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  • HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by chinajade, Sep 8, 2013.

    1. Shakey9129

      Shakey9129 Member

      Sep 21, 2013
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      Just wanted to let you know level 1-15 human don't work. 1-5 human doesn't work at all, activates grinding. Does quest from 5-7, then gets stuck on NPC not having quest due to lack of doing quest.

      If you need I can update with quest name, but I assume you're already aware.
    2. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      It could be very well the result of manual questing.
      It also seems that some people claim this quest won't show up under specific circumstances, has the outpost building for that section been chosen and built?

      Seems that someone also noted this quest can be picked up in your garrison - which may be a variant result of breadcrumb questing.
      You may want to check to see if the quest is pickupable there.
      Last edited: May 14, 2016
    3. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Currently there have been no reported issues in the 1-15 or 1-5 Human profiles.
      All of my testers haven't seemed to have issues either.

      Do you not have a log that was generated when you were having the issues?
    4. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      Thanks, EchoTiger. How do I find out which quest is the bot stuck on? I'm happy finding an ID, ‘cause I understand I can find out all the quest's details on wowhead. But how do I know which quest the bot is on right now?
    5. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      WHERE: Around <Hotspot X="850.3647" Y="4383.169" Z="223.9742" />, The Wandering Isle (starting Pandaren zone).

      HOW: The bot is stuck trying to reach some destination, but insists on passing through a magically blocked gate. I believe the bot has been stuck there for several hours. I believe this is an important area to get right, because after that, many botters can use dungeons; but everyone has to use this part of the Questing pack. See screenshot below:


      WHAT: Please find the full log attached.

      UPDATE: After using the hearthstone to return to starting area, the bot started to wanted off in a direction other than the quest. It seems hopeless that it will ever do that part on its own, and I don't want to get manually involved, but this time it seems I must.

      UPDATE 2: I have a feeling that this problem and the ones that follow are because of using the Goldboss Engine; cannot be 100% sure, but it's a strong feeling, because I confirmed hopeless problems using Dungeonbuddy under Goldboss Engine.

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      Last edited: May 16, 2016
    6. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      WHERE: At <Hotspot X="495.8256" Y="2973.52" Z="7.690251" />, The Lost Isles (starting goblin area).

      HOW: The bot is just glued to this spot and doesn't want to go do the quests. I tried to move it after pausing, but it returned to it. I can't show a screenshot because I can't dismiss pet, yet.

      WHAT: Please find the last full logs attached.

      APPENDIX: The bot also got stuck at the “stunned” part at the very beginning of this zone, where he is saved from drowning. The bot never initiates the quest with the NPC that saved it; I believe the bot was there for several hours until I initiated that quest myself.

      UPDATE: I have a feeling that this problem, and the ones I reported around the same time, are because of using the Goldboss Engine; cannot be 100% sure, but it's a strong feeling, because I confirmed hopeless problems using Dungeonbuddy under Goldboss Engine.

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      Last edited: May 16, 2016
    7. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      WHERE: Around <Hotspot X="1208.767" Y="-4034.935" Z="17.99619" />, Durotar.

      HOW: The bot claims in the live log that there are no viable mobs in the area. But of course there are as shown in the screenshot; it's just not moving around to find and attack them. It's been standing there for a very long time.


      WHAT: Please find attached the last few logs.

      UPDATE: I have a feeling that this problem, and the ones I reported around the same time, are because of using the Goldboss Engine; cannot be 100% sure, but it's a strong feeling, because I confirmed hopeless problems using Dungeonbuddy under Goldboss Engine.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: May 16, 2016
    8. ridder654

      ridder654 New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      having error with kicks reputation section. store:///1-100 Questing Profile Pack/Reputation/Classic/Ravenholdt Rep [Kick]/[N - Fly][QO] BRS Rogue [Kick].xml

      just keeps saying moving to location, but nothing happens.

      here is log View attachment 24264 2016-05-15 19.14.txt
    9. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      The 'current quest' won't actively be logged on Honorbuddy unless the existing logic the bot is carrying out specifies it in some sort of way.
      Your only way of figuring this out would be to check the "Goal" tab on Honorbuddy to see what it says there.

      On the Goal tab, it should say exactly what logic is being carried out by the bot - and sometimes it will tell you the quest Id.
      If it does not tell you the quest Id, then it should tell you the line number that the current logic that's being executed is on.
      Which then you'd need to find this line number in the profile - and see the code for what the QuestId is.
    10. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      This seems to be yet another result of you allowing the bot to 'Harvest' while questing.
      It's attempting to get a herb that's behind the barrier yet the quest story progression isn't allowing for it to given the barrier hasn't been lifted yet.

      This isn't something the profile is expected to be able to support.
      To avoid these issues completely, I'd just suggest keeping 'Harvesting' turned off as a majority of the issues you seem to have are a result of it.
      Or perhaps if you come across a stuck, try turning Harvesting off first to see if that fixes it.

      Ideally, the bot harvest logic should be blacklisting the nodes if the bot fails to get to it after an extended amount of time but it seems like it does not.
      I'll mark this down and write it up on the internal tracker as a feature request.
    11. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      These profiles are only meant to be ran at the bare-minimum as third-party combat routines, plugins and botbases will definitely mess something up.
      I can guarantee you almost 95% AFK from 1 to 100 if you only run the bot with what it's shipped with and if you use a relogger like HBRelog as our testers run nearly 24/7 on these profiles looking for bugs and this is the setup we use.

      The issues in both the 20372 and 16780 logs are definitely a result of the "Alisha Engine" having issues.
      You may want to try disabling that.
    12. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      You'd be right. This is yet another issue with the third-party Alisha products.
      Before the bot breaks, this is being logged:

      [08:07:16.511 N] [GoldBoss Engine 16.511]: Frame <RECOVER_CORPSE> not Visible
      [08:07:17.039 N] [GoldBoss Engine 17.039]: Waiting while user close GUI.
    13. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Is your character on a flying mount, and are flying in the air?
      If so, make sure you're flat on the ground before starting this profile.

      The logic in this profile is a bit older than the logic we use now'days.
      So what's happening is - it's trying to generate a ground-based path from your current location - but since you may be flying, it can't.
    14. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      [div=font-family:segoe ui;font-size:22pt;font-style:normal; -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;text-rendering: optimizelegibility;]Legion Quest Development has Begun!

      Quest development for the Legion 100-110 questing and Demon Hunter starting zones have officially begun!
      Currently there is no Honorbuddy for Legion, so please don't ask about it. :3

      What's the plan?
      Currently, the main focus is the Demon Hunter starting zone.
      I've decided to prioritize this first as some people have noted that Demon Hunters will be released in the pre-Patch to Legion.
      These pre-Patches can come out up to a month before the actual expansion release date, so that gives a lot more time for the 100-110 questing to be developed than the Demon Hunter zone.

      After the Demon Hunter starting zone is completed, as tradition - development of 100-110 Alliance will begin before Horde.
      But don't worry, since we're in the beta at such an early stage, both Alliance and Horde should be fully completed before the Legion release date.

      Once there is an internal build of Honorbuddy, testing will begin as soon as possible to weed out any bugs there may be in the profiles.
      Everything that's being coded right now is completely blind-development. So there will most-likely be a lot of testing to come.

      Can we keep track?
      I'm hoping to write up a script that will log all the changes made to the questing pack and have it visualize on the front this thread post.
      As Legion gets closer, I'll be setting up the forum so that everybody's informed as to exactly what's happening and what the status is of the profiles.

      There will be a dedicated bug tracker, a commit log, and much more to nit pick everything that's happening.
      Right now it's too early in development for all this detail, but I will be at least providing a tracker so that you can see the changes made as I develop the Demon Hunter starting zone along with the 100-110 zones.

      Any developments I've made will be pushed to the SVN and Store as I progress.
      Already - you can find the Legion directory along with the Demon Hunter starting zone profile.​

      More to come soon!
    15. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      Info tab, instead of Log, then check the Goal. Got it. Thank you; this will help.
    16. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      Ok, I'll definitely seriously consider turning off harvesting while questing after these repetitive incidents. I'll also turn off harvesting next time there's a stuck issue, if I ever harvest while questing again. But a blacklisting for nodes feature would definitely be great. Thank you again, EchoTiger.
    17. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      Yeah, I completely stopped using Goldboss Engine now, and I'm waiting for a day or two to see response on Goldboss's thread, but I have a feeling that these are major issues known already by Alisha, so I'm most probably refunding, because if Goldboss Engine generates lots of stuck incidents under the Questing bot base, it is virtually unusable under the Dungeonbuddy bot base--Followers just don't follow most of the time, which is almost as important as the Questing bot base for me. And it's all unfortunate, because the “selling green AND soulbound items” feature and Mail Engine feature (mailing specific types of things to specific characters) are such amazing features, which I bought the whole engine for really; I just wish Honorbuddy shipped with those features so I don't have to rely on an expensive plugin or engine, to do them for me. All I really want is to sell soulbound green items that are iLvl less than equipped item, same for blue items, but...mail BoE green items to disenchanter. This single feature would make Honorbuddy almost complete for me. And mailing certain types of items to certain names would totally complete HB for me. Now, a working and efficient Auction House feature would totally blow my mind away. =)

      Thanks for confirming anyway, EchoTiger.
    18. ridder654

      ridder654 New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      I am not on mount, i tried starting in stormwind, nothing happens. i tried starting at the entrance to the dungeon and nothing happens, i tried starting in the dungeon and it will just exit the dungeon and then do nothing,
    19. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      As I mentioned before, I test these profiles with exactly what the bot comes with when you download it.
      However, the only change I make is I delete my "ProtectedItems.xml" file and I set the bot to sell absolutely everything in the "Settings & Tools" tab.

      If you do this, it will sell the items you're wanting it to no problem and the bot shouldn't get stuck at any point with full bags.
      Without doing this, it will get stuck several times at a vendor with full bags.

      Alternatively, I've had huge plans for the questing pack in the upcoming months.
      As I've done with the Azyul profiles - I'm planning on adding a profile menu that will let you fine-tune how the bot executes the questing profiles.
    20. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      I can't afford to sell everything unfortunately, because I'm managing several bots with all professions, including enchanting on more than one character, and 2 guilds, and starting from almost scratch, so I definitely need as many BoE green items as possible sent to my (dis)enchanter(s).

      If you have the know-how, EchoTiger, and can do this fairly quickly, please consider developing a plugin that sells soulbound green and blue items that are in the bags, not equipped, and have iLvl that is less than equipped items; make the plugin allow us to assign herbs to be sent to a specific character, ore and bars to a different character, food to yet another character (instead of the one name we get to put in HB's Settings and Tools). I will PAY for a plugin like that; that's how badly I want it.

      And I think hundreds, if not thousands, would pay for an actually working Auction House profile or plugin, which basically collects items from mailbox, stops collecting when only 2 free spaces are available in the bags, disenchants green items, keeps doing this until the mailbox is empty, or there's nothing else to disenchant with only 2 free slots, at which point it heads to the Auction House and sells everything in the bags, undercutting existing auctions by a percentage that we get to define in settings, and what it can't find existing auctions to undercut for, it either retrieves the price for from wowuction.com (if possible), or simply sends to a different character (whose name we provide in settings). Again, I would PAY good money for an Auction House profile or plugin like that, because the time saved and potential gold made from it would be more than worth the price.

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