at the end of the run when you try ot use skeleton key to open lockboxes it only opens one and not all of them
Combat rogue is actually really nice for the tank profile, with leeching poison + blade flurry you never die !
Since you won't get a lockbox every run, this actually works out. Sometimes you can find two in a run, but then you'll have 3-4+ runs without a lockbox. Pans out in the long run.
On the guild banking profile, is it possible to deposit all of the mats like trillium ore etc into the bank? Doesn't seem to be doing it for me, just the lockboxes and gold
Is anyone finding it more beneficial to use the motes of harmony into spirits of harmony and purchasing mats from the vendor in the vale base? then proceeding to AH the items or just straight up selling them on the AH
It is. At around line 83 (atleast in the light pulls version) it says PHP: <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="foreach (WoWItem i in Me.BagItems) { if(i.Entry == 88567) i.UseContainerItem(); StyxWoW.SleepForLagDuration(); }" /> For each other item you want to deposite, add the exact same line underneath, but switch out the number in "(i.Entry == 88567)" with the item ID for the item you want to deposite. You can find the item ID in the URL on the items page in wowhead. Black Trillium Ore is for example 72094
Ye, run the light pull and get stuck in the wall and the mobs kill me since im stuck in the wall and the Cr dont attacking, (using singular)
I tried loading up this profile, and it just keeps saying "Loading Profile...." on HB. Disregard, Reinstalled and it fixed
I'll try to change the hotspots and see if that helps with it. I'm gonna be pretty busy the rest of the month though, so I can't promise anything
Because there is a 10 run per hour limit and standing inside is less conspicuous than standing outside.
Makes sense, Idk who said that the hunters don't run it well.. BM Hunter finished in 4:15 but, that might be also due to having a 717 IL
I am using Blood DK 700 Ilevel and and it takes me 5min to clear.(you are clearing 30 seconds faster.) Mind sharing your talents/glyph/plugin/combat routine youre using? Using any buffs like flask?