LOL, just ding 100 like last 4 hour and account not even a week old. BAM!! you are ban. 6 month suspension
the amount of ingame gold lost through banned accounts is probably north of a billion. i know personally i had 10 mill myself...
I got refunded for my legion pre-purchase. Acquired it 28 days prior to this new banwave. One of my accounts that was banned was only 2 days old, one was 6 months old prior to previous banwave in December.
yup. ban wave it me too. was my main account, while many years old, i just got back to the game and hit lvl100. (6 month ban) HB helped me climb the dps ladder in raids and theres no way i could have done it myself. for a new acnt do i need to buy wod (again) and another subscription?!
guys... these banwaves have NOTHING to do with what patch came out Tue or today or if you bot is on at the time of ban, etc. as always, there are already numerous reports of bans on accounts that have not been active for 1 or 2+ weeks. no bot, no nothing. these banwaves ALWAYS include accounts flagged a long time ago. This is to make it harder for botmakers / botters to figure out the detection method. With HB it's pretty damn obvious that Blizz has them by the balls, and 5-7 months like clockwork they banwave almost everyone VIA DETECTION. tripwire is not effective in any way. It's an interesting question why they don't do it more often but obviously the sub money has a lot to do with it. STOP BOTTING WITH HB ON MAIN ACCOUNTS. if you have to use it, do it on throwaway accounts to farm gold.
let me be clear im going to continue botting idc how many bans i have the money to afford the bans and keep making new accounts lol but im not going to bot when its not even safe to do it right now so hopefully a dev says something about this
well now that they included WOD in the main game package for just 20 dollars it won't be hard to get new accounts setup and back to farming gold. but i have to say i will not be using any main account for anything anymore. i am just glad i have all my character slots full and at lvl 100 so garrison money will be easy on that account once i get it back in november well until january of next year i am not going to be playing that way i avoid the Xmas banwave that has happen several times give me a good 5 months of boting / farming gold on throw away accounts i had 5 accounts banned for 6 months ..... also both my RL friends had there accounts also banned for 6 months so that is 7 accounts total
Hello to all of the banlife crew! I Was also banned today: Greetings, Account Name: WOW#1 Account Action: 6-Month Suspension Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software Blizzard Entertainment has suspended this World of Warcraft account after identifying the usage of bots or other ***** software. Many thanks for yet another loss of an account within a 2 month period..
Sorry to hear it, Bans are just part of life for botters, and the "event" which flagged accounts most likely happened weeks or months ago. That's just how blizzard operates, which is completely logical, if they banned the day they could detect bots the Devs here could fix it easily.
Not sure if you know but, if you get suspended they take away all your gold and any other currency. Also, in Legion there Garrison gold missions will be removed.
if i had the money i would invest into HB being able to make 1 wow account for each day of every month to help them pin point down when the bot is detected so that they can stick it to blizzard. well everyone sorry for all the losses i hope to see you all again in 6 months =)
Has anyone wondered why HB has not responded to any of your bann reports. Try they don't care its been fun but seriously I'm out you all have fun continuing to stay I am not loosing anymore accounts .