand price is important to me.

      As opposed to trading hundreds of ex to the same guy/s EVERY single day (even if they have diff accounts they probably have same IPs)? Is that supposed to be more safe for me, are you sure? Also saying that the buyers are going to be banned on the same day the trade took place is quite a stretch.

      Some prefer NOT to buy from the Chinese you know. There is a reason why Ebay sellers are still there, even though their prices are quite higher.

      Assuming it's not based on a false premise, as i've pointed out earlier. ;)

      No, i don't. Just that the demand earlier in the league, as well just before the major update IS lower.
      If I (and other private sellers) with our "small amounts" can sell for a price that's above the Chinese (and some have 20-30orders every day at that) it means the demand is bigger, if we have 1-2 trades a day - it's diminishes. I thought it's obvious and doesn't require clarification. Chinese are out of picture in this case O. Because when demand goes up - we get orders again. Even if our price is above what Chinese can offer. If your point was right they would have completely control the market and all the competition wouldn't exist, which isn't the case.

      "Git gud" isn't a good proof. Even your friend tony happen to disagree with you on 24/7 issue. ;) You won't share the magic of safe 24/7 botting even with him?

      Why, i definitely will, given enough evidence. Right now i'm more inclined to think that you exaggerate/omit some things.

      Where did you get the information that I have assumed that you have NEVER chanced uniques?

      On information that is available to me, like everyone else. I see the biggest resellers have lower demands for example.

      Suppose I have to base my information on a guy, who claims to have 120+ bots running 24/7, that are unbannable, yet somehow has time to trade, maintain, write plugins and walls of text on forum, does that WITHOUT providing ANY evidence whatsoever? Well, i don't know. )

      I did the same (worked on my previous mistakes), i just don't assume it's flawless and will last forever, because i'm smarter that GGG will ever be, like you do itt. That would work if GGG won't change anything again. You know that they will

      That's exactly what i've said - out of reach for the majority of botters. Because the majority don't have big bot farms. Why are you arguing with this again?

      Nice. Still there are issues with bot getting stuck/random dc's/server issues/people wanting to buy shit from your shop when you're afk/vpn-vps connection drop etc. etc. that will take way more time to solve for such amount of accounts

      Yeah, would appreciate some details via pm, but if haven't shared that even with tony i guess my chances are next to nill.

      Still some details, that's better than nothing. You didn't have to write the wall of text and you did. Thanks. ;)
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    6. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      NHK, My god srly dude. Sec let me read.
    7. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Ok What? Who are these other sellers? Are they chinese? The chinese bot all games, they do not do just one. That's the core of a business, you do not do just one thing. Sales will drop at the end of Challenge Leagues ,not Standard.
      Wait so.... since you don't have a high amount to sell, but I do. The demand for you isn't great, but for me it is. So how are you getting that the demand is lower? Watdafuq?

      I said, I have 10 pcs, 10 bankers per set. I have a different skype for a banker. How do you process that I sell to the same guy every day? Wat? It should have been obvious why I have different skypes, I bluntly told you. I never said buyers are going to get banned on the same day, you assumed so, as you assumed I sell to the same "guy", there are "girls" too, every day. On this logic, you contradicted in saying "As opposed to trading hundreds of ex to the same guy/s EVERY single day", then " Also saying that the buyers are going to be banned on the same day the trade took place is quite a stretch." Srly dude, Whatdaafuq?

      Define Some, Define quite higher
      Now Define Cheaper = More sales.
      Now Define Undercutting = You losing sales

      Now Define Fact = Sales are the same as they were for Standard league as whole, get where I'm going?

      Demand for Challenge League is always highest at the beginning. Less supply = More Demand
      Standard is Lower on a League Merge. Over Supply = Less Demand
      Your Small amounts is a small sample size to compare to the bigger pie. If you are selling for more expensive, and sell small orders. Someone sell for less but bigger amounts. Who's going to sell more? Let's math hypothetical numbers that will make sense.
      if I can;
      buy 1 Exalt at 1$ From X
      buy 1 Exalt at 1.1$ From Y

      X has also Bulk deals of .95 If I buy 10 Exalts
      Y has also bulk deals of 1.05 if I buy 10 Exalts

      X saves me 0.1$ initially, 0.15$ in bulk
      Y costs more 0.1 initially, and will still cost 0.1$ more in bulk

      *most buyers * Item costs 10 Exalts, who do I buy from?

      X has 1000 sales reputation with 98% ok,
      Y has 100 sales reputation with 100% ok.

      Sample Size of 1000k Vs 100 with a deviant of 2%, so 20 customers aren't happy. but 100 customers, they are all happy.

      Who do I buy from? Someone who is cheaper and sells more volume/sales or someone more expensive and sells less volume/sales?

      Some will say Y, some will say X. But we see X's volume is higher then Y. We assume X sells more at a cheaper price, so X is more popular.

      Using that as a fact basis, we can assume, that your view on lower sales, depreciating over time, is moot, because you are Y, and Y will always see Y's side.

      It is if you aren't getting banned.

      Why would a business tell a stranger how they profit? Run their business? Go to your walmart and ask them how they are profiting.

      Wow Really? find the post that said I've chanced unique. It might have bee a troll post.

      Who are these biggest resellers? You said
      How do you know they have the lowest demands? Are they telling you "hey, I have low demands" or are they telling you "sorry, I'm fully stocked", because the latter is my fault. Sorry for taking your business, you know, I kinda run 100 bots so gotta sell my good somewhere, maybe those big resellers you are talking about.

      You jelly bro? I'm superhuman. I've provided over time snippets of my operation. I never said unbannable, you are putting words in my mouth. I said haven't been banned. Why do you think I have 121 Keys? Just to keep my self happy? I write plugins and public things, and most people know why. ANY evidence? Go read more bro. I've posted plenty.

      Unlike you, I think, devise and Implement. This latest iteration has worked, and I always have backup plans. GGG changes all the time, so do I. How the hell do you think I'm still running?

      So, I have a big bot farm? Nice, thought you didn't believe this.

      Nice. Still there are issues with bot getting stuck/random dc's/server issues/people wanting to buy shit from your shop when you're afk/vpn-vps connection drop etc. etc. that will take way more time to solve for such amount of accounts
      Random d/c - handled thanks to alcor.
      Stucks - easily handled thanks to TGT knowledge and overall bot knowledge.
      Server issues.. lol really?
      Shop, who has time for a shop lol, noob. I don't shop.
      Can't talk about the V, nice try. I've never had issues, ever. Probably why you are rofl.
      Um so what's your point again? I do 5 hour managing every day?

      Lol really? It's like I found out how to print money, and i'll just casually tell you.

      Guess you don't really know what tonyx and myself are doing rofl.

      I write the wall of text because I can, and I like to refute people that know jack shit all, thanks.
    8. ToeNailsInMyFeces

      ToeNailsInMyFeces New Member

      Jan 7, 2016
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      This is interesting *grabs popcorn*
    9. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Pass me some, and the beer too.
    10. DocBrown

      DocBrown Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      try keep this fight to a few paragraphs boys
    11. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      It's debating in style.
    12. laurentiuman

      laurentiuman New Member

      Jul 23, 2010
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      DBF FOR THE LOVE OF GOD , SHARE A PIC WITH THAT MONSTER FARM OF PC'S THAT YOU HAVE. Monitors off ofc, don't need to see your bots . I have a hard on for pics of shitload of pc's crammed together in a tight space.
    13. Tormiasz

      Tormiasz Community Developer

      Jun 16, 2014
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      I dont think he uses monitors :) Well, I dont. Not even mouse or keyboard
    14. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      It's in different rooms for cooling and whatnot. I had overheat issues before, I'll send pics when I get home.
    15. StrongBG

      StrongBG Banned

      Mar 13, 2012
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      Is it over?
    16. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      IDK, waiting for his response. If there's none probably cause he realizes his error.
    17. StrongBG

      StrongBG Banned

      Mar 13, 2012
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      Probably writing a wall of text again :D
    18. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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    19. NHK

      NHK Member

      Nov 25, 2012
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      Hmm, i've actually started to write you a long response and then stumbled on this:

      So i guess even if i get some more info from you (which was why i've started this), it will be ridden with trolling again. I guess you either took my replies too personally for some reason, or just really-really don't want to share anything else. Your replies got too defensive.
      Maybe someone else will be more successful in finding "your way to print money"? :)
    20. darkbluefirefly

      darkbluefirefly Community Developer

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Nice try, we all know.

      Edit - we all know that you're bullshitting I meant. The best way to lose a debate is to try to weasel out of rebuttals.
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2016

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