The bot will randomly end the turn; even though there's attacks to the face that are viable. (Set to Rush). Earlier did the same when I had it set to (Control). So basically, enemy turn ends. It's my turn, 4 minions can attack enemy face/enemy has no cards. It'll end turn without doing anything. Sometimes even when the enemy has cards on the board.
View attachment Hearthbuddy 11800 2016-03-18 12.01.txt [OpponentTurn] [OpponentTurn] [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end. [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer. [GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end. [OpponentTurn] [OpponentTurn] Is specifically what is being stated when it skips turns. This happened twice. I had a 7/6 buffed minion and a 2/2 minion He had nothing on the board + weapon. Skips turn. Lets him attack my face, my turn.. skips turn again. Enemy then wins. Unrelated: This actually occurs a lot too, when for example, there is an enemy taunt on the board, it will refuse to attack. So I've noticed one big problem. IF the enemy has minions behind the taunt, it'll repeat turn skip. and the enemy just has to kill minions you have/go face as long as they have a taunt up. The logic of the bot doesn't try to forcefully remove a taunt, but rather it tries to draw out a card required to remove it (Silence/buffs). But the chances are extremely slim especially early on against a 2/8 deathlord. The one time I killed the deathlord was shielded minibot + blessings of kings, but it refused to attack until the blessing of kings was drawn and then used. (If it wasn't, the bot would refuse to attack it)
waffleman123, I see in your log a lot of these situations. Show me please these files: \Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2016-03-18_14-25-28.txt \Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2016-03-18_15-16-39.txt \Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2016-03-18_16-25-11.txt \Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2016-03-18_16-32-12.txt
Alright: View attachment UILogg_2016-03-18_14-25-28.txt View attachment UILogg_2016-03-18_15-16-39.txt View attachment UILogg_2016-03-18_16-25-11.txt View attachment UILogg_2016-03-18_16-32-12.txt They should be here.
Thanks. It seems the problem is on your PC or an Internet connection. You can do the following steps: 1. Reinstall the bot and c++. 2. If the problem happens a lot on restarted bot and c++, it might be an internet connection thing so check firewall (and make sure it's not wireless).
Reinstalled bot and C++. No internet connection problems; I don't have any "reconnecting" things going on. I also am not using wireless, and basically have nothing blocking hearthstone. or the bot either.
Cheers. I've also noticed it can also be my fault (I can re-create it). If the enemy turn ends and the screen is active and I left click. The mouse hovers over "end turn". Results in a turn ending. So, just a theory and I could be totally dumb, but. Could it be possible (due to lag or an issue of it trying to reach the card + left click) because it's hovering over end turn it will end it? I also noticed that sometimes mid-play it'll end turn. For example: A card gets drawn, and it wants to play the card. It'll hover over the card and mid-placing the card.. it will end turn.
i notice this also and yes it will happen if the bot is RUNNING and you attempt to interact with anything on the HEARTHSTONE screen not monitor screen while its your turn. anyway to block this from happening? due to the reason is i sometimes forget and like to click the sideline toys i usually though now have had the game micro size and in the corner of my screen in the background