Hello everyone, I'm new and I'm using bot to 3 days until is now running perfectly, but my fear is about this banwave, so I can be playing and my account has been caught to be banned with multiple or it occurs in the updates? sorry for English
LOL no known banwave is incoming, unless you got an inside blizzard hq knowledge Then you will know more than us about what is going to be banned and when.
It is that I was told that the data is sent to a list for blizzard every time you log into the game via bots, and even playing, they will not warn individually, but banish all the list at once and there is no way of knowing.
That's the risk you have to take when you decide to bot. If you can't take the risk, then don't bot. What was causing the past banwaves was figured out, and Raphus managed to patch the bot to prevent them. While it's a lot less likely, that doesn't mean a 'new' banwave can't happen.
but I like and need the bot, I'm only comparing, for example, in online ragnrok, I'm months with the bot on and nothing to be caught in final fantasy 14 also was never caught and others. But it seems that Blizzard handles more robust tools, where it can recognize and ban without notice, as has banned 100,000 accounts and other thousands and more. Only that, I liked the bot again and saying, I need it, I have not much time.
Banwaves happen sometimes. It is the nature of the business. As for the exact amount of banned players? It's hard to give an exact number.... Look, you are more likely to get caught individually than in a banwave, because banwaves don't happen that often. If you are afraid of getting banned, don't bot. That is the only absolute way to avoid getting banned for it....