Should be most of my games from yesterday. Won't play C'thun seems like and plays Bran Bronzebeard foolishly without anything to battlecry (even when there are other 3 cost options.) Current win rate down to 30% ish. View attachment Hearthbuddy 332 2016-04-03 11.04.txt
Bran is only good for battlecry support, as a 3 cost he is otherwise crap but it plays him above any other 3 cost in my deck then doesn't utilize him properly by playing other battlecry cards (or even when I have no battlecry cards.) If he is going to be left as is, that's fine, I will swap him out. Right now though he is sort of un-usable.
It all depends on the current game situation. We need your UILog. To select the correct UILogs is convenient to use this tool.
The UIlog is in post 3, and there should be 0 cases where Bran is the 3 drop if there are almost any other 3 drops (or often even 2 drops) in your hand. Not trying to be a jerk or whatever, just saying.