which crafts do you guys recommend specializing in to make gil? Or does it really even matter? Right now i'm CRP/BSM/LTW and thinking it probably wasn't the best choice.
I chose those because they make a lot of the crafting gear but seems the red scrip gear makes them worthless. And the really high level stuff needs rare drops from diadem which is a pain and are too expensive to buy on the mb
diadem is only a very few couple of things.. steamed staff I guess.. pterodactyls are easy to catch, and the gathering is hardly.. hard. and crafted crafting gear worthless? your server doesn't seem very.. informed.
I don't think there's that much wrong with your specialist classes, bsm did sort of get screwed over, but crp and ltw should be fine.. You're a little late to the feast, but there should still be gil to be made
haha that's how I always feel in this game to some degree seems foods sell well, what do you think of switching BSM to CUL?