Got a problem with the quest Garison Campaign : Darktide Roost Goal: Picking Up Quest - Taking the Fight to Nagrand ( : From - Bodrick Grey ( [Ref: "Pickup" @line 1352] Interacting with Bodrick Grey (Unit Id: 81492) Loading 8jhkfj5s1g9x Loading hpknhlsea0nf Loading pjefidozvo5m Loading ix5z641i4ld2 Loading 8rmhuxc0r0lc Loading xbj1y5krindq Interacting with Bodrick Grey (Unit Id: 81492) Map: SMVAllianceGarrisonLevel2new (1331) - Zone: Lunarfall (7078) - SubZone: 7211 Interacting with Bodrick Grey (Unit Id: 81492) It just keep spamming Bodrick Grey trying to pick up the quest but doesnt pick it up. When done manually (taking the quest) the bot just stand there trying to pick the quest when it's already been taken
I've got it marked down. Here recently, I wasn't able to run any testers on the questing pack for a while - but I've got several up and running now as we speak. Normally I'd look at the profile code and write up a solution, but this is one of those quests where I have to manually experience it to find a proper solution without breaking anything with blind edits. Two of my previously mentioned testers are Horde and Alliance - and have just entered the WoD questing area. Once either comes across this, I'll investigate it and see what needs to be done. Hopefully a fix will be live today.
Your logs are lacking a lot of important information for whatever reason, so they aren't too helpful in this situation. Thanks for posting them regardless though. I've looked at the profile code, and it seems that the quest is using the behavior 'GetOutOfGroundEffectsAndAuras' - which this behavior is in poor condition last time I checked. So I'm guessing the usage of this quest behavior is the cause of your error. Once my Horde tester gets to this section, I'll be sure to replace it with the 'Avoid' behavior.
Ran your profile all the way without touching it, but he kept getting stuck at that particular place.
Hm, interesting. It could be that the quest giver's ID has been changed - or Blizzard modified something in this quest. I have a tester that's currently doing the introductory quests for Shadowmoon Valley - and will soon get the garrison. If the tester runs across this issue - I'll fix it up. If not, I've got it marked down and will check it out further to see what's going on. In the mean time, try disabling any addons you may be using - or set Honorbuddy to its default installation (no Plugins, only use Singular, etc.) Or, try clearing your cache folders. The cache folder is located in both the Honorbuddy directory and the World of Warcraft directory. Edit: I had my testers go through without having issues on this quest. It could have been a freak-bug on your end. But I'll keep this marked down for further investigation.
I completed the quest by hand and set the profiles to manual without using the autoloader on this toon, once i'll hit 100 with this toon I will do a fresh install. I did the cache clean and it got me the same result, so I guess it wasnt that and probably a plugin or the CR I'm using (TuanHA Pally for the info)
While it may not be what's causing the current issue - Any combat routine that's not Singular will definitely cause some issues in the questing pack. TuanHA's for example has been known to attack neutral quest givers. Which there is a neutral quest giver in Shadowmoon Valley that it will get stuck on.
I noticed there is no WoD profiles right now in the 1-100 Questing Profile Pack. What's the reason for that? It was there just a few days ago. edit: deleted store cache and it works.
Cache corruption is always the cause of issues like this. If it ever happens again - or if you have any issue with the store at all, deleting the cache will fix it.
i have just started a NE rogue and all it does is kill young nightsabers, been doing that from level 1-5, on a new install with a freshly updated version of the profile pack... any idea what could be wrong?
Problem: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml / Quest (11993) The Runic Prophecies RE: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml / Quest (11993) The Runic Prophecies Simple interact of mob ID to the Rune Plates here does not work anymore and bot gets stuck. These objectives must be changed to InteractByUsingItemId="35746". Then it works. Also add MoveTo within the canyon else bot has trouble flying to "First Rune Plate" and ends up flying to top of canyon, mounting ground mount, and riding a very long way back into the canyon. For example here is the code I used: Code: <While Condition="HasQuest(11993) && !IsQuestCompleted(11993) && HasItem(35746)"> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Thor Modan" X="4952.656" Y="-4705.741" Z="219.8488" /> <If Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(3,11993)"> <MoveTo DestName="Third Rune Plate" X="4950.338" Y="-4707.142" Z="219.6117" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="11993" QuestObjectiveIndex="3" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" MobId="188289" Range="5" InteractByUsingItemId="35746" WaitTime="1000" X="4950.338" Y="-4707.142" Z="219.6117" /> </If> <If Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1,11993)"> <MoveTo DestName="First Rune Plate" X="5010.351" Y="-4733.043" Z="219.6761" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="11993" QuestObjectiveIndex="1" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" MobId="188264" Range="5" InteractByUsingItemId="35746" WaitTime="1000" X="5010.351" Y="-4733.043" Z="219.6761" /> </If> <If Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(2,11993)"> <MoveTo DestName="Second Rune Plate" X="5004.051" Y="-4793.851" Z="219.6285" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="11993" QuestObjectiveIndex="2" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" MobId="188288" Range="5" InteractByUsingItemId="35746" WaitTime="1000" X="5004.051" Y="-4793.851" Z="219.6285" /> </If> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" QuestId="11993" WaitTime="10000" TerminateWhen="IsQuestCompleted(11993)" /> </While>
Problem: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml / Quest (12292) Local Support RE: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml / Quest (12292) Local Support Your code to "CollectItem" from chest gets bot stuck here Code: <If Condition="HasQuest(12292) && !IsQuestCompleted(12292)"> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Objective" X="3225.973" Y="-1982.031" Z="88.04327" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <Objective QuestName="Local Support" QuestId="12292" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="37572" ItemName="Cedar Chest" CollectCount="1" /> </If> "InteractWith" fixed the problem For example here is the code I used: Code: <If Condition="HasQuest(12292) && !IsQuestCompleted(12292)"> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Objective" X="3225.973" Y="-1982.031" Z="88.04327" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12292" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" MobId="189298" CollectionDistance="2" Range="4" X="3232.32" Y="-1943.504" Z="94.01778" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" QuestId="12292" WaitTime="10000" TerminateWhen="IsQuestCompleted(12292)" /> </If>
(reply #1) I had some Horde and Alliance testers run through the profiles, and none seemed to get stuck on this quest. It could be one of those really tricky bugs where it only occurs under specific circumstances. Like I mentioned before, I've got this marked down. Since I can't get a tester to bug out on it at the moment, I'll look into figuring up a way to hopefully 'prevent' the bug from occurring.
Thanks for the two suggestions! Since neither issues have been previously reported or noticed by our testers, I'll have to verify the changes before committing them. Once the changes are confirmed working they'll be added as soon as possible!
Started a Horde Char on the Frostfire ridge zone and it got stuck trying to pick up a quest called "Missing Pack". I've did some reasearch and apparently I've already done the follow up after this yet the bot keeps trying to pick up the prequest. I've skipped it and went to gorgrond since I was 92 but still a weird bug, thank you!
Were you manually questing prior to using the bot? Typically it's not advised to manually quest at all before running it. Mainly because if you manually quest - you might end up doing a bread-crumb quest that prevents other quests from being able to be picked up. Which typically, these "other quests" are the ones the questing profile may be programmed to do, so it just gets stuck trying to pick them up. It is possible to detect this and have the questing profiles ignore the variant bread-crumb quests, but it would be a lot of extra work given how many quests are designed this way. And just a single quest can have up anywhere between 5 and 10 bread-crumb variants.
I did stop it briefly so it could actually finish the quest it was doing instead of killing mobs that were in the way (killing between hotspots was off)