Please PM me with your skype name (preferred) or poke me via private message on Discord, to test with you via TeamViewer
Hello, Long time user coming back from a break. Will this CR be updated into and throughout Legion? How is it running at the moment? Thanks.
For China users, who do not have access to presets site: Last presets in attached in Zip, unzip it to:
Dead keen to load the CR up again but I'm reading all the woes of ppl having bans even for 100% player movement and CD/interrupt control. Is this a real issue, as in I know there is always a risk involved but is it more then in the past?
No Bots programs, including HB never were 100% safe. As for CR, it particularly never was cause of ban.
Release version @ approved and now Live! Change log: Fix: GUI Wasn't working for China users
Hey Alisha. Are you working on the new spells with the latest patch. If so do you have an eta ? cheers
any ETA yet Alisha, I appreciate your working on your other routines as well but just after an update for Monk. Cheers
Hi there! No ETA, but i can tell i am working on it currently - need to write all from scratch as Mistweaver monk was totally changed, not sure tho for best or not.
Just want to let you know guys, that JadyMonk updated for wow 7.0 is almost ready to go to beta Those of you who want to test it out, feel free to pm me in Skype: alisha.hb or in Discord.
Hi, ManFriday. Thank you for your question. I will try to push it, but not sure it will be done, as release by itself will take many time for approval as it's basically new product. CR will be much more customize and flexible than it was, so there is many features i would like to add and to test. However just healing core is done mostly. Also it will lead for me to more easy development to other CR's, as i will be using base cr framework i done.
Thanks for the frequent updates and enjoy your vacation, come back nice and refreshed and get this routine working the best it can be.
Preview of PresetManager system: You will be able: Create as many presets as you want Determine which will be auto loaded by requirements Enable \ Disable Auto loading Change preset name Set requirements for auto loading By Environment: Raid Instance / Dungeon Instance / Battleground / Arena / Providing Grounds / Open World & Garrison By BotBase: Check BotBases which you want to load presets on By Party size: set minimum and maximum size of party New preset will be loaded (if found): Honorbuddy started Map changed
[ Will be away on vacation from 21 August till 30 August ] In that period of time i will be unable to answer questions on forum / skype / discord.