2016-05-13 01:15:18,813 [1] INFO Logger - Exilebuddy Version: 0.2.4145.172 Path: D:\Documents\EB24145172\<ExeName> OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 旗舰版 OS Version: 6.1.7601 OS Architecture: 64-bit InstalledUICulture: zh-CN [Chinese (Simplified, PRC)] CurrentUICulture: zh-CN [Chinese (Simplified, PRC)] CurrentCulture: zh-CN [Chinese (Simplified, PRC)] 2016-05-13 01:15:18,864 [1] ERROR Logger - Please rename "Exilebuddy" to something without "exilebuddy" in it for your own security. 2016-05-13 01:15:18,865 [1] ERROR Logger - https://www.thebuddyforum.com/exile...-beta-release-thread-2-2-1-a.html#post2010922
You can't buy lifetime anymore, so imho you never bought lifetime sessions on "official" website 2 days ago. Rename your executable in something else than exilebuddy, without keeping "exilebuddy" in its name.
This is a paid links https://secure.gate2shop.com/ppp/bu...uantity=1&customField1=29311&customField2=232
Exilebuddy Key Purchase 发件人:Exilebuddy Shop <purchase@honorbuddy.com> (由 dmn2@ns3436142.ip-46-105-108.eu 代发) 时 间:2016年5月10日(星期二) 晚上6:31 (UTC+02:00 赫尔辛基、开罗、雅典、伊斯坦布尔时间) 收件人: <275689753@qq.com> 标记:已将此邮件标记为星标邮件。 取消星标 Greetings Buddy, This is your Exilebuddy Key: Please put this Key on the Login Window of Exilebuddy, this Key has 5 Sessions and lasts 31 Days from the time of first use. This Key is attached to your email address (which was used on the Gate2Shop Checkout Page), you can see your keys online at www.buddyauth.com once registered there using the same email. The key can't give you see It's no use to see the key is invalid
Why are there three open lifelong http://exilebuddy.cuimai.com/ An open life This is not your authorized website?
I don't have enough intelligence quotient (IQ) can use the key to the I buy back I seem to see in one place recycling key for half price
现在EB已经没有终身卡了都是月卡,你买的那个链接我这边打不开,但肯定不是官网链接。从你收到的邮件来看你是买了5个月卡的KEY。如果你不想买这么多,可以发信给 support@thebuddyforum.com 联系退款。 你可以用下面的内容发给客服。 PHP: To whom it may concern, I have bought Exilebuddy with 5 Sessions (time). I want to refund. Thank you very much.
I registered in https://cn.buddyauth.com account customer service of the email account I don't know whether to register in the SESSIONS choose KILL SELECTED