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  • Deathless map runner possible?!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by FragileAssassin, Jun 2, 2016.

    1. FragileAssassin

      FragileAssassin Member

      Apr 13, 2013
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      Whats up guys!?!?
      Recently came back to poe and EB and im having a blast so far, but i have one major issue..
      I cant seem to make a character or edit my settings to get clean mapping. The character im using now is stuck at 89 because it dies too often to gain any more exp. The last 2 I tried were worse than that..

      So what builds do you guys use for mapping? I'm looking for something to run like T8 and higher maps without dying..
      Anyone here that can assist me in this?
    2. toNyx

      toNyx Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2011
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      Better builds, but anyway 2.3 is gonna rek everything in terms of builds, lot of new possibilities... wait & see
    3. xujin

      xujin Member

      Oct 10, 2012
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      Yes, if you configure EB properly.
    4. widds

      widds Member

      Nov 12, 2014
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      If you try to bot around what is a popular build or has a good guide for manual play you're going to have a bad time. It's very easy to build something that bots well, you just have to take into account limitations of the bot when planning what you want to do. I made it to high 90s in the two week league botting and didn't have an issue with deaths cutting into overall XP until T12/T13 and I could probably have done those easily optimizing my gear a bit better, but it was a short race so there was the combination of not caring, not much to choose from, and limited wealth to spend.

      Utilize plugins. DangerDodger is amazing even if you're running melee and don't use it to kite.. there's a couple of options in there to move out of devastating ground effects. You can utilize the AHK script to disconnect you at low life and EB will automatically log you back in and continue botting. Having a well configured FlaskHelper profile does wonders.

      And then dive down into the routine file. Even with no coding experience as long as you have some common sense you can figure out how things work and vastly improve your effectiveness by customizing what, when and how your skills are used instead of just the default spamming for most abilities.

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