When I try to log in, i get an error authenticating my key. I was under the impression i got a lifetime key. Could you please check to see if i did, or I might be mistaken and it could of run out. Thanks. I did check the subscription tab, but I know i have a lifetime Honorbuddy account and it does not appear there either.
According to Support "Joro (Bossland GmbH) This account and key is associated with Fraudulent payment activity and wont work anymore." I was given no notification of any of this, and NO I was not involved in "fraudulent activity". I purchased this with PayPal and have the receipt (which I am happy to show). Yet you can see I purchased my honorbuddy code over 6 months ago. The only other activity was refunding (through Paypal) the stormbuddy bot, which is unusable. Now, both my lifetime HonorBuddy as well as Hearthbuddy keys have been cancelled, because I refunded the non working Strombuddy? If this is the case where is the over $100 I should be receiving for you cancelling 2 lifetime keys.
Well I have been ignored by this shady company now for a week. They have refused to respond to all of my emails and fourms posts. They have stolen 3 lifetime keys from me as well as who knows how much buddystore community purchases I have made in other games. In return I have opened a report and investigation with paypal and given both paypal and Blizzard all information I learned over the past years. Learn to treat your customers with some respect.
no one gets ignored if you failed to provide the full required info or you are involved in fraud activity its not our problem for sure pm me your ticket id
I got the same problem and same answer, just "fraudulent activity" and thats all. I use this key for 4 years, I dont think I can refund by paypal after 4 years.