Fyi I'm filing charge backs on all money ive spent over the last few months thank god it was on my cc so I will def get it back.
Not sure there's much HB can do, Crap. It seems pretty clear that blizzard has Honorbuddy nailed, and while HB was always a fantastic and easy to use, all encompassing bot, I think the the journey is over for them (and us). I used HB on my main account to get through things like valor grinding in lfr and rep grinds, stuff that didn't really involve farming millions of gold, so for me the loss is truly felt, not just in a throwaway account. It's been good but might have to say goodbye at this point, and I'm pretty sad because HB honestly worked really well when it did
I had a few accounts that were less than 2 weeks old. You don't see me crying about it. You bot, you get banned. If you don't think that way........ botting is not for you!
yes banning is a part of botting but shouldn't be definite... it used to be only when you absolutely abused the game and its economy. Now if you use once at any time you'll get caught and there are lots of examples on here... its illogical to use HB if the bans are definite-- would be the definition of insanity...there needs to be some relative safety to it or there is no point. Not one person has posted and said "i haven't been banned" cause their just isn't a person out there that didn't
already done mate on my paypal. they won't reply they never do. it'll sit there for 20 days then ill get my money back have done it before. though I just put a few new battlechests on last week, those are the ones ill be asking for my money back the rest rip.
Got hit with 6 month ban as well. Funny thing is, I only started up the account after 1 year of inactivity and used quest bot for about 8 hours yesterday. Didn't even play today and still got banned. I did notice the bot being stuck in a tower in howling fjord for about 20 minutes, before I shut it down for the day.
The HB staff has never promised that botting is safe, that would be stupid, the motto here has been "Don't bot on an account you care about" for as long as I can remember, even before that first Banwave. Blizzard has a pretty huge upper hand here, and it should come at no surprise that a third-party ***** software could be detected. PS I have honorbuddy running right now and am not banned. PPS Honorbuddy is long from dead, 10$ says half of the people in this thread will start botting again in 6-8 months
Probably reports. I havent played in 3 months, just came back last night and have used HB since. I did just have tripwire go off, but I am still playing. If it was detected I am quite confident I would be banned as well.
About an hour ago I activate a "10-days free trial" for WoD on an old MoP farming account to see what I have on it. And about 10 min. ago I try to start HB with this account, to start leveling my 90 toon (just an idea in the moment). The HB start and worked like 30 sec. and after that DC and BAN. So, the recognition of HB and ban were instant, on an account that wasn`t used for months... PS: Also instant email about ban showed on my phone. hehehe
Yep me too 6 months tripwire pops up but didnt help i was not botting , i was using it only for rotation in a raid
Iam banned too. Next Login in 6 months... i hope there will be nice profiles for catching up the waste time