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  • Gatherbuddy 2 - Second Test

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Hawker, Jan 24, 2011.

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    1. Bunfunster

      Bunfunster New Member

      Nov 5, 2010
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      I too am getting this problem. The bot basically seems to think its stuck and performs continuous unstuck manoeuvres until you intervene, hence the high altitude. I can't see why it thinks it's stuck either its following the hotspot pathing fine and then it just stops and starts freaking out. The only mention in the debug log is that it is stuck... I'll run some more tests tonight and report the bug in any case if it occurs again.

      Other then this problem this is just a great addition.. thanks for the effort!

      Was just thinking... could this be caused by the waypoints being too close together? Or would that just cause the stop start behavior mentioned in some of the other posts with very fast mounts? I'm using a custom profile rather then one of the ones supplied in the thread so I'll try removing a few of the way points.

      Just downloaded the new update and this problem seems to have been fixed :) GJ

      40 mins in and no problems thanks Ralphus +rep!
      Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
    2. kabishmann

      kabishmann New Member

      Apr 12, 2010
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      I'm having a phasing problem. When it's at distance it can see the nodes/herbs, but as it gets close it disappers (guessing it's in a different phase).
      There's one specific place in MH where there's a node and a herb close to eachother. When next to one it disappears, but the other appears. It then moves to the second which then disappears when next to it, but then the first appears again, and the cycle continues.
      Can anything, besides blacklisting or completing the area, be done about it?
    3. Bunfunster

      Bunfunster New Member

      Nov 5, 2010
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      Yes you can make your own profiles. It takes a little longer then with the original GB.

      You attach honorbuddy as usual and then fly you path. Each time you change direction hit 'my position' on the profiles and meshing tab as if you were writing a normal grind profile. Once you have flown your circle copy the list of hotspots into one of the provided profiles remembering to delete the current list of hotspots.

      Once you have created the .xml file you should be able to load the profile like any other.

      Hope this helps.

      Also I believe there is a plugin somewhere that converts old GB profiles to HB profiles http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...e-hb-profile-converter-plugin.html#post218227.

      On a slightly related topic I cant seem to record paths with GB the normal way at the moment?
    4. UndiluteD

      UndiluteD New Member

      Oct 31, 2010
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      Are there any Mounts that are instant cast and you can gather in which as such mimic Druid swift flight form?
    5. Bunfunster

      Bunfunster New Member

      Nov 5, 2010
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      I too am having this issue... is there any way to Blacklist the node... would it be done a similar way to a normal HB profile?
    6. HSBen

      HSBen Member

      Sep 16, 2010
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      I'm still ending up with full bags and completely broken. It doesn't mail to an alt or repair.
    7. in2fun

      in2fun New Member

      Sep 23, 2010
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      Ohhh ability to fish pools? Sweet!
      But sounds like we will need a bigger list in the what to gather selection.
      Herb, Mineral, Fish Pools, Clouds,

      I see soo much potential once the kinks are worked out.
      Great work guys!

      I'm trying to figure out the pause at hotspot issue. By looking at the old profiles from stand alone GB I see no real way that it does how long it should wait, or go to next. Or anything. Dont know how it knows. But what I'm thinking is in the GB there is some how a timer in there, while HB there is no timer. So when HB gets to the hotspot, it stops, thinks, ok move to next hotspot. So on a fast machine it would be smooth. But on a slower machine it would pause. If I can figure this out I will use more, but as is with pause I think looks way too bottish.
    8. yajinni

      yajinni New Member

      Jan 20, 2011
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      Hey, just putting my 0.02 in, i see the new ninja gathering option but i dont see the option to stop it from looting the mobs it killed. makes me wonder if i messed up by coping the new HB over the old one i had?
    9. flamman

      flamman New Member

      May 30, 2010
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      SWEET? The thing is fucking broken. It's trying to harvest quest stuff and fishing pools. How is that sweet in any way?
    10. Anegus

      Anegus New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nope... that's the advantage of Druid flight form, but I'm thinking that a DK or Pallie with speed buff is going to be better than a druid with flight form. Maybe not gathering herbs since it basically would never have to kill anything once it knows to fly away.

      Because unlike you they can see that these features will be fleshed out and make HB/GB2 that much cooler. Some people aren't concerned about what it can do right this second and look at what it can do in the future. If it's not working for you use an old version or GB.
      Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
    11. yajinni

      yajinni New Member

      Jan 20, 2011
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      You then dont understand what beta and test means then. If you dont like it go back to the normal GB while they work out the kinks. They are trying to add new functionality, thats why its sweet. No need to be a dick about it.
    12. Zurvan

      Zurvan New Member

      Dec 20, 2010
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      Not sure why people would want to turn off looting mobs while mining, it makes you look botish.
    13. flamman

      flamman New Member

      May 30, 2010
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      I'd rather not use the version that skips nodes and flies straight up in the air.
    14. yajinni

      yajinni New Member

      Jan 20, 2011
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      If i am using this new HB and i load up a MT Hyjal herbing profile and activate it while its in SW. Will it know to take the portal there? Will it use FPs to get there? Or will it try to manually run there? Currently at work and cant test but i am curious.
    15. Jon310

      Jon310 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I am having an issue with the auto shutdown after a certain time or bags full feature. I have had this happen every time I let it auto shutdown, which is not many because of this issue.

      I have my farmer set to hearth and log out. When ever this happens he successfully hearths and shuts down wow, He is shown as offline on friendslists however never goes offline in guild. This is an issue as I am in a guild with quite a few other people and its odd to see the toon online all night from a guildies perspective.

      I believe this happens because the wow process is being killed off too fast during the load screen. Is there anything that can be done to assure the char completes the hearth, load screen and all so hes not shown as online all night?
    16. Anegus

      Anegus New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Botish to who? People can't see if you've looted a mob or not unless its skinable.

      Druids shift out of flight form to gather all the time - Not Bottish - A lot of times it just way easier to shift out because then you don't get that "You are shapeshifted" message for not being on the ground when you gather
      People don't loot mobs all the time - Not Bottish - People slaughter thousands of mobs everyday and they never get looted, why is a mob next to a node different?
      People fly weird into nodes all the time - Not Bottish - I don't know how many times I've flown out into the ocean to my death or flew into a wall for 10 minutes while I'm AFK or dive bombed a node that I just noticed show up on my screen - How are any of these maneuvers bottish? People never ever make sharp turns and fly into stupid shit?

      This idea that something does or doesn't look bottish is stupid. Of course every little thing is going to look bottish to you, YOU ARE BOTTING. You are going to see every little quirk and problem, but that doesn't tell you anything. Unless you are going with another character and following your bot to see what it looks like then you won't know if it looks bottish or not.

      Not to mention you'll always be a biased point of view because you know that YOU ARE BOTTING.

      Ask a friend to take a look at this person harvesting and see if they notice anything weird if you really want to see if people notice. Personally I've come back to several whispers from people that either have schooled me on a node or gotten schooled on a node. Very rarely has anyone come out and called me a bot...certainly not in a long time.

      That's funny because mine has only flown up once and it seemed to correct itself. As for skipping nodes its only done that on the old version when I forgot to recheck the harvest checkboxes for a known issue of them not being saved. I don't care if there are issues if they can be worked around.
      Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
    17. Anegus

      Anegus New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This is a WOW bug. There were 3-4 people in my guild that always show online, but when you do a /who they are offline.
    18. Rubban

      Rubban New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This..... thing just ATE my computer WHOLE, I mean, on my laptop each session takes 50%(!!!!) of the CPU Usage. While Wow takes about 2-3%
    19. Anegus

      Anegus New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Update on getting stuck and flying up in the air.

      It appears that this might be happening when it gets to the last node of the profile and is supposed to go to node 1 again. It's happened 2-3 times, but was able to get it unstuck a couple of times on its own, but it has always been about where the last point is in my profile.

      Just an idea where to look for it.
    20. Sweking

      Sweking New Member

      Jul 29, 2010
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      Been runing this for an hour in Uldum (herb) now, I dont get any of this problems you guys are mention... It doesnt ninja any nodes or get stuck in the air, BUT one thing I notes what when I got attacked by a Alliance, When I looked in to my combat log it seems like it didnt attack back. Log attached! (The only time I died was when I got killed by the Ally)

      View attachment 2011-01-27_19_27 3284 Log.txt
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